oh baby, aw man ◈ brightshine

To say tensions are high is far too docile, there must be a better way to describe what was happening within the clan. Tensions were high, yes, but it seemed much more dire. His father had gone to the gathering in Sootstar's steed, she had claimed highstones - much was going on. Many cats followed their leader dutiful, carving paths in blood and bone in their wake and not hesitating to answer her call and demands. Sunstride hesitated, it might be hard to see by any other cat, but he had been sired by the tom and knew his mannerisms. He sees the quiet and guarded looks, the careful touches of worry and care when passing him or his siblings or Wolfsong while on his many duties. Cats believed taking Halfkit and Tanglekit to be wrong, if they were being harmed was it truly? Or was it a pretty lie to molify the masses, to calm the tide of outrage? The noisiest of which were his mentor's own kin.
Bearpaw has regarded Brightshine with a quiet fondness, she seemed so burdened with thought lately he has not wanted to be a bother but he likes his mentor even if her offspring were tiring and tedious to manage; Pinkpaw especially. When she said they would be heading out to hunt he was more than eager to get out of camp where it felt strangely oppressive though he could not exactly pinpoint the source.
Once on the moors she seemed to change, relaxed more, her expression softening - he can't help but wonder what weight it was that she shed when she left the camp and their clanmates behind. He had a lot to think about lately, the old stories of cats run out for being traitors, the wounds inflicted by their queen on those she deemed deserving. Tyranny is whispered by other clans in passing, he hears their disdain across borders...
Was none of this right? Why wouldn't they take a territory they needed for more hunting? The other clans hadn't shared with them herbs they needed so desperately....surely it was for the best.
Sootstar had always made decisions for WindClan's prosperity. Why then did it feel like claws in the stomach to ponder over for more than a few seconds.

"...is Sootstar wrong...?" He asks suddenly, voice quiet but steady, his words enunciated to ensure no misunderstanding but his blue eyes widen to betray his confidence; he doesn't know what to think anymore. "...I'm afraid. Some cats have been saying...she's abandoned StarClan. Don't we need StarClan? What happens if we die and she has turned us against them?"


  • 71921872_lHW2rPxXjrMDs4j.png
    —⊰⋅ Apprentice of WindClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ SH Chocolate Rosette Tabby w/blue eyes.

Brightshine leads her apprentice towards Fourtrees, where she knows the moors are thicker with vegetation and they'll be more likely to find fresh scent trails for Bearpaw to practice tracking. Her head and tail are high, ears angled forward with an excited energy to get away from camp, though of course her mind lingers on her kits. How is their training going? Are their mentors being nice? How is Heathkit doing with her lack of hearing? So many questions that are difficult to answer, because who can she truly talk to outside of her kin and Heavy Snow? Who can she truly trust?

Is Sootstar wrong?

Her steps falter in surprise, so much so she almost trips and falls flat on her face. She stops completely in her tracks finally to turn a tricolored face towards her apprentice, ears drooping with uncertainty. He is so young - too young to be caught up in whatever...all of this is. She knows her family is not seen in the best of lights. Two runaway cats, another exiled, it's a wonder she was even trusted enough to get an apprentice. She feels herself torn in two. She can lie, keep Bearpaw on the track she's supposed to keep him on, because who is she to get a child involved in something that will only cause ripples? He doesn't deserve that.

...But doesn't he also deserve to know the truth? To have his paws set on one of fairness and kindness? Isn't that also her responsibility? She frowns, and it's a rare sight to see on the calico. "Um...gosh...Bearpaw, it...it's more complicated than that," She mews uncertainly, tail swishing at her heels as she averts her gaze to think. "...What do you think is right?"