private oh brother, i see. you burn like me. ;; howlfire.


After the conversation with his father, Fireflypaw finds himself drawn right back to his sister's side like he once used to be. With the plague running rampant in SkyClan, it was beginning to get a bit hard for him to spend time with anyone but his patients lately, not that he minded spending time with his clanmates. He'd always put his family first, though. Especially now, what with the drama that happened at the border with his sisters. Moonwhisper- that was her name now, right? She'd said something incredibly mean to Howlfire, hurt her feelings beyond reason- scorned their father for his descent and the decisions they'd made collectively.

Today, Fireflypaw seats himself beside his little sister quietly. It's a moment of understanding between the two, like they had been cast out by their remaining family members in ThunderClan. The only people who ever mattered to them were their family, so having them call them traitors seemed.. Awful, in Fireflypaw's opinion. Carefully, he leans against his sister's side silently, head resting on her shoulder. Affectionate, yet quiet. Letting himself bask in her presence for a moment before he finally speaks.

"So.. Do you wanna talk about it, Howie?" He asks, ghostly pale eyes blinking owlishly towards his little sister.​

Sat alone, Howlfire lifts her head and smiles when she sees her brother approach. She would always be glad to spend time in his company, and relished that time even more now with the two of them busy in their respective roles as a warrior and medicine cat.

When Fireflypaw asks if she wants to speak, she hesitates. Howlfire knew that although he had not been on the border, her brother had heard of what happened through their father and a few other clanmates. For a moment, she just leans against him, grateful for his presence. It's a comforting shoulder to lean on and she breathes in, glad that she can always have her big brother to have her back, even if he's not so little physically anymore.

"I wish you had been there, Fi," She admits. "Not to hear what bitter words we said to each other, but perhaps if you had been there I might have been able to still my tongue." Although she wishes he had been there, she is also glad he wasn't. He had been there at that fateful gathering when their siblings had cruelly disowned them, he didn't deserve to hear such words again. "I love our family, truly I do, but I hate how our siblings refuse to acknowledge their blood and where they come from," Howlfire tells him earnestly. She can't say much for her brother, but she is proud of her mixed blood, proud of her father and his former kittypet blood flowing in her veins. "I don't regret speaking back to Moonwhisper so much as I regret snapping at Skypaw. He did not deserve to get my ire when he was innocent in that conversation. I confess once I was angry at him and Duskpaw for merely existing, for our mother taking another mate, but I've made my peace with it."