pafp oh drifting seas ⚘ dandelions

His name meant a lot to him. Each part of it given lovingly, bestowed upon him by a cat who cared for him. Each word held a meaning that weighted heavy alone but together it was almost too much for one cat to carry alone. He had seen the patch of them at the edge of the camp, encroaching inward toward SkyClan's heart and he recalls the vision Sootstar believed to be a curse. Dandelionwish does not pity her, that would imply she was worth his pity when all he could hope for when it came to the ashen queen was her downfall was quick and her kits did not suffer for it.
He had limped his way over to the patch of them, powder headed lions clusted together in a pack, and he slowly settled down on his stomach so he could observe them in silence for a moment.
They would only ever have good memories for him, positive feelings, no one could take that away no matter what false blasphemies a cat may spout otherwise. The chocolate tom smiled in his thoughts, opened his eyes to find a small shadow cast over his side and without looking up he greeted whichever cat it may have been with his usual pleasantries.
"Howdy, am I in the way?" Finally he turned, recognizing the tortiseshell with the yellow neck scarf who had brought him a mouse the other day and his teeth flashed white in a grin, "OH, hello! Butterflytuft wasn't it? Wanna sit?" His tail thumped the ground in a friendly gesture. Without waiting to see if she'd join him he found himself prattling away without much thought.
"It's the dandelions that made me wanna be a medicine cat.." It was not a future he had wanted initially, he had thought to be a fine warrior of WindClan one day and then his mentor Grackledive had vanished without a word and Honeytwist had stepped up in his place. "...some cats, they'd tell ye these're good for nuthin." His mother had thought otherwise, they were her favorite flowers. She had named her kits after all her favorite things, her favorite smell, her favorite bloom, her favorite prey...
"But ye see, dandelions are good fer a lot o'things. Medicine-" He felt his fur prickle as he realized he would never be able to help cats again without the horrible memories of WindClan's chains on him, "-they look real pretty on fur too. Ye'd look nice with a yella one." A single green eye closed, a wink, "Ye can even eat the flowers fer emergencies but these'ns-the seed puffs...they're real special."
He tilted his head, a paw extended to pull one of the fuzzy spheres to the side away from the others, "They grant wishes." Dandelionwish exhaled, a burst of air that sent the seeds scattering and drifting upward to dance in the air around them.

- @butterflytuft
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Her morning routine is finished, her fur diligently groomed, tail neatly fluffed, cheek tufts swept out and away from her eyes. She feels ready for the day, and so she gets to white-spotted paws and pads away from the warrior's den with a content smile on her face. Yellow eyes travel across the camp before they land on a familiar form - the WindClan medicine cat-turned-SkyClanner laying belly-down and facing a patch of fuzzy dandelions. That's funny, his namesake! Blinking curiously, she makes her way over with a swishing tail and comes to a quiet stop at his side.

"Not at all," She assures kindly, offering a friendly smile of her own. She only nods in confirmation that her got her name right and accepts his offer to sit. Curling her tail around her tiny form, she blinks towards the flowers he'd been watching. Her orange ear twitches, angling towards him as he begins what sounds like an interesting story. She peers at him curiously as he talks about how useful dandelions really are, that they're more than just weeds. "That's a lovely way of looking at it," She mews, enlightened. He says one would look good on her and even casts her a wink! Oh dear, she flusters easily! Cheeks heating up, she can only offer a breathy laugh in response as she ducks her head, face turning downward and away.

She only peeks back up when he blows on one of them, sending the tufts into the air where they float and dance above their heads. "Wow," She breathes, eyes alight with wonder. "Do they really grant wishes?"

Sporecloud watched the two from afar, mostly staring at the dandelions. New leaf was on its way... And she was so relieved for it. No more snow, no more cold, no ice.... Just warmth...And well. Rain too, of course. But still.

She smiled softly as she heard Dandelionwish explain the wispy puffs to Butterflytuft. She also observed how flustered she got at the wink. It looked to her like.... Flowers weren't the only things blooming around here.

She padded over to sit near them. She didn't hate Dandelionwish. She tried to be wary of him but.... He just. Wasn't threatening.

"I believe they do..." She said softly, in response to Butterflytufts question. "My wishes did, at least." She added. She couldn't speak for everyone else, but she had wished for love, once. That wish came true. She had wished for family, and here she was.

She looked over to Dandelionwish with a playful smile. "If I blow on you, will it have the same effect?" She teased.

His grin split white across chocolate fur, he hadn't meant to come across teasing but judging by her embarrassed glance away he might've come across a little too forward. "Pardon, hope that wasn't an overstep." His grin softened into a more sheepish smile and he blew upward to send a few of the lingering seeds scattering from around his nose before he snorted one accidentally. "Ye know, me ma was named Daisy too. Reckon its a good name for moms. Daisies, they're right pretty but also very hardy. They pop right back up when the cold passes.."
Pawsteps alert him to the pretty red SkyClanner's approach and he offers her a nod but does not say anything to her just yet.
Butterflytuft asks if it works and he ponders it, eyes closed for a moment before answering with a light smile, "Will let ye know if that one did. Ain't never actually tried'em before." And it was true, he'd never sent them scattering into star-pricked motes of fuzz to make a wish, only to fill the air with them in a dizzying display. Sporecloud's joke earned her a life despite how warily she had approached; the SkyClan cats were not warmed up to him yet but they were polite about it mostly and that was a farcry better than he expected to be treated.
"Ye can try if ye like but if ye snort any of my fur going anywhere that's on you!" Not that he shed very heavily at all but a stray strand here or there wasn't uncommon.
The warm breeze strokes the nettles into a subtle rattle, the leaves of the medicine den’s hazel can even be heard in light scrapes over its own as it were strumming itself like an instrument. Tufts of black thorn strum the foliage next as he spills into camp with a roll of his shoulders to relieve some of the built tension from long travels among the branches.

Eyes of gold and green, the face of an enemy. Something that always makes him still where he stands and watch like a pointing hunt hound. Jowls relaxed like a panting jaguar, eyes as grey as river stone and twice as cold. Their accent was similar to Huckleberry’s, mirroring that strange twang that reminds one of corn, wheat fields, and horses.

Thistleback finally stirs from his gargoyle like staring over the talking pair. The topic of wishes, dandelion- he who holds the namesake and why one might wish to follow a path of medicine. The lead warrior listens idly, settles himself on his side. Brows pinching as the former Windclanner seems to charm the young warrior. Thistleback feels his head shake and he looks away, it would take time to shake this weed in the garden feeling.

His sights fall back when Sporecloud chimes in, the scene is oddly wholesome yet simultaneously repulsive in a more complicated way. It would be like untangling the roots of a pine tree under the soil to understand these feelings.

" or perhaps it’s just simply using your hopes and dreams to spread seeds " Thistleback tunes in with a hoarse spill of words, bordering humor and perhaps casually introducing himself finally to the rehabilitated prospect of both political wildfire and newest recruit himself. He had shared words with Daisypaw of comfort and kindness, oddly enough but Dandelionwish was old enough to talk to as such.

" if you want things for yourself you need to work for it. " he grooms down the spiked fur of his limbs with a barbed tongue. " Don’t waste your breath " he chuckles, playing on words and sighing. How could a kit born in a trash bin believe in something as tedious as wishes? Flowers were beautiful, those who wore them were often beautiful. It should stop right there, stop filling heads with rubbish.

  • MqZ0nzd.png

    Thirty-three moons EVENT TRACKER | IMPORTANT INFO
    — Lead warrior of Skyclan since 12.22.22
    Devoted to Deersong 9.29.22 | polyamorous
    Father of Coyotepaw, Pricklepaw, and Eveningpaw.
    — mentoring quillpaw & Snowpaw
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
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