twolegplace OH EURYDICE, IT'S AN AWFUL SOUND \ skyclan patrol

He did not fly forward with great fancy, frolicking through the pines on a patrol that might have been safe during his apprenticeship. Unlike border patrols to other Clans, there was usually no threat of confrontation- just a pleasant chat with a kittypet or three. But- but, now dangers lurked that reeked of food and were watched diligently by the beasts that had nabbed half the Clan before; Twitchbolt would not let any harm come to his patrol today, nor himself. He would not fail a second time.

"Thistleback said- said look out for traps," he remarked lowly, looking over his shoulder at the group following him. "Don't- just... rush into anything. Tell me if- if you see something... weird. Immediately." The patchwork tom had faith he would spot anything odd, by now... that he would be able to recognise any sinister Twoleg-scent, or the open maw of some leaf-concealed cage. Despite his constant involuntary trembling, there was a levelled seriousness in his mismatched gaze that betrayed the firmness of his words, implying he would not take it well if someone decided to charge away carelessly.

\ @FIGFEATHER @Talon @bluejay @HEATHERPAW ! no need to wait 4 them to post B)
penned by pin ✧
Joy, more patrol work. Talon flicked his tail in mild irritation as he stomped along after Twitchbolt. They were a funky lil' fella in Talon's view, hardly the worst of what SkyClan had to offer in terms of company. At least they were patrolling a stretch of territory that he knew quite well so he moved with confidence despite the warnings of danger. "As long as we stick together all should be fine." He added with a shrug of his shoulders. Spreading out was their main danger, that's how cats got into trouble.

The older tom hadn't been able to ignore the feelings of homesickness during his time in self imposed exile. SkyClan had been something truly special in his eye and always would be, which was perhaps why he had ended up sneaking away from Gale's little alleyway refuge in favour of sitting upon the fence top on the edge of twolegplace so he could gaze out upon the territory he had once roamed. The tom was lost in thought as he drifted into memories of better times. Unfortunately his focus was so adrift that he failed to notice the approaching SkyClan patrol heading his way.



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Hopping behind the patrol, Figfeather is already on top of looking out for traps. As she searches idly she is specifically looking for silver mesh catching sunlight, but instead of glistening silver she spots something else. Sandy fur. Fangs poking out from an upper lip. An exhausted amber gaze. Sharpeye!

”Look out!” Figefeather hisses, attempting to alert Twitchbolt, Talon, and the other members of the patrol of the approaching felines presence. Did he even see them?! His gaze looked distant, like he was wandering a different realm they were not apart of. Loner life must not be suiting him well, a pang of sympathy rushes through her, but he shouldn’t have betrayed Blazestar’s orders.

Talon's verdict was met with a quick nod- a perfect summation of his instructions, thankfully. It was nice, at least, that a patrol he was leading actually wanted to listen to him. When he'd been made a warrior, dwarfed by those his age and feeling very much not ready despite the verdant glow of pride he'd witnessed in his mentor's eyes so many times, a primary worry had been that he would not be worthy of respect the same way some other warriors were. Quillstrike came to mind- irritatingly.

Lost for a moment in the stupor of his grumpiness, Figfeather's hiss of alarm yanked Twitchbolt up from the depths he'd almost tumbled into, and a keen tracking-sense soon found what she had been warning about. There- he knew that face. Sharpeye, or- well, whatever he called himself now, if he'd settled for something different. Loners tended to have... different sorts of names, and... after he'd turned his back on SkyClan, would he really want to keep the name they'd given him?

"He knows better than to- to attack us." Of course, he'd immediately jumped to a bad scenario- but at least there was logic in its refutal, one he spoke aloud. A heavy sigh pulled through him, and he set large eyes upon the exile. "Sharpeye," he called in greeting, making some effort to judge the tom's intentions. Unpredictable, probably... and you could never be too careful.
penned by pin ✧

It isn't until a hiss sounds out that the absent-minded tom realises that there's a patrol going by. It takes him a moment but he gradually drifts his one-eyed focus round until he's able to stare at some old familiar faces, and one he hadn't expected to see standing alongside SkyClanners. He had met Talon a few times in the past, albeit when they had stood on opposite sides of the border. Fate could be funny at times it seemed.

Whatever the patrol was fearing at that moment it was ill-placed paranoia. The old tom certainly had no intention of ever starting a fight with former clanmates so he offered a fairly relaxed wave of his tail as he maintained his perch on the fence. "Greetings SkyClan, how goes things?" He queried in a steady tone as he blinked slowly. With luck they wouldn't react in any aggressive manner, and he somewhat trusted things to remain civil.




♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Figfeather braces her muscles to launch forward and attack. Fighting was not her strongest point, but she still could prove to be a force not to be reckoned with. Still, Twitchbolt says Sharpeye knows better than to attack. He should’ve known better not to go against Blazestar’s orders! Sharpeye had costed SkyClan a great ton of embarrassment, she wonders if Cicadastar now had the false impression Blazestar could not control his own warriors.

From up on the fence the self-exiled tom has the audacity to greet them. Figfeather gives him one narrow-eyed look before looking to the patrol. ”I don’t speak to traitors.” She hisses, lashing her tail before ambling in an opposite direction. She did not mean to defy Twitchbolt’s lead, however long he decided to entertain the former SkyClanner was his choice, but she could not share tongues as if nothing had happened.