OH, HEART — apricotflower

Nov 28, 2022

[ fullbody tba ]
Type: Secondary character
Roleplayer: @mercibun

Affiliation: RiverClan
— Pine Colony (former)
— Kittypet (briefly, at birth)

Age: 35 moons
— ages once monthly on the 24th

Mentor: here
Apprentices: None
— former: None

As Queen: May 2023 - present
— former warrior

Apricotflower (she/her) is a fluffy white-and-cream she-cat with golden eyes.

Apricotflower is a permaqueen of RiverClan, accepted to the role by Cicadastar when her kits were apprenticed. Despite being backwritten to the time of the Colonies, Apricotflower joined the rp on November 28, 2022. It is to be assumed this character's actions and opinions do not reflect those of her roleplayer.

  1. Appearance
    — scars gained
    — inventory
  2. Personality
    — faith
    — characterisation
  3. Biography
    — backwritten
    — roleplayed
  4. Relationships
    — kin
    — within clan
    — outside clan
  5. Miscellaneous
    — trivia
    — playlist
    — aesthetic notes
    — faceclaims
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[ art credit to mercibun ]
Gallery — lh lilac-cream tortoiseshell w/ high white (carry cinnamon, point).

an average-sized domestic longhair. surprisingly lean under all of her floof - can fit through smaller spaces than expected. because of this, often has burrs or twigs caught in her pelt. slouches slightly so that she doesn't stand out. nearly all of her lilac patches are actually covered by her white spotting, save for a fleck on her tail. the cream you can see is on the back of her head, a flower-shaped patch on her rump, and a large spot on her tail. warm yellow-gold eyes, a pink nose and pawpads. shuffles her paws when standing still. smells like river-soil, milk and moss.

SCARS GAINED (chronological order)
Abrasion, left shoulder. Received at 10 moons during an incident where she ran into a rock.
Nicks, all paws. Generally clumsy, have built up over time.

Item. Given by whom? Where does it stay?
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[ art credit to jay / ghostgarden ]
sheepish, kind, has high standards for herself but is incredibly understanding when let down by others. was quite relieved to find out she was pregnant, as it meant she could take a break from warrior life and not stress about her confidence issues. slightly jealous of her clanmates who have found love already, but finds it hard to distinguish between platonic and romantic love. lacks self awareness. enjoys swimming. stubborn as all hell. quite sweet, especially towards kits.

Rule of thumb for interaction within Clan here if they act different at home.

Bold their faith, decribe relationship to it.

CHARACTERISATION (mostly for my benefit as the roleplayer)
— always in motion, often gestures using her tail. paces when she's thinking.
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  • image.png

    [ art credit ]​
    In order of rank. Heartchart link tba.

    Cicadastarleader, epithet
    Something y/c has either said or thought about this character.
    ★ | relationship description

    Smokethroatdeputy, epithet
    Something y/c has either said or thought about this character.
    ★ | relationship description

    Ravensongmedicine cat, epithet
    Something y/c has either said or thought about this character.
    ★ | relationship description

    Snakeblinklead warrior, epithet
    Something y/c has either said or thought about this character.
    ★ | relationship description

    Lichentaillead warrior, epithet
    Something y/c has either said or thought about this character.
    ★ | relationship description

    Petalnoselead warrior, epithet
    Something y/c has either said or thought about this character.
    ★ | relationship description

  • Sorted by Clan, and by relevance after their leaders.

    Namerank, epithet
    Something y/c has either said or thought about this character.
    ★ | relationship description

    Namerank, epithet
    Something y/c has either said or thought about this character.
    ★ | relationship description

    Namerank, epithet
    Something y/c has either said or thought about this character.
    ★ | relationship description

    Namerank, epithet
    Something y/c has either said or thought about this character.
    ★ | relationship description

  • Includes dead characters.

    Namerank of clan, epithet
    Something y/c has either said or thought about this character.
    ★ | relationship description at time of their loss or demise.



SONG, by artist —
— Fun stuff!

Aesthetic — board by rev
Motifs: white flowers, sunrises, summer sand, sunlight filtering, soft oranges

Theme weeks
— Name (series), hexcode change


RIVERCLAN INSP: Creekkit, Shorekit, Rushingkit, Reedkit, Fishkit, Stonekit, Duckkit, Goosekit
APPEARANCE: Brindlekit, Leafkit, Twinklekit (tortie/calicos); Firekit, Sunkit, Brightkit, Daykit (red/cream); Dustkit (choc/lilac)
NAMED AFTER: Honeykit (Beesong), Dappledkit (Alice), Snakekit (Snakeblink, will not do this lucidly)

AVOID: Fruit names, names in active use within RC, WindClan names