camp OH, LILAC ! ⊹₊° delivery

❀‿ A slim black muzzle poked into the medicine den, wide eyes blinking to adjust to the darkness, "Hi, Dawnglare? Fireflypaw? I, uhm, brought some prey..." When she had not gotten an immediate answer, Lupinepaw left the squirrel near the entrance and padded further into the den with a delivery of her own.

Lupinepaw frequented the sick-den just about every day now since her discharge, having already had yellowcough made her one of the few designated apprentices to deliver freshkill and moss to the sick. She didn't mind it much, she liked feeling helpful, and it gave her an excuse to check on one patient in particular.

"Falconpaw, are you awake..?" she whispered as she approached the boy's nest. Sharp eyes watched the brown and cream form of his body carefully, and she let out a small sigh of relief when she saw the movement of his chest—good, he was breathing. "This is for you," she murmured, poking the pink-tinged and fragrant clover flower she brought into the bramble frame of his nest. The remontant bloom was resilient enough to withstand the ever-cooling temperatures unlike some of the more impressive, yet vulnerable wildflowers of the forest. Still, she was scared that even the clovers would be withering away soon. "The flowers don't like the cold much, I guess... So like, I wanted to make sure you got to see one if... if there's not so many when you get out."

Saying the words out loud, Lupinepaw realized how silly it was. Why would he care at all about whether or not he could see clovers? She cringed inwardly at herself, but the deed had already been done. Lupinepaw would not say what she was thinking. She would not say that she was glad he was alive, nor would she tell him she was sorry she may have killed him. Nor would she say that this was the reason she returned every day, as if seeing Falconpaw would ward away death from sinking its claws into him.

She would stick to something simple, conceivable, easily-answered, "Have you eaten anything today?"

  • OOC: please wait for @falconpaw!
  • lupine_fullbodyy.png
  • lupinekit . lupinepaw
    — trans she/her. 6mo apprentice of skyclan
    — ??? ; single
    — tall, long-haired black smoke with low white and green eyes
    — smells like sweet lupine flowers and young pine needles
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    — icon by saturnid, fullbody and chibi by nya
    — penned by eezy
CALLIN' IT QUITS NOW ✧°.☀ ————————————
It was getting difficult.

His breathing was slowly becoming more labored- the chills found him easier, and he wished he was still in the sewers some days, curled up against his father and sisters. It was warm, then. The chill was slowly beginning to seep through the air, so Falconpaw buried his nose beneath moss when he could. Resting was easier then it had been- his body was so exhausted from fighting, the sickness eating at his bones and feeling as if it was swallowing him whole. But a familiar voice, soft and easy on the ears, caused his blue eyes to barely split open.

She wasn't uncommon to see every couple of days, after all. She liked to make sure he was alive, as funny as that was in his brain. He coughed after she sighed, picking his head up. He looked miserable, even compared to when he first arrived. He was losing weight, rapidly, and when he spoke, his voice was raspy and hoarse. "Lu..." He murmured quietly.

His eyes shifted towards the flower, and he let out a tiny noise- one of surprise, likely. His nose lowered, pressing to it. Even through a clogged noise, he could still smell it. He rumbled softly in his current version of a purr. "It's pleasant. I can.. still smell it." Falconpaw murmured, his vision lifting back towards Lupinepaw. Blue eyes searched hers, as if he could see clear pools of water there. Maybe he was getting delirious. Her question brought him right back to the present, and he shook his head gently, despite the ache in his head it gave him.

"Not yet. Tired." He mumbled quietly, looking at his nest. It was well worn, but visits from Lupine- and other cats, of course- had helped keep the moss fresh around him.

[penned by dallas - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ BABY, I'M A WRECK
The arrival of a guest is plain to the ears as he listens, soft conversations of worry is evident. His eyes direct themselves momentarily in the direction of the voices, swallowing thick around nothing. "It's not safe." He speaks loud enough for the apprentice to hear; would they listen, or cater to the side of the dwelling illness that rested in Falconpaw's lungs? Fireflypaw cannot find it in him to tell Lupinepaw to go away. Instead, he listens as Falconpaw speaks in turn. Croaking out in a voice so soft he can barely deal with it.

"If you can get him to eat something, I'll be thankful." Fireflypaw quips, turning back to his mishmashed pile of herbs momentarily before he walks over to the two to join them. "He will be fine, he will survive. Mother is not finished with him just yet." He lies- was it a lie? Was Mother so cruel as to take a child from them, someone so young they hadn't even had their warrior ceremony yet? He blinks, settling. He would let them have their privacy.​