camp oh my heart beats slow | missing mate

Aug 14, 2023
The days had felt more and more lonesome since Honeydapple had taken notice of her mate's regular absences. She had prioritized early hunting and kitsitting or spending time with her friend in the Medicine Cat Den. Honeydapple was a far more social being than her partner that preferred the sceneries of night and late border patrol's. They used to have playful dates exploring Thunderclan's territory at night but ever since the rogues and the wolves Grizzlyjaw had forbade her from going out without the presence of several or more clanmates.

Today she just didn't feel the usual pull to check in on kits or help find herbs. All she could do was mope in her nest and breathe in the comforting scent of her beloved. After the scare of the eerie omen she hadn't seen hide nor hair of Grizzlyjaw. The tom had practically vanished once the sun returned. Wound up on a sense of duty and keeping her 'safe' as he had put it. So much so she hadn't even felt him snuggle in for the night or heard his soft little snores when he fell into deep slumber. The darkly-colored tom's side of the nest still felt cold when Honeydapple awoke and she suspected he hadn't come back to rest at all.

Once the sun dipped behind the tree's her nerves began to knot. He should be back by now, surely? It wasn't like her mate to never return. Their schedules were often unbalanced, yes, and at this point he would be ready for some much needed sleep. Maybe he's eating? Rising to all fours the splotched she-cat peered from the den. Soft gaze looking out into the clearing as the last patrol of the day squeezed through the entrance. Her face pinched as the worry in her chest tightened. Maybe dirt place? Quickly, she made way to the private corner of camp but was unhappy to note Grizzlyjaw's scent was nowhere to be found.

Her worry was growing into something more palpable - fear. Trying to push back the wave of nervous nausea she instead set her sights on the evening border patrol cats. Putting on a hopeful smile she approaches the nearest warrior. Maybe he's just running behind with some others? Yeah that would explain it. Intending to stop them she throws up a friendly tail wave. "Excuse me - did Grizzlyjaw perhaps join you?" Honeydapple tries her best to think rationally. She knew he hadn't done a solo patrol or hunt in moons now. There had to be some kind of rational explanation.

OOC | With permission from @/BossTaurus Honeydapple's beloved mate @GRIZZLYJAW has mysteriously disappeared since the eclipse!

Feel free to have your character be the warrior returning from the evening patrol that she's talking to!​
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things had calmed down since the moon departed from the sun. the usual routine had eased back into place, with the addition of hushed whispers around camp. no one knew what it really meant, and leafhusk was curious about how the other clans saw it. perhaps by the next gathering they’ll have answers.

when she pushes through her gorse tunnel with the rest of the patrol, her gaze flicks to meet the older warrior’s. leafhusk shakes her head in response, frowning apologetically. she didn’t know honeydapple or her mate, but she is aware of how attached they are. the worry etched in honeydapple’s tone makes her feel guilty that he was absent. "no, i’m sorry."

  • 80086491_tN0R2xbOnPV1ykB.png
    thunderclan warrior / / former kittypet・38
    mentoring adderpaw
    cis woman・she/her & bisexual
    peaceful & healing powerplay permitted・all opinions ic
    won't start fights・will try to end fights・won't kill
    excels in stealth and tracking & average at fighting
    written by maxine dogfriends. on discord
⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ nightbird yawned as she followed in through the tunnel behind leafhusk. all these events were nothing short of exhausting, but what else was there to do besides push through? immediately they were halted. honeydapple, with her kind eyes and soft smile, pleading for information on grizzlyjaw.

nightbird's brow furrowed. cats like grizzlyjaw, with a doting mate and respect amongst clanmates, they did not just disappear. "he's not in camp?" it was a bit of a surprise. the patrol she accompanied had drawn out quite late, everyone else should be home by now. come to think of it, she hadn't seen the dark frame of the burly warrior all day.

perhaps under more familiar circumstances it would be brushed off, but she couldn't ignore the strangeness of yesterday. if the issue with the sun was starclan's warning of some great danger, they needed to exhaust all resources until honeydapple's mate was found. they could not afford to lose yet another warrior.

"a patrol should be sent, when did you last see him?" the familiar feeling of dread forced her tail to twitch, cool gaze wandering in attempt to find the striped pelt of her own mate. it was late, but with the weight of patrols riding on raccoonstripe's shoulders it would have to be his decision.
  • ooc ↛
  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, 32 ☾'s
    a small black smoke molly with a white paw and pale silver eyes.
    mate to raccoonstripe / / mentor to none
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
There had been chaos in ThunderClan’s camp after the sun had been extinguished. Raccoonstripe had been preoccupied with scheduling regular patrols—too preoccupied to notice that one of his warriors was missing, it seems. The tabby approaches the returning evening patrol and Honeydapple, who anxiously questions them about their mate. Leafhusk and Nightbird both confirm the worst: Grizzlyjaw is missing. Raccoonstripe frowns, his tail lashing once behind him.

Has he been missing since the… the omen?” He demands of the cats present. Worry creases his brow. His mate suggests they send a patrol, and the tabby meets her silvered gaze, nodding. “She’s right. We shouldn’t take this lightly. It’s not like Grizzlyjaw to be gone this long without telling anyone where he’s going.Especially Honeydapple.

Raccoonstripe’s ears flick forward. “I’ll lead a patrol. Thistlepaw, you’ll come with me. And you, Honeydapple. Anyone else who wishes to join me may, but we should leave immediately.” He tilts his eyes toward the darkening sky, cursing the timing. What if a lingering wolf had passed their border and found Grizzlyjaw? Was that what StarClan was worrying him about?

  • ooc: lmk if you guys want a patrol thread of them searching for him; otherwise, it can be flavor text. apprentice tag for @THISTLEPAW
  • 74327127_amPwOaY4eGaGkj8.png
  • Raccoon . Raccoonstripe, he/him w/ masculine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 37 moons old, ages realistically on the 5th.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring none ; previously mentored Wildheart, Moonwhisper
    — thunderclan lead warrior. gray wolf x howlingstar, gen 2.
    — currently mated to Nightbird.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh black tabby with white and dark brown eyes. charismatic, charming, calculating, ambitious, shallow, manipulative.


A cat going missing was not a matter to be taken lightly. It could be nothing, Grizzlyjaw could just be making himself scarce, but if even his mate had not seen him in a pawfull of days then Burnstorm is certain something must be wrong. What if he was lying inured somewhere in the territory, unable to move? Or worse... But he doesn't want to think about that right now. He nods in Nightbird and Racoonstripes direction when they declare search parties needed to be sent out, Raccoonstripe even volunteering to lead one himself. "I'll take another in the opposite direction. We have better chances of finding him if we spread out" he concludes, fluffy tail swaying in the air behind him.

He does not want to think about what it may mean if they are unsuccessful in locating the grizzled warrior. Does not want to have to look Honeydapple in the eyes and tell her her mate would not be coming home. But sometimes, that was the reality of the life that they led. Dark thoughts run through his mind as he sets his jaw and looks around for cats that could accompany him. . "Leafhusk, would you grab Adderpaw and come with me?" they had no time to look for other available warriors they needed to depart as soon as possible. Whatever trail Grizzlyjaw had left behind could already be cold by now but there was still a chance..

  • 73593410_oSE7LuZcU8tOnrY.png
    A large, sharp tongued, tom with long black fur and golden, oval shaped, eyes.
    Difficult in battle. A skilled fighter + fights honorably

Thundergleam was becoming more and more convinced that StarClan's omen had meant that they were watching; that there was something on the eath beneath them worth being wary of, that StarClan was expecting them to find. But what? There had been no hint... just that looming eye, suspended in the air. They were being more cryptic than her dream of the thunderstorm, or than Father's dream of the flower.

Her thoughtful pacing wa sperhaps noticeable, but outclassed by Honeydapple's. Thundergleam's attention swivelled to the sound... the concern that quavered between the pointed she-cat and Leafhusk. The two were soon joined by Nightbird, Raccoonstripe and Burnstorm- and the wisp of a she-cat was not far behind them.

Grizzlyjaw? It was not a familiar name, yet he was known by a respected few of ThunderClan, and their concern flowed beneath Thundergleam's skin like an adder's venom. StarClan would not have lead him astray. That he had been missing since the omen... perhaps he had sought their wisdom and wandered far, trying to find the same answers as she? But oh, only a select few were chosen by StarClan to read signs. Pity blushed pale in Thundergleam's eyes. "I am happy to help in any way I can," she offered, voice a little cracked from worry. Honeydapple was a kind face... one who did not deserve loss or suffering. The mere concept had her looking near-heatbroken.
penned by pin ☾

Most everyone was tense after the sign that they had seen earlier - the anomaly that they had experienced, an event that should not have been able to have happened, Copperfang included. It was hard to imagine what it meant, who it was intended for, or what may be coming. It did not seem to be a positive sign, and the last thing ThunderClan needed was more suffering and more undue trouble. The thought of a lingering darkness on the horizon, as had been in the sky, made his shoulders tense.

The disappearance of a cat, too, was not a good sign. The tabby tom joins the group near the entrance, dipping his head briefly to the other cats present. "I will come to assist as well, Burnstorm, if that is well with you," He adds, lingering regardless. There are too many things that have happened lately that seem to have slipped out of his paws - things completely outside of their control that made a knot of guilt twist itself into his stomach. Perhaps this would be the case of a more successful story.


Honeydapple had seemed rather despondent since her mate, Grizzlyjaw, had been seen less and less as of late, and Softpaw didn't like to see her mentor in such a state. The disappearance of a Clanmate was concerning as well, especially since the disappearance of the sun and the recent threat of wolves. Softpaw hoped that nothing bad had happened to Grizzlyjaw.

"If you still need anything, let me know, Honeydapple." Softpaw chimed in, though she knew that her mentor more than likely had more than enough cats to help her in her search for her mate. Regardless, Softpaw felt a duty as Honeydapple's apprentice to offer her support, in any way that her mentor might need.

Her whole world seemed to spin for a moment at Leafhusk's mew, pupils narrowing with fear as she fell back onto eggshell haunches, needing a moment to collect herself. It was horrifying to realize that no one seemed to know where her mate was. Come on, Honey, you have to do something! Stumbling through a breathy reply to Nightbird and Raccoonstripe, she warbles aloud. "N-no and yes it was then. Last I saw h-him was when the Sun went dark." Panic crept its way fast and hot into her throat and paws, strangling her as more cats joined in on the realization that Grizzlyjaw was missing or worse.

I can't think like that. I have to be strong. Tears spring in the corner of Honeydapple's eyes as she looked to the ground, searching for lost answers and wracking her mind. He can't just be gone? Can he? Not unless something horrible has happened. Theory upon theory mounted as the cats around her faded into a backdrop of noise. No, he wouldn't have just vanished. There's no way, not without someone seeing something or a struggle. Doing her best not to fall into despair, she nods dully and glances to Raccoonstripe, attempting to focus and speak through the evident worry. "Yes, we need to find him and I know his favorite hunting spots. I'll show the way and let's not waste any more time." Guilt trickled into her meow. I should've known something was wrong the minute he didn't come to bed.

Flinching at the thought, she was thankful to hear her apprentice's voice cut through the gloom. Putting on a feeble smile, she attempted to sound braver in the face of her apprentice. "I need you to stay safe in camp, okay? Keep an eye out in case Grizzlyjaw returns." Sucking in a deep breath they will themselves to move ahead. Carefully, leaning back onto all fours she casts her clanmates a grateful, watery expression. "Thank you. I-I have to hold out hope that he maybe just strayed too far or something simpler." Her voice cracked on nearly every syllable, but she gritted her fangs and pushed through. Holding any faith right now felt impossible but for her own wellbeing she had to hope.

Moving to stand beside Nightbird and Raccoonstripe, she motioned with her head to Thundergleam. This many cats could surely cover the forest in one night, and if not, she wouldn't stop until she found something. Hardening her stare, Honeydapple sent a silent prayer to her beloved. I'm coming to find you, my love. Just please be safe. Peering through tree limbs she watched as the sun darkened and the stars came into view. Honeydapple knew less daylight meant more difficulties, but she was determined to try. With a shake of her pelt, the pointed feline waited patiently for the Lead to set out.

OOC | Thank you! Flavor text is perfect and here is the return thread for Burnstorm and Racconstripe's patrols back at camp. ​