camp OH MY IT'S THE KING OF THE ICK [ fight ]


Mar 14, 2024

The altercation where Roeflame had finally spoken out, and loudly so, to some of the warriors who were being rude to Coltkit was fresh in his mind. And not just his mind, either. Cats had been uttering about it to one another, some in more preferrable favor then other. Beetlekit ignored most of it, though it made him angry to know so many people were quick to... not believe in Roeflame. To him, she laid a law down, and he had to listen- she had created him, he owed that to her.

But not everyone felt that way. Mottledkit had more then said her piece by the time Beetlekit finally snapped, his lips pulling back with distaste. Laying outside of the nursery, in the shaded ravine, his ears pressed backwards as he finally snapped loudly. "Shut UP Mottledkit." His head turned, pupils turning to flat slits as he pushed to his paws, stalking closer. "You really agree with the cats who would make Coltkit hurt, over my mother?" He said, voice sharp and loud. "Them, over your own family." He spat out.

"And don't you dare say anything bad about her. You're going to get it if you do." It was a wonder what 'it' was, if Beetlekit was threatening her- well, it wasn't a wonder on Beetlekit's part. He was threatening her, his cousin.
  • "speech"
    // @mottledkit
  • 84056883_W6AsSSDp7fmAB4d.png
  • BEETLEKIT he/him, kit of thunderclan, six moons.
    LH black smoke with bright green eyes. still on the smaller side due to age, but will grow into a very broad and built tom-cat, mirroring his father's build.
    not mentored yet / / mentoring no one
    no romantic interests / / BURNSTORM X ROEFLAME - sibling to dovekit and littlekit, adoptive sibling to hopekit and coalkit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

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Perhaps it was just bad luck.... or a confusion of fate laid in motion by an unexpected turn of events. To be a proud and loud she-kit who felt emboldened by her heritage, her kin, and her mother's fiery spirit most especially. Without her though, the flames grew bright and uncontrollable and where-ever she could find it, Mottledkit would dig her claws in for the attention left gaping where a nest-side presence had been. Her uncle was a good tom, a noble one that fought for ThunderClan in all the ways it needed to be fought for and he'd told her about these things. Had made sure she understood the weight they carried in their blood and how to defend her clan-mates from the imposters that wandered amongst them.

It seemed some were too sensitive to hear it.

The grating voice of a den-mate spitting at her for silence is enough to stoke the roaring inferno again, straightening her spine as forested eyes fixate on Beetlekit with defiant anger. Shut up?! No one told her to shut up.... especially not when she was right. Whatever appeal he tried to make towards kin did little to coax the barbs away, "Burnstorm is my family," she growled her correction, recalling a teary-eyed outcry for understanding on what an uncle even was. He was her mother's kin, her living link to Howlingstar... not Roeflame; Roeflame is nothing but something to keep his nest warm at night. No one knew love like her parents... and no one ever would now that Moonwhisper was dead. His threat does not deter her- she presses forward, stamping closer to him with a daring sort of glower.

"Kittypets are about as loyal as fleas- they're just here to suck us dry and move onto the next thing," she licks her lips as if tasting the air for the spice she adds to it, a smile curling at the corners as she decides on her next move, "Roeflame. Is. A. Mouse-brain."

She stands in front of him, reaching out a paw to try to shove him, "And you're just like her."
  • WHAT
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His lips curled as Mottledkit made it clear exactly where she stood- that Roeflame wasn't her own, that she wouldn't claim Beetlekit's mother as family. "My father chose her- AND agreed with what she said." He said with a finality, ears flattening backwards. Green eyes glowered like gems sat too close to burning coal, and when she started to stamp closer did he draw himself up.

Fangs were bared as he stood taller, shoulders squaring and chin tilting up, staring down at her with his eyes. The tension around them was so thick it could break if someone inhaled too hard, and Beetlekit was about to smash through it with brute strength. The punctuated sentence rang in his ears, the paw landing against him and causing him to shift a step backwards. Heart thudded in his ears, ringing- was that his breathing, he could hear? The anger burning within, a whirlwind of fire and electricity, causing needles across his pelt.

"You know what, Mottledkit?" Beetlekit's words were punctuated, sharp- hard to get out. "Let me show you what a mousebrain can do then." His words were about as much of a warning as she got before he was rocking forward, head slamming down into Mottledkit's in a blow to stun her downwards. Lips pulled back in sharp grimace as pain lanced through him, but he was stepping in, continuing his assault by aiming to kick her away with a no-holds-barred move.

"You think kittypets are weak? That those who carry the blood are just as so?!" He shouted, voice rising enough that it rang off the walls of camp. "Prove it! Show me you can take me down!" He spat, stepping towards her with a lashed tail, and every intent to beat her to a pulp to prove his point.
  • "speech"
  • BEETLEKIT he/him, kit of thunderclan, six moons.
    LH black smoke with bright green eyes. still on the smaller side due to age, but will grow into a very broad and built tom-cat, mirroring his father's build.
    not mentored yet / / mentoring no one
    no romantic interests / / BURNSTORM X ROEFLAME - sibling to dovekit and littlekit, adoptive sibling to hopekit and coalkit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

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Her nose scrunches in distaste to be corrected and rather than admitting she is wrong, that she is being spiteful and malicious, Mottledkit hunkers down in the face of adversity. It was not her that was wrong. It was them. Burnstorm made a bad choice in mate, a worse choice in kits... that wasn't her fault... that just made him stupid too. Squaring her shoulders as Beetlekit rises to his full height (he has been gifted a taller, sturdier structure than hers), the stubborn roots of her anger stay firmly ground into the dirt.

This was not the first argument she'd ever gotten into... It wouldn't be the last. They were kin and for all their disagreements, nothing would change- they could butt heads and clash and snap at each-other but blood ran thicker than the watery contributions of kitty-pets. At least... that's what Mottledkit thought. His teeth poke out from behind his lips, gnashing in careful articulation how furious he was. He could be angry, why should she care? "What?" she bites back confidently, narrowing her eyes to further goad him that she was untouchable. That he could do nothing to deter her.

What could a mouse-brain do but yammer and wail? She doesn't think that he might raise an honest-to-stars paw at her until her forehead sparks a splitting pain where his own had smacked into her in earnest. Her eyes squeeze shut against it, lifting a paw to try to rub at the sore spot with a mouth half-opened in a prepared yowl of frustration before she's sent stumbling away as a growl forms in her throat.

Opening her eyes to glower at him with pupils as sharp and thin as blades of grass, the tortoiseshell lets out a hiss and doesn't even bother to give him a proper response before lunging forward to tackle him and send the both of them rolling across the camp's floor in a tussle that continues to ramp up.
Myrtlekit had been hanging with the elders listening to stories of the colonies, former leaders and more. The stories made her tired as she learned more about the history of the clans and started her journey back to the nursery. Her ears flick as angered growling and shouts come from inside and she peeks inside, and comes into vision of the two cousins attacking each other. Deep brown eyes widen in shock as she rushes forward, attempting to intercept between the two and stop the fighting. ”Stop you two!” She snaps at both of them as her ears pin against her head, what was with everyone and the hostility?

”We don't lay our paws on our clan mates! If you two have issues with each other, settle it with words instead of violence.” Myrtle's nose scrunches up as she stands between them, ready to interrupt if they launched at each other again. Kittypet this, kittypet that━ it was ridiculous! What did it matter if they came from somewhere different or kittypet blood beside the clan running in them? They were all the same in the end with different histories, and yet they acted as if it made one a dog and the other a cat. It didn't. They were all cats striving in this world, and they all were trying to make a living. Why make it even more difficult?


ooc. ”speech”
This isn't Twilightkit's fight. They're her kin, both Beetlekit and Mottledkit, but they're not her littermates who she must, in some way, protect and defend. There's a furrow of her brow when Coltkit is mentioned, but even then she doesn't bother to step in. Coltkit is a fair bit larger than most of them by now - not the near-apprentices, but even then he can fight his own battles, too. Nonetheless it is when the fight gets physical that Twilightkit blinks a few too many times, her meticulous grooming interrupted by the tustle.

Myrtlekit tries to divide them, suggesting they argue instead of quarrel. They already tried that, Twilightkit does not say, but the thought it sour and pitying. She tenses her jaw and rises to stand, deciding that she must find one of the queens before blood is drawn - and perhaps Gentlestorm for when blood is drawn. For they are her kin, they are each strong and ruthless to their own degrees. She would not be surprised if blood spilled between them.

"Mottledkit and Beetlekit are fighting again," she chirps into the nursery, leaning against the frame of the entrance. Her eyes narrow as she tries to decipher her mother from the darkness, though Beetlekit's mother would do just as well too. "They're using claws," are they? She hadn't noticed, truly, but maybe saying they are will instill some urgency in the queens.​