private Oh, no, don't throw out my legos || Foxtail


The pain I feel now is the happiness I had before
Nov 20, 2023
Growing up side by side with another forged a unique bond that Feathergaze could not put words to if she tried. One could argue that clanborn cats all grew up together, surrounded by their peers constantly as they were. But being born days apart, stumbling through the nursery together, clinging to one another as they learned and grew, it was different. If quizzed by a stranger, the silver warrior was quite sure she could tell the entire story of her friend's life as well as he could, and vice versa he could tell hers.

At least, up until the yellowcough outbreak and firmly set in. Once the fog of infection had grown thicker than a fish's scales, once Icebloom had fallen ill with no cure in sight, Feathergaze had withdrawn. The tightness in her chest had grown into a constant companion, the fangs nipping at her heart just a reminder that she still lived. When her grandmother had died... Well, the silver molly could barely recall snippets of her own life from that time, let alone anyone else's. All she really remembered was the moment her heart had been torn clean through, and all that remained were jagged pieces. She remembered her blood freezing until it burned white-hot in her veins. She remembered the smoke twisting around her very soul, choking what light remained until only her dull, lifeless pelt remained to hold her bones together.

Things were... better now, she supposed. One day her heart had shuddered in her chest and begun to pulse once more, sewn patchily back together but together all the same. Her blood flowed more freely. The smoke had lifted, and her inner light rekindled. There were bad days where she fell apart all over again. But the good days always returned. And it was during one of those good days that she had a thought. When was the last time I spoke with Foxtail? He'd been around of course, offering comfort, worrying about further yellowcough victims, probably planning with the other warriors on how to see the rogues out permanently. But Feathergaze found she couldn't recall the last time she'd actually spent time with him.

She'd caught him today during sun high (although it was hard to tell with the chill of leafbare permeating the land) and asked to catch up, really catch up. And so here they were, sharing tongues for the first time in nearly two moons.
"Tensions with WindClan are only getting worse. I'm almost afraid to patrol that border now, it's like they want more bloodshed. Surely they know almost every RiverClanner would... They can't believe Smokestar will tolerate anymore disrespect?" She sighed, fidgeting her large paws. She hated thinking about the conflict between their two clans (or really, WindClan's conflict with every clan in the forest). They've hurt so many of us, so brutally. And yet if I could ask StarClan for one thing, it would just be peace. Pitiful, always pitiful.

Feathergaze rasped her tongue through Foxtail's ears, trying to think more lighthearted. "Can you believe we've been warriors for two moons now? I remember thinking my apprenticeship would never end." More because she was sure she'd be held back due to her clumsy battle skills than anything else, but still. "It still feels new to me. What do you think your favourite thing about being a warrior is?"​

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The bond he and Feathergaze has is unique, not many cats can say they were born days apart from one of their closest friends. Sure, other clan cats can claim that they grow up together and are surrounded by their peers. Foxtail knew what that was like, as he wasn't the only kit in his litter. He loves and cares about his siblings dearly, but there was something different about the bond he has with Feathergaze. They are mere days apart, they were kits together, later apprentices and now warriors. The two had a close bond from the start, no one can deny that.

He remembers the day very vividly when he got dared to stand on the frozen river. He and Feathergaze were barely apprentices. He had so much excitement in his bones, excited to start his training. He should've known better to accept a dare from an older apprentice, especially such a risky one. But he couldn't have known how thin the ice had been. He couldn't have known that it would've broken beneath his weight. The longfurred tom closes his eyes for a moment, ears pinning back. The water was so cold. It felt like a thousand needles had stabbed him over and over, and he shivers at the thought. He wishes he could get past this— it's been moons since the incident, but it still haunts him to this day. If it weren't for Feathergaze, he'd probably be in StarClan.

"Tensions with WindClan are only getting worse." Feathergaze's voice pulls him out of his thoughts, back into reality. He looks over at her. It's been two moons since they've become warriors, and finally they have some time to spend together. He knows that it's been a tough few moons for the clan, Feathergaze especially. He was fortunate that he didn't lose any family to yellow cough, others weren't as fortunate. "WindClan is out of control," He murmurs as he rasps his tongue between her ears, "They dare to claim the highstones as their own, Sootstar has gone mad." He sighs, thinking back to the patrol at the river from days ago. "We're lucky no one was harmed during that patrol, WindClan was practically looking for a fight." He felt nervous patrolling the WindClan border as well— how much longer until WindClan decides they want more than just the highstones?

The young warrior purrs lightly at the conversation shift. "Don't remind me that it's already been two moons," He meows lightheartedly, with a light smile across his maw. "It feels like just yesterday we were in the apprentices den." Time went by fast, two moons already. The both of them could potentially be considered to be future mentors now if Smokestar deems either of them worthy of an apprentice. He would love to be a mentor one day, but he worries how well he'd do with swimming lessons. He wouldn't want to make his potential apprentice nervous of the water because of him. "I enjoy patrols, most of the time," He thinks hard on the question, "I like the freedom that comes with being a warrior, no longer being bossed around by Ashpelt." He frowns at the thought of his former mentor, Foxtail didn't have the luxury of forming a close bond with his mentor. The last thing he wants to do is to talk with the guy. He shakes his head, pulling his thoughts away from the tom. "How about you, Feathergaze?"

  • 74203346_wyqQOkxcDfS3IQ1.png

    credit to raphaelion for the artwork <3
  • Foxtail
    positive trait
    negative trait
    experience: trained
    backstory: tbd
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to nopeita for the pixel <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: cinnamon/chocolate tabby chimera with high white
    fur length: long
    parents: dawnflower and redfur (riverclan npcs)
    14 moons

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