pafp OH NO, THERE GOES TOKYO [♡] small intruder

( 🐝 ) Large ears would twitch and her head lifted up from where it had been laying on Cicadakit's long body, eyes half closed with sleepiness before carefully pushing her body up and glanced around with owl sized eyes trying to adjust to the light that slipped into the den. Stretching out with unruly fur, the kitten hobbled out into the open taking in the brightness and warmth of the sun did she step farther out only hearing a soft mumble that could've resembled her name though the eldest of the kittens would pipe out "I'm just outside!" Beekit sat down deciding to watch the warriors and apprentices that were present within camp, the way they would move back and forth, in and out of camp which made her ponder what was outside waiting for her and her siblings. Paws starting to itch with anticipation and excitement knowing that it would only be a matter of time that she would be Beekit before becoming Beepaw and have a mentor to teach her everything that she needed to know to become the best warrior within Riverclan, she wished to make her fathers proud of her.

Her head would tilt to the side noticing one body break away from the rest of busy bodies within camp and as interesting as people watching could be, Beekit was curious to where he was heading noticing that he had ducked into a den that was neither the warriors or apprentice den. Casting one last glance over to the den where she could hear the shuffling of her siblings and possibly Smokethroat, the ebony kitten decided that she would go investigate and return to them as soon as she can maybe without them noticing but she doubts it so she calls out quietly "Beeee right back," The messy furred kitten already stumbling away to follow after Ravensong and her run was a bit sloppy as she tried not to trip over her paws once more but paused when she was at the mouth of the den. A white paw extending forward to step inside the medicine den and her nostrils twitched at the new smells that greeted her, snout wrinkling in the slightest.

It was smelly but it wasn't a bad smell, she thinks to herself as she had not left quite yet and stands within the den before turning to see the dark feline messing around with some plants. Owl sized eyes focused on it, she waddles forward on shaky footing only to announce her presence with a loud inquiry "What's that?" The messy furred kitten plopping down on her rear end to glance up at Ravensong and to further prove her curiosity does her head tilt to the side, a small smile present on her maw which is still wrinkled not quite used to all the smells in the medicine den "Smells funny!" Beekit adds with a matter-of-fact squeak and nod of her head.

/ please wait for @RAVENSONG
Ravensong was resting with his back toward the entrance of the den, tucking his legs underneath his body in that familiar, usual position he so often put himself into. The camp could drain him quickly, and he was not in the mood for any more small talk. His mind, preoccupied with the threat of the new cough, needed a break.

For only so long he would have it.

One eye opened at the childish voice ringing behind him. Kits almost always sounded the same, but he could tell who this was by scent alone. It was strange, he thought, as he swept his tail over the floor of his den. He might tickle the kitten's toes accidentally with its length. "Hm..." He squeezed his eyes shut, having noticed in the corner of his eye that Beekit was staring up at him.

He avoided her siblings, especially Starlightkit, but it was discrete enough to not draw attention. After all, hardly any cat had any business bothering the leader and deputy's kits. Unlike the others, Beekit's name was not cursed, and the two of them shared two halves.

"I think I smell something even more funny." He retorted calmly, unsure of how to interact with kittens. It was easier when all Beekit could do was mewl and squirm after just being born. "You are just not used to it like I am. You smell strange to me."

  • IMG_0250.png
    LH BLACK POLYDACTYL MALE (CARRYING CINNAMON, DILUTE) a tall, slender creature with pitch-black feathery fur, large ears, and a sharply angled skull held up in an aloof manner. smells of dried herb, speaks with a low and rumbly accent and walks with an elegant slinking gait.

    born in twolegplace and orphaned at a young age, he joined riverclan at its inception and began training as a drypaw warrior known for a bitter temperment until beesong made him his medicine cat apprentice. after his mentor's untimely death, he had been named ravensong at the moonstone, young heart revitalized with anger and guilt. he is a somber and thorough medicine cat that guards every word spoken in the confines of his den.

    secretly loves "the stars but not so much what inhabits them"
    openly suffers from chronic migraines
    single, but "it's complicated"
In every situation you give me peace
Kittens. It seemed like only yesterday that her days were spent waddling around camp without so much of a care in the world. Those were simpler times. Now she was an apprentice with an assessment nearly two months away. Where did the time go? A small smile touches her lips as she wanders by in time to both see and overhear Beekit and Ravensong. Her gait slows slightly, giving her time to peer over the kitten's shoulder before moving to take a seat just outside the den. "It may smell funny, but Ravensong has a bunch of very important things in there that help keep the clan strong and free of sickness." Sablepaw adds softly, drawing her tail across dark paws.
Don't gotta be afraid because you're in the lead
If you were completely stood aside, not paying it much mind, Lichentail thought that frankly, they looked like they could be related. But... that would also then mean Smokethroat might be related to Ravensong and that, though entertaining, could not be further from truth. The two were practically opposites, one a robust, stout and stoic type while the other fell leaner.... and... more emotionally available? Hmm... maybe they were related.

Allowing the charade to go on long enough to hear the medicine cat's attempt at coping with the clan's youngest, the blue point couldn't deny the small laugh that escaped her. Strange-smelling was not on the list of things she would've dared to call the mottled leader's children but...

"It is a good thing then that you do not hunt for anything but the herbs your nose is fine tuned to," they offer, sliding to stand between the Smokethroat mimic and the sun's bleeding rays.

It turned out that she did not mind playing feline shade-spot for the kittens... it was kind of funny to see them run between shadowed spots to evade the summer heat.

"If you aren't careful she might grow up and give your nose a friendly reminder of what her claws smell like."
( 🐝 ) Suddenly, a tail swept over the floor and brushed against her paws in which she moved them back with a soft giggle though she's taken by surprise at what Ravensong says next. "I think I smell something even more funny." She can imagine how Cicadakit would've stayed quiet or how Starlightkit would've been offended but Beekit sits there for a heartbeat or two before letting out another giggle "You're funny," Maybe it was true. Perhaps she did smell funny to Ravensong especially if he was surrounded by all these different plants, she's curious really about him and these herbs that he's shifting through unaware of the stress he's under. The small molly rises to her paws bringing herself just a tad closer until she could somewhat look around the den "What is that?" Her snowy paw lifted to point at the herbs. An innocent question really, she's curious and if he answers her well... She will ask him a lot more questions as she will view that as an invitation to do so.

Her mismatched gaze turning to Sablepaw listening to what she had to say and her eyes grew wider in size, Beekit focuses on Ravensong again. "Strong and free of sickness." She thinks to herself trying to imagine how a single funny smelling plant could help someone sick or make them stronger, her snout wrinkling as this toothy grin of hers forms on her maw. Beekit glances up when a shadow looms over her and Lichentail arrives next, she dips her head respectfully before listening to the lead warrior talk about when she's bigger and Beekit began to imagine it too. A bigger and much taller Beekit... Big enough to bat Ravensong on the nose.

She lifts a snowy paw to hide her smile more amused by the thought of lightly batting the medicine cat on the nose than actually causing him harm. Smokethroat's words echoing in her head about respecting warriors but Ravensong wasn't a warrior still he's older than her so she'll remains polite and respectful. "I'll bat your nose when I'm bigger!" She chirps playfully and tries to mimic Ravensong in his position but her front limbs weren't long enough quite yet so she let's them stick out. Cicadakit had taken all the leg genetics. "Could you tell me a little about your... Not smelly plants? Please?" Maybe she could learn a thing or two before she has to run back to Smokethroat and the rest of her siblings.