sensitive topics OH, SCARECROW, MAYBE THE WIND KNOWS | lone kitten

Feb 26, 2024

⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ CW FOR CHILD ABANDONMENT Under the cover of night, a white-furred molly slinked through the forest. Fox-like as she was, she slithered under and over logs and between undergrowth. A scent marker had long been passed, and the stars were just beginning to dim - but with no direction, she could not find her way.

No matter. She was exactly where she wanted. Clasped in her jaws was a small bundle of white, a kitten who's mewling had stopped many tail-lengths back as drowsiness began to take its toll. Lulled by the gentle swing by his scruff as his mother moved, the kitten's hazel eyes lazily closed. The mother, meanwhile, slowed her steps to a halt. In front of the pair was quite possibly the largest tree the queen had ever seen, with branches stretching across the dark sky and a deep hollow at its base. Without another moments' hesitation, the white-furred feline dropped her kit at the tree's base, pushing him into the hollow with a nudge of her nose - scarcely checking to see if it was empty.

"Wait here," the molly commanded. Alike to her snow-white fur and piercing blue eyes, her tone was stern and voice cold. The kitten's eyes flew open as his paws touched the snow, and instinctually he backed into the hollow with his tail tucked around his legs. "Yes, mama," the kitten replied. His mother did this often when she left to hunt; with just the two of them, it was much safer to sit him in a hollow or bush while she scoured the nearby undergrowth. So, unbothered, he watched his mother take one last glance around before disappearing into the woods, the exact direction she came from.

And so, the kitten waited.

And waited..

..and waited.

Several times had he fallen into sleep, warmed only by his long fur and the shelter of the wood around him. With heavy eyelids, it was hard to resist the cold's grasp. And several times had he woken up, startled by the sounds of the forest - distant rustles, rodents' chirps, creaking branches. For the final time, it was birdsong, and when his eyes opened again, the sky was a dull blue with a fiery horizon. His mother had not yet returned.

The kitten knew better than to disobey his mother's words. He knew even better than to wander away from the safety of the hollow, into the unknown. But his mother had never been gone for so long, even on her longest hunting trips. Perhaps she caught something and was waiting for him to emerge. Maybe she needed help hunting her prey. Could she have gotten sleepy and fallen asleep? Whatever it could have been, the kitten finally stepped out from the sycamore's hollow, and took his first trembling steps into the forest.

"Mother?" came a word, barely a whisper, from the kitten as he stepped into her footprints in the snow. One by one, he hopped into each footstep, thinking that surely she was at the end of this trail. But as the kitten ventured further along that path, he noticed more and more pawprints amongst the snow. Soon, it was coupled with lines and mounds, as if the snow had been hurriedly swept aside by a paw or tail. It was all too confusing for him to follow. The white-furred she-cat had covered her trail.

"Mom?" the kitten called again, louder this time. "Mother?" He heard his voice echo through the trees. Stumped, the kitten sat down on the pawprint he stood on, tucked his nose into his long-furred tail once more, and waited.

And waited..

..and waited.

  • ooc - lone kitten left near the great sycamore. time of day is about sunrise, this is open to anyone :)
  • thunder-kit-transparent.png
    UNNAMED KITTEN he/him, loner kitten, 2 moons.
    a long-furred white tom with chocolate markings on his ears, tail, and a heart-shaped mark on his flank.
    loner heritage, family unknown
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by ixora@.ixora on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Howlingstar stops, her tail flicking to signal to her patrol to stop, too. "Did you hear that?" She asks, peering over at her clanmates curiously. With Antlerpaw at her side, she sweeps her tail protectively over the young she-cat and listens again.


"It sounds like...a kit," She trills, her eyes widening a bit at the realization. Jerking her muzzle towards the sound, she ushers her patrol forward with a mrrow and begins to hurry forward. "Hello?" She calls out, hoping to hear the little one again. With the wolf out here, the forest is a dangerous place for any kit to be.

She almost trips right over the bundle of fur, mostly white with only a few dark brown patches. He lays curled up amidst a confusing trail of snowy pawprints that messily twist and fade. Sloppy work, but the experienced she-cat would recognize this anywhere. These are the marks of a cat trying to wipe away their tracks so they wouldn't be followed. Horribly done, Howlingstar might add. She sends a wide-eyed gaze to her clanmates, surprise written across her features, before leaning down to nose the kit gently. She has to wake him up. It's too cold out here for him, and far too dangerous.

// apprentice tag @antlerpaw!

⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ The fiery tabby padded silently behind their leader, her ears perked, listening for any signs of danger. With the wolf out here, she felt...small. The occasional fox or badger seemed like no big deal now. Dogs? They seemed like a walk in the park now. Not once in her life would she ever have dreamed of such a large carnivore staking a claim in their forest home. She had prayed to Starclan for it to grow bored and move on, but so far it seemed content here.

Lost in her thoughts, she had nearly ran into Howlingstar, but she stopped right beforehand. She murmured her apologies, then immediately started to listen. Her pelt prickled anxiously, hoping the tabby hadn't smelled or heard the canine, but when she listened closely she heard the same thing.


The voice was faint...small. Flamewhisker's eyes rounded with worry, and she followed Howlingstar towards the source of the sound. There weren't any kits in the clan yet, so nobody had snuck out. Was one of the other clans missing a kitten? She couldn't recall any patrols coming back with such news. When the patrol got near the area, she fanned out, hoping they would find the little voice soon. When she comes up empty pawed, she looks up to see Howlingstar looking down at something at the base of the Great Sycamore.

She hurried over to the tree, and looked down at the small scrap of white and black fluff. "Oh honey..." she began softly, her voice trailing off. She meets Howlingstar's gaze with her own emotion filled orbs. We can't leave him here.. But she knew the other mother wouldn't leave any kit on their own in the forest. He would be coming back home with them...he would be safe, warm, and loved.

  • FLAMEWHISKER she/her, deputy of thunderclan, 30 moons, ages on the 20th
    LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
    currently mated to Flycatcher / / mother to: Falconheart and Stormfeather
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    will start a fight, will finish fights, will kill (case depending)
    link to toyhouse
    penned by Icey !@icefang65 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Sleep comes once again to the small kitten amongst the snow, finding it harder to stay conscious as the cold starts to seep into his thick fur. The sleep feels as if it lasts less than a second, and he feels groggy as he wakes again, clouded with confusion as he squints against the rising sunlight. There were new cats now, new scents, and none of them were mother.

The first two to approach are adults, and the kitten finds that he can't remember seeing any adults other than his mother. Perhaps passing glimpses of other strays, but never up close. Their scents overwhelm him as they draw closer, and their voices sound strange and unheard of with the accent of the forest. But despite their status as strangers, the kitten doesn't show any sign of distress in their presence - and in fact begins to shuffle closer, seeking warmth and answers.

"Have you seen my mother?" he asks through a trembling voice. Olive-green eyes stare expectantly at the two cats in front of him. Mother wouldn't let any strangers near him; they must have been her friends. But then.. why are they here instead of her? With a sniff, the kitten takes on a more fearsome stance, once again seeming to shrink back into his frame. "She.. told me not to leave the tree. Am I in trouble?" That must be the answer. They must be here because he broke a rule - after all, it was him leaving the hollow that lead him to these strange cats.

Soon enough, though, the kitten creeps forward again towards the strangers. His paws feel numb and legs stiff with the cold, leaving him only to shuffle as he reaches the paw of the orange-furred cat. "'M cold," the kitten would mumble as he presses his body against the cat's leg. "Can you tell mama?" She'd have to come back if she knew he was cold. If they were her friends, surely they would find her and tell her.

  • thunder-kit-transparent.png
    UNNAMED KITTEN he/him, loner kitten, 2 moons.
    a long-furred white tom with chocolate markings on his ears, tail, and a heart-shaped mark on his flank.
    loner heritage, family unknown
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by ixora@.ixora on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

  • Crying
Reactions: Icey !
Have you seen my mother? The kit asks, and Howlingstar's features fall in pity. She glances to Flamewhisker with a frown. How cruel can a mother be to abandon a kit here in the snow? She sighs and watches as the little one creeps closer, eventually, curled up against her deputy's leg. "I'm sorry, little one. Your mother isn't here. But you'll be warm where we'll take you, okay?" Roeflame and Moonwhisper lie in the nursery now, awaiting their own kits' arrivals. She is positive they'll ensure the little one is kept safe and warm and cared for.

Lowering her head, she gazes at the kit with saddened, gentle eyes. "Do you have a name? Maybe you could tell us where you came from on our way back to our camp." He is old enough to walk, at least - at least two moons judging by his size. And they aren't too far. If nothing comes of his mother...well, she'd be more than happy to accept him into her clan. It wouldn't be the first time she's brought in an abandoned kit and made them ThunderClanners. "We have fresh-kill, too," She adds on softly, hoping he isn't too hungry. Who knows how long he's been out here?
Antlerpaw would likely reflect that she wasn't... she wasn't too far off from this kit's story. Abandoned by their mother in one way or another. Howlingstar's tail found her shoulder as the soft voice found their ears, and the young apprentice's golden gaze shifted to her mentor. Worry was written on her own face, then Howlingstar's- then Flamewhisker's, as Antlerpaw's vision drifted over to the deputies.

Finally, she allowed herself a peek at the young soul, who had asked Howlingstar a question. Her ears twitched and a soft noise left her. Mama. Antlerpaw took a shaken step backwards, her ears flattening. Flashes of her mother's claws dragging over her eyes captured in her brain, and the apprentice wanted to find a way out. A way back to camp. She needed to find Doepaw, Fallowpaw, her siblings. She swallowed thickly, trying to settle her nerves and stay close to her mentor.

Maybe not so helpfully did Antlerpaw speak to the matter- "No, you're not in trouble." Her voice was timid, soft compared to those around her.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
    a small, lh cinnamon lynx sepia still small, with a brown patterned pelt and bright orange-gold eyes. looks naive.