oh, this weather ( joining )


fall back in to place
Oct 20, 2022
Cold, half-dead feeling with a spinning mind that screamed of her guilt, clenched teeth and stumbling because she just couldn't walk in a straight line with how much she hurt. Angela's a mess, certainly feels like one too, a failure of a cat, one of the best prey hunters reduced to this, huh? She supposes its only fair with what she had done, wallowing in her self pity and self exile, ears pin back to her skull. Oh, woe, woe, woe be to her.

She hasn't noticed the way that the forest has multiplied, and when she does she stops, delirious, blue eyes blinking but the darkness feels no different from the haze around her vision. What was she here for again? She doesn't remember... She shakes her pelt out, taking a couple steps forwards till she scents a border of some kind- instantly familiar, her group did this too though lacking in the recent months due to the members lost. If there was a group here.... It would be helpful to sit down, wait, someone has to be by soon.

She'll do whatever she could to redeem herself. If these cats offered her prey, she'd insist, she'd insist she could be of help.
( ) The last few encounters Flamewhisker had experienced had been rather..eventful. One had resulted in a full on skirmish, and the most recent had been the Shadowclan leader screaming at her clanmates, demanding their medicine cat be exiled. As she arrived along the border, the red tabby's pelt bristled uneasily, and she straightened her posture in case she needed to attack. This she-cat in front of her looked like a complete mess, but it could just be an act to trick her.

Her eyes narrowed as she studied the molly for a moment. She took in her scent, not recognizing it as another clan. "Who are you...and what do you want with Thunderclan?" the new warrior would ask slowly, glancing around to see if any of her clanmates were near by.
Emberstar had thought she had caught an unfamiliar scent while on the hunt, and she pulled herself from the underbrush to find that one of her warriors had tracked it to its source first. Flamewhisker was a bit terse for her liking, but it was understandable, given recent events.

"Heya friend." The tiny, heavily scarred molly greeted warmly. Stepping up next to Flamewhisker as they both waited for the answer to her question.
Theres a cat. Shes orange and white, with green eyes, but she looked mean and uneasy and her fur was bristling like no tomorrow. A sigh tumbles forth, she was gonna have to grovel, wasn't she? Mouth opens and closes like a fish, what was there to say? I'm hungry, on the brink of death, please feed me? It was her turn to have her pelt prickle uncomfortably. She was about to speak until another cat comes forth, and despite the scars, it was almost like looking in to a mirror.

"Angela," her own name feels foreign on her tongue, how odd, was it the way it didn't feel right to be spoken by anyone else but him? She pulls back her lip in a frustrated scowl, no, she hated him for leaving her, hated him for bringing her so far away. "I'm... Looking for food. And a home." it was true. Geez, she was... So... So tired, so tired. She lets out a long breath despite her inner turmoil. "I can repay you guys! Just, please. I can hunt, I can fight..." her stomach hurts so bad, it makes her dizzy. She feels like vomiting, but theres nothing to vomit up, she slumps forwards as her legs shake. Shes at the mercy of these cats, and she does not like it. She wants to have a place, please, please, take me in.

After that rogue trespassing had caused a trouble, started a scrap, Jay is a bit nervous about meeting others at the border. He realizes now that if that stranger wanted to, he could have torn him into little pieces and Jay would have been helpless for it. Luckily, Sunfreckle was looking out for him and many other clanmates followed suite. He'll have to be more careful in the future. Seeing his mentor and their leader both ahead of him now fills the apprentice with more confidence, enough to idle by their side.

Angela's pleas bring back uncomfortable memories for the young cat of his own withered entrance to Thunderclan and he can't help the pang of sympathy welling in his lanky form. He steps up, a small mouse hanging by the tail from his mouth. It was meant for him to practice with (or play with, if he's being honest with himself) but it looks like the she-cat needs it more. Jaypaw drops the morsel down and noses it forward, a wary blink to accompany his flushed smile. It's not much but maybe that's better, if her tummy has been empty for a long while.

"Uh hey, I'm Jaypaw. You can have this." Hopefully the adults don't mind him giving away some of their food and he glances at Flame and Ember to gauge their reactions before looking back to Angela. "She can stay right?" She respected their border (which he understands now is super important and that he only got away with because he's a snot nosed kid) and she says she can hunt and stuff. Maybe he's being naïve but that sounds good to him, even if she is sort of erratic currently. That's probably normal for a stomach full of nothing.
A smile sprung to Emberstar's face as she hard that this stranger wanted to join, abet a tired one. It was always nice to have new face amist her clanmates, though it might strain them during leafbare. She would have to begin considering how to best get the most out of their territory, she decided. Not even once did she consider turning away a new friend.

"Of course!" Emberstar told Jaywish with a confident nod, then turned her smile on their newest member. "Welcome to Thunderclan Angela! I'm Emberstar, and I'm the leader around here."
( ) As Emberstar quickly joins them, Flamewhisker forced herself to relax herself a bit. She would raise her tail in more of a friendly posture, but she remained on alert. Her stomach twisted with sympathy for the molly in front of them. She seemed so tired...so defeated. Her ears perked as she heard Jaypaw's voice behind her, and she turned to greet her apprentice. In his jaws was a small mouse, which he offered to the newcomer. The sympathy in her stomach quickly changed to pride. It wasn't a big catch, but he had caught it himself...I am doing something right!

The orange tabby attempted to touch Jaypaw's shoulder with her tail, then return her gaze to the she-cat who wished to join. "That was very thoughtful of you, Jaypaw." she would praise. If this were a different circumstances, she would be hesitant on giving prey away, but she was fairly confident Emberstar would let her join them. Once her suspensions were confirmed, she would dip her head to Angela. "My name is Flamewhisker. Welcome to Thunderclan"
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