private Oh to be alone with you ❧ Honeysplash

Feb 20, 2024

For someone who enjoyed prying into others personal lives she was rather cagey about her own. It would never be that she's hostile about anything but rather she kept it close to her chest and danced around subjects surrounding her own personal life. Trying to get Florabreeze to admit something personal outside of her own choice was like pulling teeth to her, even if she was close with someone that wasn't Ditto.

She hadn't discussed anything that happened while Honeysplash gave birth. Not mentioning how Fireflyglow said that they were going to be great parents. She hadn't realised that she would be classified as a parent, the Maine Coon guessed that made sense. While they had never discussed it this was a fitting title, she tried to be there for Honeysplash and the kits as much as she could. Trying to be there for their milestones, to help her friend out when she was having a stressful time. So she guessed that yes she could be called a parent.

Would friend even be the right word to describe Honeysplash? She recalls what they said to her in the nursery. She remembers how her heart skipped a beat. Florabreeze has experienced a lot of relationships in her life, some casual, some flings but nothing that serious before. Her heart had only skipped a beat like that once before, she understood what it meant but it had taken a lot of time since the kits were born to label it.

The daylight warrior understood that they needed to talk about it; she just needed to find the right time. Now that the kits were older she could probably steal Honeysplash for a few moments while a queen supervised her children, their children? she wasn't sure but that's the point of the conversation. “Nana, could we talk for a minute?” She knew she shouldn't be nervous and yet her tongue feels dry all the same.

She gestured with her tail for the warrior to join her by the nursery entrance, looking to give them some kind of privacy while still giving the cream cat the comfort of being within earshot of her kits. “Do you want me as a parent for these kits?” She didn't dance around the subject as much as she would like to, if she was mistaken over this then she'd like to know now.

“I'd be more than happy to be a parent we just haven't talked about it before” maybe there just wasn't a need to, she didn't even know how to begin to broach the subject of Honeysplash saying she loved her. That was an issue that she could bide her time on for a little longer

  • @Honeysplash >:))

  • SkyClan Daylight Warrior⏐ She / Her ⏐ Info
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    33 moons old { Ages realistically on the 12th per month }
    Mentored by Sorrelsong
    “Speech”, thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}

  • Love
Reactions: wolfie

-ˋˏ ༻❇༺ ˎˊ- Events after their kits birth had been a blurr for the most part. Truly though they had just fallen asleep and then afterwarfds never thought of it again. Like their brain had stored those memories away into a safe in the back of their mind, and they had other things to focus on. Still they had this sense that something was off but they hadnt truly sat down to think about it. No they were far too busy being anxcious at all hours about the three little lives they brought into the world. That and missing chocolate fur during the night but that wasnt the point, of course.

Florabreeze being a secondary parent hadnt ever crossed their mind as the molly just naturally fell into a role beside them. So they didnt question it and was more than happy to have her at their side. It made the moments that the kits walked, opened their eyes and talked for the first time less lonely. Moments they had wished to share with their father but the black and auburn cat hadnt even bothered to know their names. Did he even know they were born? They werent sure but regardless, it had been something so seemless and so easy that they just- went with it. Though they would never expect Florabreeze to want to be their parent as she probably had other duties to do and her own life. Not everything had to be about them and what not.

Still, suppose they were expecting the conversation to come up at some point? It had to be addressed as they got older and they didnt want to confuse the kits or anything like that of who was their parent and who wasnt- but they had never been ready. Part of Honeysplash was prepared to be let down easy like they had been done so before. They were usually too much for others anyway and the weight of kits was even heavier. So when Florabreeze asked to talk they nodded and smiled, of course, they were always open to communication.

The cream and white cat moved from their nest and left the sleeping bodies of their kits behind, finding a spot beside Florabreeze in the nursery entrance. Honeysplash looked out over the camp clearing as they settled down in a nervous behavior of avoiding eye contact, cause it would hurt wouldnt it? This maine coon had become so close to them, so intertwined with their life that they werent sure what theyd do without her. But theyd understand if she didnt want to stay by their side any longer, they were friends after all. Just friends.

That thought made a cold stab of hurt spike their heart and they had to take an inward breath to calm their ever pounding chest. Maybe friend wasnt the right word for Florabreeze anymore and it was a little scary to think of it as more. Honeysplash developed crushes like the wind but this felt different, this felt closer to what she felt for Chryaliswing. What she felt for the brown molly was more than they thought and suppose that was why they too tried to avoid the topic? They werent sure, but still they looked up at the daylight warrior as she questioned her. The cream queen opend their mouth for a moment in an automatic response of 'only if you dont want to be' or something along those line, but their throat closed around their words.

Nothing came out and they snapped their jaws shut once more, glancing down at their tipped paws with ears twitching back. They didnt want to force her into something she didnt want to do of course- wait. Honeysplashs' deep green eyes found the others' lighter gaze and furrowed her brow a bit, as if confused by the statement. Suppose they were a little off put that- she was saying she wanted to be? Florabreeze expressed that it'd be fine with her if she was their parent, but she wanted to be sure. Sure.

Honeysplash blinked a few times and then this silly smile played on her half-white face, "I-I mean- you were there when they opened their eyes, when they started to walk- you were there for every milestone and every event and you're questioning if i want you as a parent?" She teased her playfully and gave a little giggle, before her gaze softened and she move dto touch her nose to the warriors' cheek sweetly, "I've been so happy the last few moons with these bundles and- with you, Florabreeze, and if youre okay with it and everything then-i dont see you as any less of a parent than me" She spoke earnestly and softly and gave a shy smile, her tail swishing behind her.

"Youve made parenting less scary, less- lonely and i couldnt think of anyone else i would want by my side" Honeysplash mused happily and then put a paw over Florabreezes', she grinned stupidly.

  • Speech
  • 78199419_gjurPbpI3pGRvx7.png
  • Honeysplash she/they/it, Warrior of Skyclan, 29 moons.
    a lithe, short haired cream tabby and white patched cat with mossy green eyes
    sister to Orangestar, Applefrost, Apricotflower and Cloudberrythorn // aunt to; Cherryblossom, Eggbounce, Tawnyclaw, Glimmersun // crushing on; Florabreeze & Chrysaliswing // mother to; Cloverkit, TBD
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by wolf@wolf_1997 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


The shy smile was reassuring, the unusual serious expression she upheld loosened slightly at the sight. With a tired sigh she realised how silly she must sound in her concerns, yet she sought that clarification all the same. “I know I just wan- no I need to hear you say that you want me as a parent” it was important to her, wanting to be told that Honeysplash wanted her as a parent. As well as just wanting her around, never wanting to overstep despite her larger than life personality. She cuts herself off from fretting as Honeysplash presses her nose against her cheek.

It's a simple gesture, one done many times over the course of time they have known each other for. Yet she still finds herself stunned, her ears flush like she's some blushing kit having her first crush again. It's embarrassing to say the least, she's long grown by now, past the stage of blushing like a young she-cat. Another exhale is given, this time with a soft smile as she lets herself relax.

“Yeah” she breathes out “I'm okay with it, with everything, with you. I'm glad that you see me as a parent?” It sounds like a question because she really isn't sure what she's feeling. Overjoyed that this has gone so well for sure, yet that warm flush in her ears haven't gone away yet. Her eyes glance down to Honeysplash's tail, an amused laugh filtering out as she watches it swish.

“If I didn't know any better I'd think you're flirting” she comments, a reflection on their night together in the twolegplace. This time it didn't feel like the same lighthearted joke, it wasn't noticeable in tone or inflection in any shape or form yet it felt different to Florabreeze. There was weight to this time, with the queens outburst- confession? she wasn't sure what that really was.

“Do you… remember what you said when you were giving birth?” She had a feeling that they wouldn't, it was two moons ago after all. The Maine Coon shifted nervously, needing to hear what she would say either way. While she wasn't sure this was something she was going to address coming into the conversation it seemed that she was opening all of those doors.


  • SkyClan Daylight Warrior⏐ She / Her ⏐ Info
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    33 moons old { Ages realistically on the 12th per month }
    Mentored by Sorrelsong
    “Speech”, thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}

  • Love
Reactions: wolfie

-ˋˏ ༻❇༺ ˎˊ-I want you as the other parent to my kits,” Honeysplash spoke as if filling a command, like it had been the most obvious thing in the world and she almost cut off Florabreeze in the process of responding. Though the queen clamped her muzzle shut afterwards and let the other keep talking. Honeysplash felt something prickle at her paw tips like they were itching to do something. Like something was settled deep in her chest and she had to let it out or she would merely implode.

Florabreeze then commented about being glad to be seen as a parent and she couldnt help but snicker slightly. Well, at least the other was okay with it! Thats what mattered most in the world really, that Florabreeze was consenting to the whole thing. Honeysplash would hate to force it upon her like she had to basically do to Chrysaliswing. And he didnt have the best reaction to being told about the kits. Yet that morning she had run all the way to twoleg place, a place she feared most in this world, and found solace in brown fur. There wasnt anyone who could replace Florabreeze in her mind and it was going to stay that way.

Honeysplashs’ green gaze then widened slightly and her pelt flamed. Flirting? Was she flirting? She- She didnt think she was! This was how she always talked and in way maybe most cats thought she was flirting? Honeysplash was just being honest with her feelings like she usually was, or tried to be. Still, something flickered in her chest like a warm flame. There wasnt any lightheartedness behind the tone, there wasnt any joke or punchline. No, Florabreeze was asking her seriously? Confusion flicked a little across darker green eyes and then adverted quickly.

What i said? I-I know i named Weaselkit Burpkit right away, and i remember naming the other two as well-” Honeysplash murmured softly and her gaze moved any where but Florabreezes’ face, out of her own anxiousness and uncertainty. Where was this going? Did she do something stupid? Honeysplash was always doing something stupid whether she realized it or not. She was just clumsy that way.

Then she furrowed her brow, “I remember leaning on you afterwards, and i think- i think i fell asleep? Though i had the most wicked vivid dream of-” Honeysplashs’ words trailed off and she felt like she might burst into flames she was so nervous. Had she said something dumb? They weren’t sure- but then she blinked once more and her darker gaze met lighter green-yellow ones, “I told you i loved you in my dream,” Was it not a dream?

  • Speech
  • Honeysplash she/they/it, Warrior of Skyclan, 29 moons.
    a lithe, short haired cream tabby and white patched cat with mossy green eyes
    sister to Orangestar, Applefrost, Apricotflower and Cloudberrythorn // aunt to; Cherryblossom, Eggbounce, Tawnyclaw, Glimmersun // crushing on; Florabreeze & Chrysaliswing // mother to; Cloverkit, TBD
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by wolf@wolf_1997 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Laughter bubbles from Florabreeze at the memory of a tired Honeysplash naming her kits. There had been a moment where the Maine Coon really thought that she was going to name Weaselkit as Burpkit instead. Maybe he would grow to prefer that name but that could always be his choice to circle back to it. She sometimes wondered if the queen really would have kept that name or if they would have eventually decided on something else without intervention. It was easy for her to be whisked away on such a fond memory, a little too easy. As she momentarily was too caught up in it to recall her own question.

Oddly enough it takes Honeysplash's words trailing off to ground her back into the gravity of reality. With a slow blink she allows their words to wash over her, they trailed off stating they had a wickedly vivid dream. Florabreeze is keenly aware of herself in her body in this instance, the weight on her paws, the thrumming in both her chest and hear ears. The way her pelt was aflame in a way that rivalled the greenleaf heat. In this instance Honeysplash was the sun to her, pulling her both into their brilliant orbit while simultaneously burning her.

“In your… dream?” She repeats back, left speechless which seems to be a skill that only the queen in front of her can master. The words feel heavy on her tongue as she repeats it, silently she prays for a breeze to filter in and relieve her from this painful warmth that blossomed. “That wasn't a dream, I don't blame you for thinking it was though you were exhausted” once again she wasn't upset, not at Honeysplash. Confused, a little scared, yet not upset. There was a branch of options in front of her, one here she doesn't pursue this and leave it. Why try and potentially rot a good thing that she had going here, let a friendship stay thriving instead of throwing it to the wayside.

The other option is to follow this, let her impulses guide her as she was usually so privy to do. It could decay a friendship but it could lead to something else, right? As always, Florabreeze let's herself act on impulse, it carried her this far had it not? “Did you mean it- do you still mean it? What do you mean by love?” She babbles on with her questions, not letting herself stop to breathe until she asks all of them.
  • Ooc. Mobile post save me,,

  • SkyClan Daylight Warrior⏐ She / Her ⏐ Info
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    33 moons old { Ages realistically on the 12th per month }
    Mentored by Sorrelsong
    “Speech”, thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}


-ˋˏ ༻❇༺ ˎˊ- Florabreeze repeats them and it make their brow furrow just slightly, confused at the notion. Though she didnt sound upset more like at a lost for words. Honeysplash didnt understand- was- was it not a dream? It felt very unreal. Yet then the Maine coon went on about the fact it was indeed not a dream. The young queens pelt flamed hotly and her ears flicked back against her head, if this was a joke it wasnt funny! Though this sense of pure embarrassment flooded through them and they swallowed thickly- the other wouldn’t lie or make it a joke. They knew that, deep down.

Honeysplash adverted mossy green hues downwards out of being unable to look Florabreeze in the eye anymore. The chocolate molly questions them further, about if they still mean it. What they meant by love. They shifted under those words and their tail lashed behind them- they didn’t know. They just- felt so strongly about Florabreeze. She had been her support system for the last few moons and she could never, ever repay her for it. She filled a spot in her chest that Honeysplash would be so disheartened to loose. A spot that no other cat could hold and they weren’t sure how to explain this out loud. Words were difficult weren’t they?

Love was something strange. Something that many took so seriously as it was a large step and it felt like they were leaping into an abyss with no real bottom to it. Their heart skipped in their chest and they pawed at the ground, trying to find the right words and way to frame this. What did they mean by it?

Of course i still mean it, i wont ever not mean it-” The cream and white queen started shyly, her voice quiet and soft as she treaded lightly on what she wanted to say. They didnt want to break what they had, they didnt want to dissolve a friendship over- silly crushes. Yet it had to come out didnt it? Couldnt run forever from reality and all that. Honeysplash opened and closed her mouth a few times out of nervousness and they felt like their pelt was going to catch fire at some point.

They gave a frustrated sigh at themselves, before just deciding to voice their thoughts even if they weren’t coherent, “I-I mean it in- in like a way that you make my heart flutter whenever you speak to me, that youre always on my mind even when youre not here. In a way that loving parents care for one another for moons” She rambled and felt herself grow more and more flustered with each passing word. Honeysplash shook their head slightly and then finally looked up at Florabreeze with round, dark green eyes, “Guess you could say it’s a crush? But it feels- more than that?” They weren’t making sense and it was causing them to lash their tail furiously behind them. Honeysplash felt her gaze water slightly with overwhelming emotion and they opened their mouth once more-

I am in love with you, Florabreeze

  • Speech
  • Honeysplash she/they/it, Warrior of Skyclan, 29 moons.
    a lithe, short haired cream tabby and white patched cat with mossy green eyes
    sister to Orangestar, Applefrost, Apricotflower and Cloudberrythorn // aunt to; Cherryblossom, Eggbounce, Tawnyclaw, Glimmersun // crushing on; Florabreeze & Chrysaliswing // mother to; Cloverkit, Adderkit, Weaselkit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by wolf@wolf_1997 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


At this moment Florabreeze felt ridiculous, of course she still meant it- wait she still meant it? The words caught up to her rather quickly, there was a rush of adrenaline. She felt both sobered to reality and yet like she was floating to the sky. This was not helping the fact that her pelt felt aflame, after that beat she took a moment to register Honeysplash’s mood surrounding it. The way her eyes looked away from Florabreeze, the fact that her tone was shy and quiet. Her eyes narrowed and concern graced her features, she was always one to clearly show how she felt after all. With a tilt of her head she took another step to be closer towards the young queen, opening her maw to only close it at the frustrated sigh.

The daylight warrior fell silent, letting their rambles run its course. She didn’t particularly want to interrupt it at all, their words made sense to her. She could relate to the fact that she often thought about her while she was away at night, curled up in her improper nest while everyone was long asleep and she was kept up with thoughts about how Honeysplash may be doing.

Her dear friend, an incredible cat that she had considered herself lucky to know, often missed the sound of their voice, her laughter, the way she smiled at her. When she thought about these things those feelings of adoration washed over her like she was a young she-cat experiencing her first crush all over again. Though it had taken Honeysplash rambling about her feelings for the Maine Coon to make that connection, she rolls the thought over and it loses the daunting weight that it originally carried.

When the cream and white queen finally looks up at her again she lights up in delight, clearly nervous but thankful that those dark green eyes were gazing upon her again. She softens and yet her fur fluffs up all the same, the admission that this could be a crush makes it real. Though there’s a look of confusion as they say that it feels like it’s more than that, she tilts her head and olive eyes fall on the tail that lashes furiously behind them. When she opens her maw to speak again she is once again caught off guard, it’s incredible that Honeysplash manages to do this every time.

She doesn’t speak at first, though she doesn’t need to. A comforting purr rumbles from her, loud yet light just like her laugh, it commanded attention all on its own. Clearing her throat her tail swayed behind her, shuffling her paws as she thought about what to say. “You’re in love with me?” it comes across as a whisper, as if speaking too loud would wake her up from this dream. Love was something Florabreeze gave freely but it was something she rejected being given back, she feels that impulse show itself here. To shrivel away from the light of Honeysplash’s love yet she remains, with a slow exhale she cools that impulse down.

“I-" She cut herself with a sigh, sounding too choked up for her liking "Honeysplash.” When words failed actions would always carry across her intentions, if Honeysplash would allow it she’d press her head against the queens. A rare shyness evident to her, her heart steadily thrums and she attempts to press her paw against their own. “I’m in love with you too” another whisper, maybe fear motivated her here, fear that if she said it any louder then she would scare them off.


  • SkyClan Daylight Warrior⏐ She / Her ⏐ Info
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    33 moons old { Ages realistically on the 12th per month }
    Mentored by Sorrelsong
    “Speech”, thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}

  • Love
Reactions: wolfie

-ˋˏ ༻❇༺ ˎˊ- Love had always been something they gave so freely. Love was a strong emotion that they felt deeply about their friends, their family, and this silly molly in front of her. Hell one would even dare to say she still loved Chrysaliswing too even if he wasnt deserving of it. That was the thing for them though as they gave it so willingly without thought or rational notion- they never got it in return. Unconditional love was not something they’ve experienced in their life time besides from their own mother many moons ago. It had always been tense, at a distance from siblings, past friends, flings.

Yet when Florabreeze echoes her words as if it was a secret, no more than a whisper as they couldnt hear anything else above their thumping heart, she nods. Of course they were, they had been for so long now and it all connected like a big puzzle. Though they wait as if ready to be told there wasnt mutual feelings, there was love but for friends rather than something more. Love had been so conditional to them that they were expecting the worst. Or was it more anxiety? Maybe both. Still, Honeysplash just wanted her to know that she’d love her to the ends of the earth even if things weren’t the same. More or not.

It was like their heart stopped in their chest as the brown molly spoke their name. No nickname but their full name and it makes them swallow thickly. Was she upset? They open their mouth to apologize but they have no idea what for other than just to make the situation better.

Then Florabreeze leaned down to them and pressed her head against their own. They flame hotly and it was like their little heart exploded it was puttering so quickly. Then the sound of rumbling made it past the rushing of blood behind their ears- Flora was purring? Honeysplash felt tears prick at her eyes as an overwhelming amount of emotions waved through her and they felt a paw over theirs. They had always been an easy crier whether it be for pure joy or sorrow and it felt so nice to feel immense happiness warm her pelt further.

I’m in love with you too.

They start to giggle.

This shy, giddy little giggle erupts from their maw and they moved to press back at the head butt. Then moved as close as they could get to the molly like the would crawl into her fur if they could, latch on and never let go. Honeysplashs’ fit of giggles finally subsides and is replaced with the loudest purr they could muster. This silly, silly molly.

Maybe love wasnt so conditional.

  • Speech
  • Honeysplash she/they/it, Warrior of Skyclan, 29 moons.
    a lithe, short haired cream tabby and white patched cat with mossy green eyes
    sister to Orangestar, Applefrost, Apricotflower and Cloudberrythorn // aunt to; Cherryblossom, Eggbounce, Tawnyclaw, Glimmersun // crushing on; Florabreeze & Chrysaliswing // mother to; Cloverkit, Adderkit, Weaselkit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by wolf@wolf_1997 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.