OH YEAH, YOU GONNA CRY? // cicadastar


Anxious Artist
Nov 20, 2022

Finchpaw was often alone. He did not mind it, nor did he relish in it, it just was. He could spend hours, and should Riverclan end up letting him (usually they didn't), even days, not talking or actively interacting with another cat. The apprentice was simply content with blending into the background if that was what was to happen.

Honestly, the less events in his life the better. Excitement wasn't all that it was cracked up to be, he knew that all too well.

Creekjaw had sent him back after training, electing to do border patrols without him again. He didn't blame her, what use would he be if things went bad? The idea of seeing that much bloodshed again- it terrified him. He couldn't just say so though, couldn't just admit that he, a kittypet born cat, didn't like all the fighting and conflict that came with being a wildcat. They'd tell him to leave. Tell him to go back to his posh and easy life in a twoleg den. The thought makes him swallow deeply, claws digging into the dirt underneath him. 'I can't go back. I can't. I can't let them make me. I don't want to.'

He's a little too caught up in the what ifs that he doesn't hear someone approach him.
