ohhh dear || lilybloom

Aug 1, 2022


riverclan warrior. 32 moons. tags

He catches her fishing, a skill she's developed well. Lilybloom is a talented young warrior, for all that Clearsight can't help but see her as a kid. She's Clayfur's niece, which endears her to him already; the earthen-furred tom speaks highly of the girl.

"You've got the right idea. Perfect fishing weather," he comments-- a cool breeze that signals leaf-fall approaching and a bright, cloudless sky. Golden eyes mirror the sun as he gazes at the water. "Mind if I join you? I could use the company..." There's a particularly flat stone a foxlength out that he's got his eye on-- he's made some fine catches from that perch.

And if he's honest, he's not just offering for his own sake. Something in him freezes up a little every time he spies a clanmate out alone, imagines blood and thunder and ruthless twoleg paws.

Should she oblige him, he'll nod amiably, and then make a clean leap to the stone--

Or, ah. What should've been a clean leap.

Oh. Fuck, Clearsight thinks as he overbalances, water rushing to meet his face. All the times he's successfully done this alone, and now Clayfur's niece is about to watch him--

Hit the water with a massive splash.



Whilst Lilybloom had planned on fishing alone, she certainly wouldn't say no to any company. So when she hears Clearsight call out to her, she turns to him, gives him a welcoming nod, and quickly gestures for him to join her when he asks. She likes Clearsight and would gladly appreciate his company, even if it was he who mentioned needing it and not the other way around.

Out of the corner of her eye, she spots him inching towards a flat stone nearby. Interestingly, he doesn't seem to approach it with the intention of sitting on it, so she turns to look at him fully to see what he's doing. It looks like he was going to leap for it, or at least that was the intention clearly. Instead, he overbalances and hits the water with a massive splash. Lilybloom recoils in surprise and just about manages to get away in time to avoid getting too wet.

"Are you alright?" Lilybloom asks, once the water has settled. She peers at the tom from her place on the riverbank, pleased to see he isn't injured physically, though the same could not be said for his pride. After a moment Lilybloom starts to laugh, not the little chuckle she usually does, but a full-on hearty, belly laugh. The kind of laugh where it starts to hurt to breathe after a few seconds. "You know, as unexpected as that was, you have to admit that was pretty funny."


riverclan warrior. 32 moons. tags

When he resurfaces she asks if he's alright; of course she does, always kind and concerned. Clearsight confirms, and the glitter of amusement in her eye turns to a laugh—a big laugh, bigger and brighter than he's used to hearing from her.

The bubbly sound's a bit infectious, and he finds himself laughing too. He clambers up onto the flat stone and shakes out his silvery-blue pelt, droplets shimmering in the sun as they go flying, a chuckle rumbling out of his chest.

"I suppose it was," he concedes, taking a seat and ducking his chin to give his chest an embarrassed lick. "I swear, I've made that jump a hundred times before..."

"It's a great fishing spot—you know, when I haven't scared off all the fish within a mile."
He purrs, wondering if she'd appreciate it; she's skilled at fishing and seems to really like it. "The water's deeper out here, so the catch is often bigger."


// I COULDNT THINK OF A TRAD WORD so ig just pretend this time they know the word "mile" :friedcrying: