okay, so what now? [open]


New member
Oct 31, 2022



Okay. So maybe Sam hadn't thought things through properly when Pitchstar had offered him the chance to stay and join Shadowclan. As far as first impressions went, most of the Shadowclanners he'd spoken to or had time to observe were nothing short of intimidating, the friendly smiles few and far between. He'd seen a pair of cats training viciously in the woods on his way to the camp, and now that he stood in the heart of their home, he couldn't help but feel out of place. Sam was noticeably smaller than most of them, with a bright pelt of cream and white, his coat an odd amalgamation of spots and stripes. The majority of those around him were large and had pelts of darker hues, and it was hard not to notice all the looks he got as he made his way into camp.

He did his best not to let it get to him though. Even if it was a little unnerving to be in a new place surrounded by so many unknown cats, he reminded himself that this was what a real adventure was; tackling the unknown and facing your fears head on! Sure, he was nervous now, but he knew that just like any new thing he tried, he'd get used to it after a while. He just needed a little time to get a feel for things. Of course, that didn't solve the problem of what he should actually be doing. Surely he wasn't supposed to just be sitting around? Everyone else looked so busy...

All around camp there was a hustle and bustle he'd never seen among the barn cats or kittypets he'd encountered. Cats were organizing patrols, bringing in prey that was being stockpiled, cleaning out nests, and so on. Here and there small clusters of cats sat or lay, lounging as they exchanged conversation and shared a meal, and outside one of the dens he spotted some kits swatting at a mossball and chasing after each other. This place, Shadowclan, was truly strange. Scary, and yet these cats treated each other better than anything else he'd ever seen, all working together to look after each other.

Okay, well, if Shadowclan was a community and he was expected to be a part of it, he should probably try talking to someone. With that thought, bright, sky blue eyes would scan the clearing once more in hopes of catching sight of a cat closer to his own age, or at least one that didn't look as if they'd claw his ears off for bothering them.

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Every time his fool of a mentor and leader lets another hapless kitten into ShadowClan, Granitepaw inwardly -- and sometimes outwardly -- seethes. He's an apprentice now, and at the end of each day, his body feels the burden of feeding mouths who cannot contribute. His paws ache, his muscles are sore and strained, and his heart becomes a little darker, a little colder, at the sight of cats who do not hunt themselves eating prey he's spent all day chasing.

The gray tom has a pause in his duties, and he flops unceremoniously beside the fresh-kill pile. Long green eyes flick from meager frog to skinny lizard, and although his stomach grumbles, he turns away with an angry twitch of an ear. He's lost his appetite thinking about his useless Clanmates.

He has no idea that a pair of brilliant blue eyes has caught sight of him.

- ,,

Life has been, as of late, a long series of waiting.

She wakes and shuffles about camp, stuck somewhere between bored and exasperated. Her mother will find her, Loam knows with the same surety that the sun would eventually rise. Loam just needs to be patient. She waits, and in the meantime this ShadowClan calls her Loamkit, and speaks in a way that leaves Loam with the distinct impression that they expect her to stay. She wonders, in a distant sort of way, if her mother would like her new friends.

And there, standing like a lone dandelion sprouting from the mud, is a stranger.

Loam had thought she'd met everyone. Someone new, then? Perhaps someone who can help Loam be a little less bored? She approaches in the way only someone wholly and truly unafraid might, her curled paw lifted just enough to prevent it from knocking against the ground. Loam sizes the stranger up visibly-- starting at his paws and ending on his face.

"You seem alright!" Loam announces, after a long pause "Wh-w--what's your name?" Her face spasms as she speaks, and her eyelids flutter with the same frantic rate of a startled bird. When she smiles, its a toothy thing, "M'name's Lo-loam!"

tags ∘ shadowclan kit ∘ solid black with hazel eyes ∘ curled front foot ∘ 5 moons​



The first Shadowclan apprentice that Sam laid eyes on was no less impressive than his warrior counterparts. He was tall with sharp features and even sharper eyes, the color of which reminded him of things like snakes and lizards. His coat was a colorless grey marked with white, but unlike Sams own wild markings, this toms were far neater, lacking the random array of speckles and spots the cream tabby was in posession of.

And like most of the cats he'd met so far, there was something undeniably intimidating about them.

He was so focused on mentally hyping himself up to go talk to the other, that he didn't notice the black kit scrutinizing them right away. It was only when they spoke and managed to make the boy jolt in surprise that he realized he was no longer alone. To his surprise, a black kitten stood looking up at him, apparently in approval. It was strange. Sam had never seen a kitten this close up before. They sure were small, and kind of adorable.

"Hi there, Loam. My name's Sam." he replied with a smile, glad that at least someone was willing to give him a chance, even if it was a little kid. God, was he that desperate for approval that he'd even go seeking it from a kit?

"I just joined Shadowclan today- like, fifteen minutes ago, to be honest." he explained with a sheepish look, tail swishing behind him nervously as he reconsidered the words he was about to say before finally giving in. "I was actually just about to go ask that guy over there if he could help me with a few things. You can come with if you want." he offered, not wanting to be rude.

Okay, time to bite the bullet. He'd already spoken to an entire patrol of warriors and now a kit, surely he could handle one cat his own age?

Ah, famous last words.

With a flick of his tail he gestured for Loam to come along if they wished, and then paws began to carrying him over toward the pile of prey where the grey and white tom was laying. As he came to a stop before them with shuffling paws, the smaller tom would softly clear his throat to get the others attention.

"U-um, excuse me? I'm really sorry to bother you, but I kind of just joined and I'm not really sure if there's anything specific I'm supposed to be doing right now..." he began, blue eyes shifting from the grey and white tom to the multitude of other busy cats. "Everyone looks like they have something to do, even the cats our age. I- I don't want to get in trouble for just standing around or anything."

Sky blue eyes would shift back to meet with green, silently willing them not to bite his head off.


So he is new! Loam’s so clever, to have figured that out on her own.

I-eee-uh don’t—” Loam starts, but then her nose crinkles, “What’s uh-a Sam?” He must be from somewhere far away. That would explain why he looks so odd too; Loam’s only ever seen one other cat like him.

He’s in luck though, because Loam considers herself something of an expert in ShadowClan related things.

’Been he-heh-here for—” But when Loam reaches for the knowledge— she knows she knows it— it remains stubbornly out of her claws’ grasp, “—awh-wh-while.

But before Loam can even be kind enough to offer her own services, Sam trots off with an invitation to join him. Loam obliges, curious as who this Sam has deemed to look more helpful than her. She stops abruptly when realization dawns on her.


Go ahead w-weh-without me, ‘m gonna wait he-here,” If Sam wanted to play in brambles, it wasn’t exactly Loam’s job to tell him about the thorns. In a sing-song voice, Loam adds, “Good luck!

tags ∘ shadowclan kit ∘ solid black with hazel eyes ∘ curled front foot ∘ 5 moons​

Well, Loam might not mind throwing the new guy to the wolves on his very first day here but Claypaw was not!. He had been in search for the new guy after hearing gossips that a new apprentice aged kit had joined them today. Being the overly friendly cat he was, Claypaw had wanted to personally greet them to welcome them to the clan. It must be scary to be new and crowded with so many strangers. The least he could do was to make them feel more comfortable in thier new home.

It wasn't very hard to found them either thier blonde and soft white fur really sticking out in this place. Claypaw smiled and was on his way over towards them but his smile got replaced with a concernd frown when discovering who the new guy was standing beside. Granitepaw. Oh no. That tom might be very eye-catching but his personality totally sucked!. Even a badger was more friendly than that guy was!.

He hurried himself over there now and like lightening he slided in right next to Granitepaw. " Hello there!. You must be the new guy right?. My name's Claypaw and..." wow. He went silent as he stared at Sam for a long moment with blinking eyes until finally he broke his own silence. " You're really cute!." he blurted out, speaking first and thinking afterwards. Realising what he just had said his cheeks blushed up but that didn't stop him from feeling embarrassed enough to become shy. Clearing his throat instead he then contunied like nothing had ever happened. " Uuuuh, where was i, right!. I hope my denmate over here not said anything harshly too you!. You see Granitepaw over here always wakes up on the wrong side of his nest soooo, you should just ignore what he says most of the times. we all do!." He grinned at Sam while completely ignoring the potential death glares he might be given from Granitepaw right now.

He might be digging his own grave right now but that was all fine!. At least he would die knowing he had defended a cute guy!. Totally worth it.

  • Haha
Reactions: Marquette
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Granitepaw is so intent on stewing in his own thoughts that he is startled at Sam's hesitant approach. "I'm really sorry to bother you, but I kind of just joined and I'm not really sure if there's anything specific I'm supposed to be doing right now..." The cream-colored tabby has a respectful approach, at least; Granitepaw eyes him with cold scrutiny.

Loam and Claypaw both earn claw-sharp glares. The gray and white tom says, "Even this newcomer is more useful than the pair of you." He lashes his tail, but turns that shining green gaze back to Sam thoughtfully. "I'm Granitepaw. I'm an apprentice. That's why you see cats our age working. My idiot of a mentor should have given you a mentor you can train with, but I'm not surprised that he hasn't."

He rises to his paws and stretches, feeling the muscles burn beneath his rippling blue-gray coat. With an impatient flick of his tail, he says, "I'm sure Pitchstar won't mind if you come with me. Can you hunt at all?" He pointedly ignores both Loam and Claypaw, preferring instead to pretend they have faded out of existence entirely.

- ,,



What was a Sam? He wasn't really sure how to answer that question, mainly because he'd never had to think about it before. "I'm a Sam." he replied, unable to help the light laugh that fell from his lips as he smiled back at Loam. "I'm not really sure what it means, if that's what your asking. My mom was a loner when she had me and my siblings, but before that she was a twoleg pet, so she gave us all names that are a little on the weird side." he explained, hoping the other wasn't too put off by it.

His confidence in that matter was shaken a little more when a moment later the other declined his invitation to join him in approaching the other cat, though the 'good luck' tacked on at the end had him wondering if his apprehension would be better spent on the cat instead.

Despite his nerves, he managed to spit out his question to the gray and white tom. Before he could get an answer though, another strode over to join them.

Sam had never seen a cat with ears like Claypaws before. It was an unusual and sitinct look, but not a bad one. Much to the cream tabbys pleasure they seemed immensely friendly as well, promptly introducing themselves before catching Sam off guard with the compliment. Blue eyes would blink in surprise, a small smile tugging at his lips as he watched the other immediately flush. To recover they quickly went on to apologize for anything Granitepaw might have said. So that was his name then?

"It's nice to meet you, Claypaw! My name's Sam. And your cute, too- I like your ears." he said, figuring it was only right to pay them a complimen in turn.

The conversation didn't go much farther though, because the afore mentioned Granitepaw was quick to step in and take control of things. In the span of a few short seconds he was not only caught up on the basic info he'd been lacking, but he was being taken somewhere as well.

"Um, yeah, a bit. My mom started teaching us a while ago. She said we'd need to know how to feed ourselves once we went our separate ways." he replied, blue eyes flashing to Loam and Clay regretfully as he began to follow Granitepaw.

He felt bad that the gray and white tom hadn't invited the other two, especially when they seemed like some of the more friendlier cats Sam had gotten the chance to meet. In all honesty he really would have liked the chance to get to know them a bit better and maybe make some friends, but...

He didn't want to disappoint Granitepaw, either. And between the three of them, he couldn't help but get the impression that the grey apprentice was the less forgiving of the trio.

Besides, as much as he wanted to befriend Loam and Clay right then and there, he had approached Granitepaw with the express intent of wanting to figure things out a bit better. He was excited to be here and all and was looking forward to whatever new stuff it would bring his way, but he was still up to his ears in changes and facing them entirely alone. Granitepaw, gruff and commanding as he may appear, also seemed like he had his shit together. Add on to the fact that he was the first cat of this rougher nature to not immediately scorn Sam or openly belittle him, and it wasn't really a surprise that the cream tabby was eager to keep them placated. Who knows? Maybe if he could figure out some stuff with Granite he'd be able to apply it with the others and get better results.

"So, your mentors Pitchstar then." he noted, finding that he wasn't really all that surprised. Granitepaw looked strong and had a sharpness to him that seemed fitting of being the leaders apprentice, though the realization that he was now talking to someone with such high connections was another issue to worry about entirely. "Do you think he'll assign me one soon? I already feel like half the clan doesn't want me here, the last thing I need is for them to think i'm some kind of freeloader or something." he scoffed, knowing full well it would be the last nail in the coffin for him if the cats here got the impression that he was just using them for a free ride now that the colder weather was coming.


Wait what?!. Granitepaw was not going to bite his ears off. Smacking him on the head. This was actually the nicest thing the other grey and white tom had ever said to him!. " Awww, Nitty that is the nicest thing you have ever said to me!. Are you softening up to me, neh?, neeeeh?." He took a step closer to them, staring wondering if he actually had a chance after all!. Claypaw had admittedly got a bit distracted but...when cute Sam started speaking his attention fly right back to them and....His face flushed up in the blink of a second. H-His ears?!, cute?. CUTE, his ears?. Claypaw could die of a heart attack right there and then and he wouldn't even have minded it!. Nobody had ever called him for cute before, to say they liked his weird looking ears!.

Claypaw was so shooked and happy at the sametime he didn't know what to do with himself. " Oh...oh yeah, it's nice to meet me...uhm, i mean you!.uuuuh." Talk about being caught by suprise. He had completely lost his smooth flow now. It was one thing when he throw out comments to them but....it had never got returned before!.

Wow, talk about being stuck up there by the clouds in his own little mind, flying on clouds in the air, dreamingly.

Claypaw had not paid attention to everything that had been said thanks to him slipping into his gay world there he and Sam was floating in the air together with birds all singing to them. But he got shoot back down on earth again in time to hear Sam mention if he would get a mentor and his concerns that he did not felt welcomed here. " Of course i want you here!, i mean we, shadowclan loves you already!. Some of them are just a bit grumpyhearted at first. But i swear they will warm up to you in no time!. And if not....you are always welcome to share my nest!...i mean next to me...haha, seperate nests of-of course!." He blushed, but he keept on going, rambling on because that is what he did when he was being an idiot.

" Pitchstar is gonna pick out the best mentor to you and once he does...we should hunt and train together!." he grinned, looking forward to it. Just him and Sam walking beside each other. Oh gosh he couldn't wait!.