private ol' boy blue | goldfish



જ➶ Standing on the bank of the river, waters that would normally reach her ankles now coast at her paws. The behemoth feels tension in her spine and she shakes herself. Trying to think through everything that is happening now. But the worry keeps nagging at her. Keeps pulling her towards thoughts that this is all a trap and their colony is in danger. Perhaps they should have never moved this way to begin with and stayed near where they were. Or even perhaps went in the opposite direction. Ugh, it's all so frustrating and the sentinal finds herself wanting to claw at something. So she does. Dashes the water with thick and heavy claws that throws water up into the air. Small droplets rain down and she takes an even breath in. All she knows is that she has to be prepared for the worse, has to make sure that everyone stays safe even if it costs her everything. She wouldn't be here if not for them and she turns her pale orange and yellow eyes over to look at Goldfish. "Any luck over there?" Her rumbling tone does not give anything away about how she is feeling. Plus she doesn't want to worry the other.

She hopes that she also didn't scare the fish away. It may have looked like a missed try on her part and she cracks a partial smirk. "Just missed my own. But we have some time before we have to get back to the others. So no rush." It is always better never to rish when trying to catch a fish. Least mistakes be made.
