private OLD FOLKS HOME . brindlepaw


Nov 19, 2024
The afternoon's high sun warmed the aching shoulders and back of the young apprentice. Heronpaw rolled his shoulders against the soothing warmth, but it only dulled the ache that had sunk it's claws deep. Frozen, crystal orbs stared into the shallow depths of the river as he stood with the chilled water just running over his paws. The blue hued apprentice stuck his tongue between his two overgrown fangs in thought, that one's pretty... But it isn't big enough.

That one!

Heronpaw hooked his claws around a paw-sized shell that overshadowed the rest. It's glossy front had a flame-like hue with deep black stripes. It looked like the tigers of legend, for it was made in their likeness by the swift river. A symbol of power and a great gift with a story. Perhaps, he would tell Brindlepaw about the legends of old?

Excitement fizzled in his chest as he took the shell within his jaws and sprung from the chilly shallows. Large, wide paws carried him through the reeds, back into camp, and towards the apprentices' den. A brisk wind raked claws through his dense coat as he poked his head inside the den. Heronpaw caught sight of his friend and a smile worked around the shell in his jaws. The stocky apprentice worked his way around the other apprentices' nests as he made it way over. He stopped just outside her nest and dropping the shell at his feet, "Hey there, old lady! I found you something for your birthday." A warm, chuckling purr pulled itself from his chest as he nudged the shell closer for her inspection.

  • ooc. @brindlepaw
    This will just be an early birthday gift. It's so close to their birthday and I don't want to complicate the timeline.
  • HERONPAW —— apprentice of riverclan . mentored by tarantulamask
    penned by DROID
    male . he/him . eight moons . ages every 19ᵗʰ
    physically easy . mentally easy . honest . fair . judgmental
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted . tag account when attacking
    —— little combat training . no combat experience

    "speech", thoughts, attacks
    all opinions are in character
  • 91539564_cU1KUzQs6zpxtxZ.png

    a longhaired blue lynx point with low white and blue eyes. a feathery soft, longhaired, and thick furred tomcat of beautiful blue pigments. eyes a bright electrifying blue. strong and sturdy legs held by white webbed paws dimpled with pink pads. fangs peek out from under his lips due to their curious length. well cared for fur is attached to lean, hard packed newly earned muscle. an unconventional teenage heartthrob followed by a thick air of fresh apprentice confidence.
brindlepaw was not one to really keep track of things like age. she only really knew because of heronpaw. they shared a birthday and he seemed to find joy in that fact. who was she to try to take that from him. Without him reminding her, she'd probably not even be totally sure when she's supposed to become a warrior. it was a slow morning for her. the chill of the wind cut through her short fur, so she'd taken to remaking (or really, more like rearranging) her nest. removing stones that'd worked their way into the moss and reeds forming it. fluffing, tidying. she appreciated the monotony of it.

heronpaw was obviously her best friend. it wasn't easy for her to make friends, honestly, so she was grateful that he seemed to be much better at it. and that she was usually allowed to tag along. she looked up as he entered the den, something clutched between his teeth. a curious, trademark head-tilt had her inspecting the shell closely. it was interesting. brightly hued, striped, more vibrant than she'd seen in a long while. "it's pretty, i like it a lot," she mewed. what he said clicked in her mind finally and she whipped her head up indignantly. "old lady? we're the same age, old man," she jabbed back, a smirk pulling at the corner of her mouth.

  •  "speech"
  • 1b1525b12b0c93ddd7c8a44d39a6bccb.jpg
    abandond kit, brindlepaw found mysteriously on the border of riverclan, with no memory of how she ended up there. she is 9 moons. she is very small for her age, but is healthy. she is a dilute tortoiseshell with a white throat and chest. her stomach, paws and tail tip are also white. her eyes are golden and round. penned by Twitchtail,