camp Old Man of the Woods (Open, Intro!)


May 6, 2024

It was a rather pleasant new leaf morning in the RiverClan camp. Blue skies stretched from horizon to horizon, and despite the refreshing warmth of the day the air remained crisp and clear. Sunlight bled through the trees upon the sand, and a gentle breeze swept across from the river. It was in this perfect day that, shockingly, a cat stepped forth from the warriors den. He was an imposing figure, large and long-furred with a broad face and feathery tail. His sunkissed chocolate fur was long and flowed like water as he stepped with surprising gentleness along the sand to stretch and bask in the morning warmth. One could see as he did that his size was not all fur - there was taught muscle beneath (Though his pouch was a little on the fatty side...). Despite his size, however, there was nothing but gentle kindness to his face. He looked upon kits playing, apprentices struggling with fresh kill, even bickering warriors with almost grandfatherly patience. While he was not an old cat by any means, still in the prime of his life, there was something of the old soul to this proud warrior - a glint to his emerald eyes that seemed to imply a life that had seen much, but held no bitterness. With a wide, toothy yawn the warrior settled down to groom himself.​
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⋅˚₊‧ ଳ ‧₊˚ ⋅ The midday sun was accompanied by a gentle, consistent breeze. Dawnkit was very sleepy but was doing his very best to fight the need to sleep for just a little longer. His eyes drifted shut for a bit too long as he was walking. The brown kit swayed as he walked blindly around. That was until he bumped into something big, warm, and soft. Green eyes cracked open to look up at Owlfeather and give a sheepish smile.

"Do you think if I cover myself in scales from dead fish when I hunt live fish, the live fish will think I'm a fish and let me get close enough to grab them?" The kit rambled on, laying down beside the warrior, closing his eyes and giving a big yawn. "Next time you go swimming , you should try it."

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    Dawnkit — he/him ・ 3 moons ・ Riverclan kit ・ PENNED BY @Ghostunes!
    lilac ticked tabby with white across his face and chest and has leaf green eyesTags
Owlfeathers preening was interrupted with a small nudge to his flank. Expecting someone looking for his attention, the large warrior looked up... and then down with a mew of surprise at the little kit who'd walked into him. His gaze softened as he watched the young cat before he broke into laughter at his words. It was a gentle, genuine laugh that rolled from his chest. "Oh, little one. I think that's a fantastic idea." he purred in amusement, crouching down low so that he was.... well, perhaps not the same height as the young kit. But at least lower. "But look at me. I'm too fat!" Owlfeather rasped in dry humor, his long feather tail brushing along his flank. "Can you imagine how many fish it would take to cover my body with scales?"

Oh whoops posted with wrong acc >>;
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