OLD ROOTS, NEW TREES [ ✦ ] assessment

After the news had been delivered that his mother was not coming back a tiredness had settled into his very soul and had not left. Just like with Morningpaw's death though, life continued on. His grandmother would hold a meeting soon and his apprentice was of age to become a warrior. That meant, despite the feeling that drags at his bones and begs him to just stay in bed, that he needed to conduct an assessment. Admittedly, he and Falconpaw had not been mentor and apprentice for very long. Most of the brown toms training had been conducted by another and Burnstorm was just meant to get him through the tail end of it. It felt strange, to be put in charge of a cat he had once shared a den with. But then again, he was in charge of many now, cats who were older than him by seasons, cats who had much more experience and wisdom than he. It would never not feel strange he thinks. Even when Falconpaw graduated he would still hold a different kind of authority over him and everyone else.

"Todays the day, are you ready?" he asks, golden eyes staring impassively at a brown striped pelt. He himself had not ever had an assessment. He had proven himself in the trials of real life and in the heat of the moment he had acted in a way that had been honorable, brave. He looks at Falconpaw, makes notes of the wounds that seemed lesser than those of many others and he wonders about it. The battles had all been so much and he had not been able to get more than a glimpse of his apprentice in the throng of fighting cats. Had Falconpaw given everything he had? Soon, he would find out.

They make their way to the sandy hollow, where the assessment would take place. For a long moment, there is quiet, the sounds of birds chattering, of normal forest life, is the only sound that can be heard before Burnstorm once again turns to his apprentice. "Falconpaw, today you will be demonstrating to me whether you have what it takes to become a warrior or if we need to extend your training another moon." his tail waves in the air behind him as he speaks, his eyes set on the deputies son "You will wait here until the sun is at its peak, and then you will come and find me in the forest. When you find me, you will demonstrate the battle skills that ThunderClanners are known for and you will fight me with everything you've got, as if I were an intruder in you clans territory. You have until sun down to complete this task." The Forest Attack was a skill that every ThunderClanner should master, Burnstorm would not try to hide himself in the way he normally would, but he would also not be making it easy for Falconpaw to find him. And then there was the matter of a fight. It was a big task, but becoming a warrior, in his opinion, should not be something that is taken lightly.

// @FALCONPAW. set prior to novembers meeting!
Falconpaw has known that this day is coming. He’s dreaded it, just as he’s dreaded every other moment he’s had to prove himself. He’s twelve months old now, and expected to be ready for warriorhood, but he feels so small. So useless. His father is the clan’s deputy, and his mother and sister just returned from a dangerous journey that saved the lives of the clan’s ill. How could he possibly live up to what they’ve done? He can’t even think about those rogues without his legs locking up.

He trails behind the lead warrior as Burnstorm heads for the sandy hollow, eyes wide with fear. Stress weighs down each step, but he attempts to stand up straighter. When they reach their destination and his mentor explains the assessment to him, the cream tabby can’t help but wonder whether he’ll even succeed. He doesn’t think he can do it, but he fears letting down his family and his mentor even more. "I—uh, yeah. I’m ready." The boy’s voice betrays his nerves, as does the stricken look that settles onto his face. "That sounds like…" he shuffles anxiously in place, shifting his weight from paw to paw. He swallows harshly, but attempts to calm himself. "I can do it." His stomach twists, pelt prickling with discomfort. He definitely can’t do this. If he even manages to find Burnstorm in the forest, then he doesn’t know how he’ll beat his mentor in battle. The lead warrior is so much stronger than Falconpaw is, and Falconpaw can’t imagine Burnstorm losing any kind of fight.
[ find me way out there ]