private OLD TRAIN TRACKS - private

She was being careful on her outings now, taking others with her that she knew could handle their own or joining in on patrols that were already heading in the direction that she needed. Today Moonpaw wasn't going out to look for herbs specifically, nothing that she needed grew on the borders that touched the unclaimed land next to RiverClan but other flowers could and in her search for looking for them she wandered away from the patrol slightly. The slight smell of flowers through the cold brought her forward and when she saw the slight frost-covered camellia before her the white moggie rushed forward, bending down to grasp onto their stems and pull, picking up a few before taking a step back to look for more.

Flowers clutched between ivory teeth the medicine cat apprentice moved along, the floral scent causing her to miss the scent of borders nearing as she searched for her flowers, stopping to place them down when she saw another small patch, the overwhelming scent of reed and water filling her senses as she realized where she was. Picking up her flowers once more she began to back up to search for her patrol but the faint crackling of frozen dew under pawsteps alerted the feline to another nearby. "Who's there? Show yourself!" She tried her best to sound confident, to sound threatening, but she was getting ready to run at the first sign of danger, not wanting to encounter anyone that could cause harm as they had done to Clayfur.

  • @otterpaw @HAZEL
  • 76563872_jZr368yA5Er3eOs.png
    ꕥꕥꕥ ACHES & PAINS
    ꕥꕥꕥ ILLNESS
    ꕥꕥꕥꕥꕥ BROKEN BONES
    ꕥꕥꕥ KITTING
    ꕥꕥꕥꕥꕥ POISONS
  • 73712454_CoST7yg1gTxVXmM.jpg
    SH white masking cinnamon torbie w/orange eyes & small ears
    speaks softly & often found humming
    9 moons old; ages the 17th every month
    homosexual homoromantic ; interested in beepaw & redacted
    currently being mentored by ravensong
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    easy in combat unless in water, focuses on defensive tactics
    peaceful powerplay allowed
In the darkness of the reed bed sat the hulking molly, glowering at the pale she-cat sticking out like a sore pad. She had been hunting a mediocre rodent skittering across the chilled grasses until the Riverclanner had come bounding forward to snap up a flower. Interrupting the process and broiling the rogue's blood in violent waves. She hated the self-righteous pests groveling at the paws of dead cats and false idols. Once the youth stepped away she slunk further into the depths and trailed carefully behind, anger dipping into something more vicious. She'd had quite the taste of clan-cat blood and if she couldn't earn her pound of flesh in hunting then it would be this cat's neck. There we go... Just a bit closer now. Giddiness riled up the fur along her spine as the herb-scented clan cat wandered right into the reeds. Excellent. Revealing herself from the gloom the scarred tabbies tail swung low as she made her presence known with claws to crunching patches.

Upon her discovery she drank in the wavering voice between stems, body poised to bolt, it was all too glamorous of a scene. Hazel's maw dripped with malignance and a nasty sneer showcasing snaggled and yellowed fangs. "Hello, little clan-kitthy. You're awfully far fr-from your friends." Her slurred tone is sickly sweet and a step above of a growl as she inches closer and closer. Circling and blocking the smaller felines intended route of escape.

attacking, "speaking", peaceful powerplaying
  • Nervous
Reactions: Jay

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-"Where did Moonpaw go?" Paws splash and come up empty and his claws flexed in his irritation. Another hunting patrol wasted on bringing home nothing, made to watch with an envious stare as his Clanmates find their own success over the ice. In an attempt to deflect from his lack of success he turned the tide of conversation toward the alabaster molly that parted from the patrol in search for something he didn't care to recall.

She said she wouldn't stray too far. You can go find her? A dismissal to cool off and let his patience return to him. Otterpaw sighed and pulled away from the waters edge to pad off after the medicine cat apprentice. She wasn't too far that Otterpaw had a hard time finding her but she definitely was further away than he expected. His expression twisted into a grimace as something else crossed Moonpaw's scent, something unknown and at first he wondered if she was minnow-brained enough to be meeting someone so close to the patrol she had joined.

"What are you doing- hey!" Claws flexed into peaty soil at the sight of Hazel. The rogue stood perfectly between him and the other molly, blocking either of them any chance to help an escape. A frustrated huff of air exhaled from his maw, because of course a cat that couldn't fight would be stuck in this position.

In all his brightness Otterpaw thought the best course of action was to distract the rogue and place attention to him by calling Hazel's bluff.

"Oh c'mon, Moonpaw couldn't even bare her claws against a dragonfly. Why don't you fight someone worth the effort?" His self inflated ego would cost him much more than just backhandedly saving Moonpaw, unfortunately.

  • OTTERPAW he/him, apprentice of riverclan, eleven moons.
    scruffy blue/black chimera with white undercarriage and green eyes. noticeable kinked whiskers
    adopted son to pikesplash // apprentice to coyotecreek
    peaceful and healing powerplay requires permission / / underline and tag when attacking or making an action toward
    see battle info here
    penned by beataegonkpilled on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Internally, Moonpaw was yelling at herself for getting distracted, yelling at herself for coming all the way out here without realizing no one else was close by, and yelling at herself for not trying harder on learning how to fight. She could defend, sure - she'd shown that skill when the clan had been taking back their home previously - but that was within the water where she had the upper hand, where she could dunk cats beneath the cold surface and hope they didn't know what was happening or how to get back up. Land fighting was a whole different beast and she wasn't sure how long she'd be able to keep up a fight outside of the water. All these thoughts rushed through her head as she saw the unfamiliar pelt of another, the slurred voice that came from the maw of the rogue one that caused Moonpaw's teeth to grate and ears to pick back to her head. She watched as the other circled her, doing the best she could to keep her back from facing the other so that she wouldn't be surprised by an attack, and did her best to watch for a way out.

And then another voice reached Moonpaw's ears and quickly she found her eyes quickly glancing over Hazel's shoulder to see Otterpaw talking about how she couldn't bare her claws against a dragonfly, and although she knew she could she'd stay silent in the hopes that the rogue would get distracted, in the hopes that they'd both be able to get away with minimal damage. Maybe there'd be others coming soon who could help chase her off or to simply intimidate her, and if Hazel were to try to attack then at least one of them would be behind her - it was a stupid move to attack while outnumbered anyway.

  • 76563872_jZr368yA5Er3eOs.png
    ꕥꕥꕥ ACHES & PAINS
    ꕥꕥꕥ ILLNESS
    ꕥꕥꕥꕥꕥ BROKEN BONES
    ꕥꕥꕥ KITTING
    ꕥꕥꕥꕥꕥ POISONS
  • 73712454_CoST7yg1gTxVXmM.jpg
    SH white masking cinnamon torbie w/orange eyes & small ears
    speaks softly & often found humming
    9 moons old; ages the 17th every month
    homosexual homoromantic ; interested in beepaw & redacted
    currently being mentored by ravensong
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    easy in combat unless in water, focuses on defensive tactics
    peaceful powerplay allowed
Surprise lit up the tabbies mug as she peered over to the interrupting stranger. Her lip curling with disdain as the runt joined their private event, and for a moment, she contemplated switching her bloodlust to the goading little bug. Ears pinned back and tail lashing wildly with consideration. Well... Her hazy eyes bounced between the two younger clan cats for a moment, an idea brewing maliciously in her head and then blossoming into a nasty plot. Worth my effort, hm? A small chuckle bubbled from her throat as the Maine Coon addressed the newcomer. "R-really now? Aren't you an interesting one." Seeing such a brazen display from a literal pipsqueak bemused her. Fine. I'll play along. Huffing dramatically, she rolled her eyes and stepped back from the exit, putting on an air of disinterest as she lifted her left paw and began to absently clean the back of it, making efficient work of her jagged teeth and nibbling away any clumps of dirt. A breath of silence fell upon them, and she blinked as if surprised. Once more her pupils rolled, and she growled a smarmy remark. "Well? Get out of here! You li-li-little rats aren't worth m-my time." Licking her chops, she looked away with a bored demeanor, dropping all guard to let the snowy princess pass to her bluer companion.

Unsteadily, this Moonpaw seemed to take her opportunity and began to creep by. Hazel kept up the momentary ruse, going back to her earlier bath, eyes staring right at the pale apprentice's paws. There we go. Just as the youth's lower half started to pass, a crooked sneer broke across the rogue's scarred maw. Jetting forward, she slammed her body down on top of the smaller feline, arms crisscrossed against Moonpaw's back as wicked laughter roared from her chest. "S-so gullible! Clanth cats really are th-the dumbest of the l-lot." The ginger molly preened boldly, claws anchoring into pinky flesh, shredding crimson ribbons across white fur and staining it a lovely rouge. A wild expression fell upon the hulking moggy as she eyed Otterpaw like a piece of two-leg leftovers. "C-come closer if you think you're worth my effort." Shoving the Riverclanner into the chilled muck below, she gingerly stepped away and set her sights on the bolder of the duo. Nodding her head like a bull ready to pulverize it's target.

Permission to powerplay the injuries given by rabbitcake/tikki!
@BEEPAW @claypaw - time to boogie!

attacking, "speaking", peaceful powerplaying

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- Otterpaw narrowed his gaze at Hazel while she spoke, noting her strange manner of speech. Then she fell silent, a long pause sending Otterpaw to exchange glances with Moonpaw in confusion. He expected the rogue to start at him instead and he had kept his claws outstretched to prepare for the moment. But it never came as she stood between them cleaning herself.

Irritation began to burn away his excitement for a fight. Was this molly a few fins short of a fish? She urged for the pair to simply leave her alone and Otterpaw's fur bristled down his spine. "Fine. Moonpaw, let's go home." The apprentice kept still as he watched the rogue, muscles tense and ready to pounce. He wouldn't put a drop of trust in Hazel's words and she would quickly prove him right.
The tabby she-cat moved like an adder, striking against pale fur so quickly Otterpaw felt his paws grow roots and keep him in place.

Move! Move! The demand pounded at his skull while Moonpaw is torn and tossed aside. A hot fiery rage finally reavhed its boiling point and Otterpaw ripped himself away from the ground to lunge at Hazel. He reached out to slash his claws into her chest, her legs, whatever he could make contact with while teeth snapped at her face.

  • OTTERPAW he/him, apprentice of riverclan, eleven moons.
    scruffy blue/black chimera with white undercarriage and green eyes. noticeable kinked whiskers
    adopted son to pikesplash // apprentice to coyotecreek
    peaceful and healing powerplay requires permission / / underline and tag when attacking or making an action toward
    see battle info here
    penned by beataegonkpilled on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Where did Moonpaw go?

She said she wouldn't stray too far. You can go find her?

Claypaw was briefly aware of the interaction nearby. She had been occupied hunting something else upon the banks of the river, downstream from where the interaction was happening. Minutes stretched, and when Otterpaw hadn't returned, she stood straight. "I'll be right back." She said sharply to her mentor, turning and following the fresh scents of Otterpaw and Moonpaw alike. And the closer she drew, the more her heart raced, the further her legs stretched out.

The ex-colonist slid around the corner, mismatched eyes going wide as she witnessed claws tear through Moonpaw's back, Otterpaw being flung. And as her vision turned, it began to tunnel, rage creeping from her paw pads to her tail, heart beginning to race. "You." Claypaw snarled out. To those who knew the apprentice in the clan, she was soft-spoken, reserved. Calm-headed and cool-shouldered. This was so far unlike her, even during spars, even during the Asphodelpaw argument.

"Worth your effort." Claypaw repeated. Her heart slammed against her ribcage, tried and tested claws flexing against the frozen ground. Head bowed forward, before a scream erupted from the apprentice. Of course she recognized the enemy, the rogue that was staining their territory red. Claypaw recognized it everytime she looked at the waters, the ice, the glazed reflection that would prompt staring at a similar structured face, a similar personality. I am not her. I am NOT her.

In the moments Claypaw faced the harsh realization of who had attacked Moonpaw, Otterpaw attacked. It felt akin to a burning silence, one that she couldn't wave away. The wind rushed past, the only noise howling in her ear for a long moment. And slowly, like a whisper, it began to speak inside of her.

Fight. Something dwelled deep within her, curling like a violent snag in a well-designed plan. Fight. It demanded, voice growing louder. Her breathing came ragged, and Claypaw was launching herself forward, leaping at Hazel. Claypaw didn't have a total plan, but she knew from fights in her youth, escapes from rogues who were trying to eat her as a kit. She knew damn well what she was doing, forget Darkbranch's training. She wound like a snake, attempting to drag claws down Hazel's face and the side of her neck. Whether or not she was successful, Claypaw slid on the ground, intentionally placed between Moonpaw and Hazel.

Nearly a match to the wound that scarred her own face was the wound hopefully placed upon Hazel's visage.

Fangs bared and a snarl erupted from her mouth, golden optics like thin slits through narrowed eyes. "Is this what you do with your time now? Attack young cats in the borders of owned territories?" Claypaw taunted, ears shoved forward. Her body read aggressive, claws digging into the ground again- hopefully soaked red with Hazel's blood. A wary glance was given to Otterpaw- a warning. If it gets bad, run. Something she wished to call out to the other, but one she'd never be able to translate. Claypaw would sacrifice it all to see her mother topple to the ground for her transgressions.

 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:

  • a large, lh chocolate torbie towering, nine moons old, she/her. well-build and muscled. a drypaw. former river colony cat.

I HEARD, I HEARD ACROSS THE MOONLIT SEA — Her snow capped paws would touch the cold powder beneath her until she realizes that their patrol seems smaller, Beepaw can't help but grimace inwardly wondering what was going through the minds of their mentors as she sticks by the side of her own. It's when Otterpaw doesn't return and Claypaw leaves that sways her from peeling herself from Smokestar's side with both of her ears pricked forward, the metallic smell of blood reaching her pink nostrils and her hackles raise upwards. A once slow, calm gait quickly turning to her paws beating repeatedly against the ground, her mismatched eyes catching the sight of Moonpaw bleeding and having been tossed to the mud like a limp fish. Burning fire and chilling ice optics lock onto the sight of a tabbied rogue and it's enough to make her blood begin to boil and instead of running head first into danger... The bicolored molly lowers her body slipping through the reeds silently despite the way she wished to tackle Hazel and make her bleed into Riverclan soil, her jaws tightens as she slithers forth like an adder ready to strike and poised with the intent to kill.

She notes how both Otterpaw and Claypaw strike at the molly though her pupils narrow into dangerous slits watching the fiery torbie's jaws flapping instead of digging her teeth into the throat of Hazel, it makes Bee's anger burn even further and she springs forward with claws unsheathed as she lunges towards Hazel with the hopes of taking her by surprise or barrelling into her to throw her off balance. She attempts to dig her claws into the body of the tabby, one of her snowy paws reaching further to try and claw her eyes, and her once clenched jaws opens wide before aiming to snap them into her throat to tear and rip if she succeeded. Rogues didn't care for their kits, rogues killed her fathers, and now a rogue hurt her best friend... Beepaw would make them hurt all the same and make them bleed, they didn't have nine lives like her starblessed parents had and she'd remind them.

The memory of a rogue flailing around trying to dislodge her and Cicadapaw pushing to the forefront of her mind, Bee had been shocked by her own actions after that day but now... It felt natural. These fleabitten rogues wouldn't take anything else away from her and this she swore within her mind.


  • Untitled283_20231212190913.png
    shorthaired black smoke molly w/low white and mismatched eyes
    oftentimes comes off as untrusting of those around her, closed off, and not the easiest to engage in conversation with, she's not easy to befriend. all her opinions are IC only.
    8 moons old; ages the 10th every month
    sexuality unknown; currently interested in no one
    currently being mentored by smokestar
    firstborn daughter of cicadastar and smokestar
    sister of cicadapaw and cricketpaw
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
Humor brightens her scarred complexion as the paw' bounded forward falling right into her goading. Still the darker feline managed to knick the side of her thigh and her nose curdled with disdain as two fresh lines bled through her pale pelt. Rounding on him she aimed to slap the smaller tom with a heavy paw as he snapped at her chest. Unaware of the other two making an advanced approach from behind. Her good ear twitched as a peculiar voice carried over the chaos, and beady eyes turned to lock onto a familiar torbie pelt. 'You.' Surprise glinted in her olive gaze then boiled over into venomous disbelief. Otterpaw was all but forgotten as she turned to face her kin with a twisted grimace. Memories flashed by in rapid secession and the towering moggy nearly shook with heinous emotion. Traitor. Her mind echoed over and over until her pelt prickled with hatred. Stepping forward her head swung low to meet eye to eye as she growled back. "How d-dare you show your face-th to me." Snaggled and stained teeth bared in response as the paw' pounced on her neck.

Claws branding the back and side of her neck eliciting a furious yowl from her as she attempted to swing her head back and forth in a means to throw the youth off. Her cock-eyed jaw rattled as she aimed to sink her fangs into their assaulting arms. Hooded eyes blown wide with rage as an unknown body slammed into her side, throwing the larger of the group to the now muddied ground with a graceless splash. Viciously her free legs kicked out with uncoordinated power and desperation as she tried to gain purchase against the flurry beneath them. Pairs of paws clambered up her back and sunk into the top of her skull. Rolling across the floor she aims to crush the tuxedo beneath her and free their bleeding forehead from her grasp. Looking up as her kin stepped in front of her earlier fun, barking laughter roared from her chest. "Owned territories? Th-th-these lands have never been o-owned by anyone worth the pissth they mark it with." Mud and blood clung to her pelt in clumps and the striped around her chin curled back.

Her loathing expression radiated brilliantly from her maw as the molly spat. "You've th-the same wretch-thed blood as I. Don't pretend y-you're one of them now." Her thinned pupils peer back to the white molly with intrigue. Good to know. Attempting to ignore the raking of claws from behind she aims to snatch one of Claypaw's legs and clamp down. Intending to pull them to the ground and leverage them as a means to pull herself from the muck. She was no fool, sure her size was an advantage, but not against four or even three other cats. If anything this gave the maine coon plenty of news to work with around the other rogues and a means to end Clay's little game of pretend.

attacking, "speaking", peaceful powerplaying
Hazel’s vision fixed upon Claypaw, and she felt pin-prickles of anger all over. Her attack had hit, satisfying blood welling where her claws had found her target. Hazel’s fangs dug into her arm as she retreated, but Clay didn’t scream, didn’t yell. The dangerous snap inside of her caused everything to grind to a halt, the pain, the fear, the terror. She stood between Moonpaw and Beepaw as the other apprentice made their attack, recovering from the pain-shock as Hazel rolled onto her paws.

And she laughed. She mocked, the coy words sliding from her mouth like poisonous ichor. And every part of Claypaw’s insides crawled with disgust as her mother spoke. "You've th-the same wretch-thed blood as I. Don't pretend y-you're one of them now." She lay her paws. She was at her paws, and Claypaw could take away her life, if she chose. Her heart rang in her ears, and despite not feeling the pain or the terror, they were very much effecting her, causing her sharp instincts to dull long enough to allow Hazel to grasp onto her one more time.

Claypaw snarled deeply as the wound on her leg deepened, dragged forward as Hazel freed herself. "You maggot." Claypaw managed as she was flung forward. Claypaw shifted her stance as she whipped around to face Hazel, taking a moment to pull herself from the muck before her attack drove forward. She could see it now- the leaking red life-force at her paws, the horrified looks on the other apprentice’s faces. I need that.

Rage enveloped her, and Claypaw let it take over as she snapped forward. She raced past the side of Hazel, claws digging into her flank. If she whipped around, Claypaw leapt upon her back, claws reaching around to dig into soft eyes and maim. There was a look of almost elation upon her features as she could finally destroy the very thing that made her.

Claypaw leapt from her back, turning to face her. Words drove into the soul of her birth-mother as blood stained her claws, her paws. "You have no business telling me what blood I have, wretch." Claypaw snarled out. "Soon, it will stain my teeth and yours, and then the debt I ‘owe’ you will be even." The debt of life. Claypaw had been ‘gifted’ it from the body of the rogue before her now, likely squirming and writhing from the lack of eyes. "And for the record, mother? I am more like them than I ever was anything else."

The apprentice had nearly forgotten those who lay nearby, who waited to attack nearby- how they may respond. Otterpaw’s disgust, Beepaw’s anger, Moonpaw… how would she react? Claypaw couldn’t worry about that right now. With the speed of a viscous snake, Claypaw shot out, teeth crashing into throat and slamming down. Nearly warrior-aged now, her jaws were strong, and she was rewarded with a pound of flesh as she ripped Hazel’s throat out. Blood, dark red and fresh sprayed and covered her muzzle and face, staggering backwards as she stared forward.

Hazel’s body would crumple to ground, the flesh spat from Claypaw’s mouth. Her shoulders heaved, and pain finally began to sear in. Her legs from before, bites on the back of her shoulders from where Hazel was lashing out as Claypaw tore her life away. And the mental effect that would have upon her- Stars, she just killed her own mother. Killed. Mismatched golden eyes finally swept to the audience she had. Claypaw coughed, turning her head away and spitting out Hazel’s blood. She looked back. "We need to get you guys back." Claypaw stated, her tail lashing. No, she was not about to speak to what just happened, but she needed to get the rest of them to heal. Adrenaline was still powering her.

// permission to powerplay given by tas! hazel is dead

 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:

  • a large, lh chocolate torbie towering, nine moons old, she/her. well-build and muscled. a drypaw. former river colony cat.
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