pafp OLD WILD WEST ♡ squaring up (beech copse)

Jan 31, 2024
Man, this place really sucks! All Ferretkit can think about is how much it stinks, how gross the fish were that some cats offered to feed her, and oh - how bossy RiverClan cats were! Ferretkit was the boss back home (or so she thought), and it hasn't quite dawned on her yet that this place belonged to somebody else. So, she decided, today she would finally put her foot down, and make her presence known! The leader of every KitClan, the second-oldest kit in the nursery, the coolest friend that Gravekit and Grasskit ever had - she was way too important to be watched like a kit by the fish-eaters!

Her 'target' was a black smoke who happened to be checking in on the WindClanners. As soon as the small patrol of check-in cats arrived, Ferretkit took in a deep breath and began her trek over, making sure each step was exaggerated and her fur puffed out. She was smaller than most the other kits, but today, she had to be super big, or else the RiverClanners wouldn't believe the power she held!

"Hey! You!" the kitten squeaked. The warrior in front of her paused, and Ferretkit continued her advance, right up until she was in front of her paws. "Yeah, you!" Ferretkit repeated. Now that she had the warrior's full attention, she stood up on her toes and twitched her whiskers. Her ears pointed up and forward, and her fluffy tail puffed out like a pinecone. She really meant business!

"Why are you checking on us so often, huh?" The interrogation began with a super cool, totally terrifying hiss. "Don't you know who we are? We're WindClan, and we can look after ourselves!" Ferretkit's voice was raising now, ending with a high-pitched crack on her last few words. "And - and you know what? I'll prove it! I bet you don't know who I am, huh?"

And now, for the part she's been rehearsing in her head all morning! Ferretkit recalled her last gathering with the other KitClans, and how Violetkit - Violetstar, totally humiliated her in front of her friends! Now was the time to finally show how strong Ferretkit and her Clan had become - by declaring war on RiverClan, so WindClan doesn't have to be treated like a bunch of babies anymore! Ferretkit's cheeks puff out for a moment, round eyes bulging as she gathers all of her anger and strength. Then, a deep breath, and finally, her loud declaration:

"I'm Ferretstar of FierceClan, and if you don't stop treating us like babies right now, I'm going to kick your butt!"
  • speech is #F8C3AF
    ferretstar of fierceclan declares war because she doesn't like the stinky riverclanners checking in on windclan like babies. super duper, totally scary.
    the kitclan stuff references this thread if you're curious!
    ━━ please wait for @willowroot

  • chibi-base1.png
    ━━ KIT of WINDCLAN | 5 MOONS ,, ages every 31st
    ━━ NPC xx NPC | SIBLING to gorsekit
    ━━ MATE to none | PARENT to none
    ━━ MENTOR to none | MENTORED by none

  • Love
Reactions: willowroot

( ) the gentle feline finds themself assigned to check in on their guests, something they don't actually mind doing. most of windclan's young and vulnerable now reside in the beech copse, with its warriors, leader, and deputy still fighting the fires within their territory. empathy battles with distrust within willowroot's chest as she approaches, a water vole swinging in her jaws. the land prey had taken her much of the morning, even with their mouser past, as they've gotten well used to fishing as their only source of prey. still, the empathetic core of them had found themself wanting to provide somewhat familiar prey to the homeless kits and queens.

slender paws pad softly into the clearing, feathery tail raised in greeting and warning as to not surprise the strangers. it's a somewhat dismal sight- the lithe forms and tall bodies emerging from classically riverclan dens, pale pelts looking drastically out of place amongst lush moss and a rushing river. calmly, the one-eared warrior sets her water vole atop a small prey pile that's begun to fill, noting with some amusement a lone trout spread amongst several long legged rabbits. satisfied with her contribution and ready to head out and leave the clan to their business, the smoke feline finds their paws blocked by a scrap of lilac and cream, bottle-brush tail puffed up and sticking straight in the air. willowroot pauses in her steps, gentle green gaze slightly amused as she awaits the child's declaration.

it's amusingly adorable, even if the kit is spewing propaganda. memories surface of her own children playing wind versus river, battling evil and good within the nursery. "aye," she agrees with the little one, tail relaxed and shoulders tall, a clear sign to anyone looking on that she means no harm, and is in fact humoring the child. "i know you are strong." i know what strength means to you, moor dwellers.

the bitter thought fronts in her head before she can wash it away, memory of clearsight limp and shattered within his own home. but the memory of another floats up as well, of a dark tom, then just smokethroat, rattling a windclan apprentice within his jaws, blue smoke like her mother, while a furious brown tabby fights for his daughter's life. riverclan and windclan have fought since the very beginning, atrocities committed like promises. sootstar's tyranny had fucked up both clans, all clans, and willowroot cannot blame the young and weak for this. no sign of these thoughts is betrayed within her verdant gaze as she interacts with the child.

ferretstar, ferretkit, announces that she is leader of fierceclan, who will lead her warriors to battle in windclan's honor. it's such a kit thing to say that willowroot's heart almost hurts. how similar this little one is to one of iciclefang's young, to one of hazecloud and lichentail's children. "well, ferretstar," she speaks, tone lightly amused, "i mean no harm to fierceclan or windclan. i swear by starclan, i just want to help. i know you're not babies, and i am well aware of how strong you are. you will make a great warrior one day, little one. it is an admirable cause to want to protect your clan."

the smoke striped head swivels, wondering if anyone has noticed this interaction. stars willing, windclan do not think she is a threat. "there is no shame in accepting help, but i promise i will tell my clan to not treat you like babies."

  • // "#91A26C"

  • 70579232_8S53CwfR3WpaY1R.png

    a long-haired black smoke oriental with sage-green eyes. smokey long fur coats the length of willowroot's lithe body, with friendly sage green eyes that narrow in an almond shape. her muzzle and limbs are thin and long due to her oriental heritage.


[ ༻ ❊ ༺ ] As much as he disliked their stay here, being close to water and living in cramped dens that made him wonder how Riverclanners could live like this. Something about the reeds and the heather had a familiar twinge to them, one he couldn't understand after all he never once been outside the walls of Windclan camp. But he could put it up to some of his clanmates coming back from patrols carrying some form of similar scent due to their border checks.

Either way it matter not, Lakekit had found himself a comfortable spot far away from any water, showing his discomfort for it, which was ironic when he was named after a huge pool of water. Yet, it was Ferretkit's annoying bossy tone that made him lift his head from his nap, angling himself to see what was going on. She was attempting to confront the Riverclan stranger who only happened to be helping them. What a foolish way to do things, yet they were all frustrated. He himself worried for Pinkpaw and Blizzardpaw's safety as they had gone back to fight against the angry red flames that threatened to eat their home whole.

Slowly he approached, a calm look in his mismatch gaze before dipping his head to Willowroot. "I am sorry for Ferretkit's outbursts, despite her almost being an apprentice it seems she still can't control her tantrums" he stated before curling his tail around his white paws and a soft sigh came from his lips. "Thank you for helping us" he place in awkwardly, sheepishly even. They saved them, and they were only doing their part, it wasn't like Ferretkit or him could hunt for themselves yet. The queens were too busy making sure everyone was okay, the elders and injured also were in no capability to get their own food either. Riverclan was just doing as ordered, and Ferretkit was rabbit-brain for not realizing it.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Lakekit AMAB, He/Him, Kit of Windclan, 5 moons.
    LH Rosette Lynx Minx with low white and bi-color eyes, blind in left eye
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

He doesn't reaaaally mind them staying here, it's pretty interesting! It has all the cool water! and the COOOOL lookin' trees around that Windclan doesn't have! But he does wonder- HOW CAN RIVERCLAN LIVE LIKE THIS?! He's so bored!

It's Sheepkit's first time out of camp, and he isn't an apprentice yet! So, here he is laid out on the ground with his cheek on the cool ground of the copse. His mama Frostpond was in the makeshift nursery taking a nap, he didn't want to bother her. What can he do while he's outside? In frustration, he lets out a huff escape his dark maw as his plumed tail sweeps the ground below him. An ear perks up at Ferretkit's bossy tone nearby, he twisted himself around on the ground to flop on his pale touched stomach.

Blinking blue eyes at the young molly, and then flicking them up at the Riverclan stranger. Oh. He got up onto charcoal-dusted paws, with a yawn. He walks up toward the small group, with a flick of his plumed tail. "Yeaaah, What Lakekit said." He dips his head towards the Riverclanner as he saw Lakekit do. He settles down next to his fellow longhaired friend, firmly resting his paws between his splayed-out hindlegs.

"Thanks for helping us stranger!" The young black smoke, nods his head, as he starts to rock himself back and forth. It's not like Him, Lakekit or Ferretkit could hunt for themselves yet anyway! Riverclan has been nice to them, even if they're En..Enam.. Enemies! with Windclan. He tilts his head to the side a little, before gazing up at this stranger. "Soooo, Ms.Riverclanner... Ya got a name? My name is Sheepkit!" He points a paw to himself, with a proud smile on his face.

  • no ref yet </3
  • ( NO WAY! REALLY?! ) ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚ SHEEPKIT.
    amab ; HE / HIM ; 5 MOONS & AGES EVERY 26TH.
    kitten of windclan | clanborn
    undecided / single / not looking / open to puppy-crushes
    a lanky, longhaired black smoke with high white and blue eyes
    thoughts ; "Speech, 8E7F7F" ; attacks only
    may powerplay minor harm ╱ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    smells like early morning dew & windblown heather
    — all opinions are ic

    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by calzone
Willowroot's amusement seems to fly straight between Ferretkit's pointed ears. To her, the warrior is acknowledging her strength - something most WindClan's stoic warriors would not - and addressing her properly. Finally, someone's taking her seriously!

The kitten remains with her chest puffed out, even as Willowroot speaks. She speaks of RiverClan's intentions, and tells Ferretkit she'd make a great warrior one day. All the things she wanted to hear - and it came straight from the enemy! How clever Ferretkit was, she thinks, to approach RiverClan head on like this, to defend WindClan. She wonders if anyone else would be brave enough to do such a thing, and if they would have such stunning results as her!

Though the fun idea of taking down a warrior is unfortunately squashed, at least RiverClan won't treat them like babies anymore. Finally, Ferretkit's stature relaxes and she dips her head, as noble as she can muster. She has a knack for dramatic flares, after all. "Why, thank you. I guess.. I don't have to kick your butt then." With a toothy grin, she adds, "And FierceClan and RiverClan won't go to war then! Only.. only if you keep your promise!"

The conversation was going perfectly. Maybe a little too perfectly, for a couple of crybabies decided they wanted to come rain on her parade. Lakekit approaches, speaking on Ferretkit's behalf. The kitten spins on her heels, her elegant posture and noble expression twisting into something ugly and mad. "What? Don't you apologize for me!" Ferretkit snaps, rounding on the other kitten with a lashing tail. "Tantrums?! Who do you think you are?" Leave it up to Lakekit, her greatest rival, to try and embarrass her in front of her new friends - enemies! Her new enemies!

Of course, Sheepkit is right on Lakekit's tail, echoing her apologies. But Ferretkit thinks the kitten is so meek and nervous, not nearly as threatening as Lakekit, who seemed to question Ferretkit's antics every time they arise. "You two are ruining a perfectly good truce. FierceClan will not forget this!"

The annoyance seeps from her gaze eventually, as the kittens begin to thank Willowroot for her kindness. Despite her big dreams of conquering and avenging WindClan, Ferretkit supposes that they might be right about one thing. RiverClan was helping, loathed as she was to admit it might be a good thing. With a final little hiss towards Lakekit, the cream kitten turns back to Willowroot and shyly dips her head. "Yeah, fine. Thank you for.. helping us, I guess. Not - not because Lakekit said so! Because we um.. reached a compromise." Humility was a hard thing to learn; had she been any healthier, she'd continue her defensive actions in the face of Lakekit and Sheepkit. But all this talking was beginning to ache in her lungs, smoke-ridden as they were. She could accept defeat, as long as she made it clear it was her own choice, and not the embarrassment she felt whenever Lakekit one-upped her.
  • speech is #F8C3AF
    ic opinions of course! ferret is very spicy

  • chibi-base1.png
    ━━ KIT of WINDCLAN | 5 MOONS ,, ages every 31st
    ━━ NPC xx NPC | SIBLING to gorsekit
    ━━ MATE to none | PARENT to none
    ━━ MENTOR to none | MENTORED by none