pafp OLD WOMAN WHO ATE A FLY + freshkill pile


it's hard to make the good things last ✦
Jan 29, 2024

———————————riverclan | apprentice | she/her——————————
One of Turtlepaw's favorite things about Greenleaf was bugs. All kinds of them. Flies, beetles, snails, ants, and so many more. This was her first Greenleaf, but it wasn't hard to pick a favorite thing to enjoy. Flies were a common sight at the freshkill pile and Turtlepaw had positioned herself in charge of keeping them away from their food source.

The apprentice was crouched by the prey, ready to pounce on any bugs that tried to make their home there. As soon as one landed, Turtlepaw as batting the bug away and chasing it through camp. It had quickly turned from self-appointed chore into a game. She was up to 15 flies chased away.

In her chase, she kept her eyes on the fly zipping above her and she didn't notice another apprentice stepping in front of her. Their bodies collided and the two rolled over each other until Turtlepaw was on top, looking down at the shocked face of Dizzypaw below her.

"@DIZZYPAW! Did you see where that fly went?"

[penned by muddly].