Older and taller ✶ Honeysplash


Make me a bird of prey
Feb 11, 2024

It had been a while since Owlpaw had seen Honeysplash around camp, it was assumed that potentially she just hadn't been around at the same time as her. Weirder coincidences have happened after all, it wouldn’t be a far off theory to assume that their schedules just weren’t aligning. After that initial time that she noted their absence she had found that her own life kind of ate away at her usual observant nature. It took longer than Owlpaw would like to admit to remember that Honeysplash wasn't being spotted around camp because she was in the medicine cat den.

Guilt gnawed at her for the lack of attention, her mind immediately jumping to the worst conclusions. What if she was really sick? Owlpaw wasn't a medicine cat so she couldn't do much about that but maybe she could run around and do things to help her? At the very least she should go in and say hi, she could then check in on Honeysplash's condition and ease her own nerves. The tabby peered her head into the den, looking for a familiar coat. She realised that she must look suspicious loitering around the den like this, with a small sigh she entered. Owlpaw didn't take many steps though, stopping when she spotted her aunt. From a far away glance it didn't look like she was in a lot of pain or severely ill, which brought a rush of relief. While she may have entered the den she sat by the entrance, trying to figure out some kind of excuse for why she hadn't visited yet. There wasn't really one though, the idea of lying about why she hadn't called in before made her guilt worse then if she was just honest .

The time for honesty or excuses could come later though, she should probably announce her presence since she'd hate to scare them if they looked up and her neice was there just staring at her. “Uh- Honeysplash?” she paused before walking closer to her aunt “I thought I should come in and say hi, so hi?” Teeth chewed the inside of her mouth as she tried to figure out what was the smoothest recovery from that spectacular blunder of a greeting. “How are you feeling? Is it a bad time for me to visit?”

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