olive branch | deersong

His guard duty of Vermilionsun after their little talk, had softened the edge he held toward the man. While Thistleback didn’t care to like anyone or anyone like him, he wasn’t a heartless beast. While his abilities to be heartless should be respected, it wasn’t who he was.

The sewer rogue was running a fever, Thistleback had stopped in Dawnglare’s den to tell him but didn’t savor anymore words with the medicine cat. Today- the man was tired; he had been spending his nights training his apprentice and sleeping during the day. Deersong had been avoiding him so he was making it easier.

Snow crunching under paw, Thistleback settles on a patch of fallen nettles. Dismissing Quillpaw, the black and white urchin catches sight of his mate and feels a natural longing. He couldn’t do this forever, it was ironic considering he was a rather solitary creature. Yet he craved her warmth.

He pushes himself up and doesn’t bother to shake off the frost and nettle. " Deersong " he calls to her. " I wanted to say that I’m sorry " he begins. " Look, I think I figured it out " he turned his chin over his shoulder to look toward their prisoner’s den.

" I’m not jealous. I’ve never had a family before. I just got my first one so I’m not interested in fucking it up " he calculates his words with shifting eyes and feet. " In doing so though. I did. I don’t know how to …. manage… my anger " he admits with a roll of hsi shoulders.

" you just gotta know It’s who I am. I just hope you can forgive me when it happens at times. " he sighs.

  • @~Deersong~

  • MqZ0nzd.png
    ✧ T H I S T L E B A C K
    thirty-three moons
    — warrior of Skyclan
    taken by
    Deersong 9.29.22
    — mentoring quillpaw
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes. ・゚✧
  • bVBPWus.png

( ) Deersong would stare out into the territory in silence, the tension of all the past few days had begun to drain her of her colors long before tonight, and it clearly showed in how her shoulders were slumped and her ears were flattened her slim skull.

The sound of pawsteps would alert her to a cat approaching, but she wouldn't turn to see who it was. Her whiskers would twitch and as her mate spoke the tears she had been holding back began to flow. She closes her eyes and tries to collect herself before turning to smile lovingly at her mate, lightly brushing her muzzle against his own.

"I was never angry with you, Gem." Her tone was quiet, yet the exhaustion that clung to her was evident in her voice, "I simply wanted to understand. Worried that I had done something to make you think that I didn't love you more than the air I breathe..."

Her eyes would settle onto his face, her paw reaching out to touch his own as she tries to lean into his frame. She had missed him these last few days, "Can you forgive me too, for not being as attentive as I should have been these last few days?"


I was never angry with you, Gem.

Thistleback flicks a tattered ear, his glacial stare softening to feather fibers at the sight of tears in her eyes. Her touch is cherished so much more these days, and he feels his tensions melt with it. He closes his own eyes, and feels his scowl dissipate. A slow shallow breath drawn with her floral scent.

" My bird " he sighs, embellishing his words with his accent. " It is I who must come to understand, that your affections must be shared. As one day you will be leader, and Skyclan will come first. Then our children. Then, perhaps me. " he speaks not selfishly anymore, perhaps it was the former stray within who had felt such ravenous jealousy. " So… you owe me no such apology " he rests his muzzle against her head.

She looks so tired, Thistleback wished he could take it all away. Wear her weary wool. Her paw covered his, the cold locked into his black knuckled toes is brought to a flame but it doesn’t burn like the Thunderclan oaks. It’s remarkable really, how he could continuously fall ever so more in love with this woman.

" I’m selfish and cruel, It’s nothing you’ve done. No. You are an unconditional love and kindness, I can’t understand. " he speaks carefully now, the fog of anger long gone. " we shouldn’t work " he chuckles softly suddenly.

" but, we do " he touches his nose to her temple, smiling into her fur.

  • MqZ0nzd.png
    ✧ T H I S T L E B A C K
    thirty-three moons
    — Lead warrior of Skyclan
    taken by
    Deersong 9.29.22
    — mentoring quillpaw
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
  • bVBPWus.png