camp olympus falling ♡♥ spring cleaning

Well, finally had to do it. She had not been wanting to really, as much as she was excited for the litter the act of leaving the warrior's den was dreaded entirely. She liked her nest with Smogmaw, she liked her spot and she liked having him nearby but he would only be able to visit briefly in the nursery and she'd have to make up a new comfortable nest and decorate it all over again. It was not so distressing it distracted from her good mood but it was on her mind enough to be somewhat morose as she dragged a mouthful of nesting along with her into the den, thankful she had cleaned it out when newleaf started initially.
Betonyfrost was given only a nod as she dragged the clump of moss into the opposite side of the den to create enough space between them they might manage a few moons before trying to kill the other. Claws were unsheathed as she started to shred up the pieces of bracken and material into a soft downy cloud, a hum in her voice as she kneaded the earth to press it down and spread it out into a comfortable pile. Once she was content enough with the base she would plod back out of the den to fetch some more before making a second trip for the most important part of nest building; colors. Her second trip was not normal material but a mouthful of feathers and flowers she had been saving up slowly; in preparation for her move. Most of the feathers were pale browns and common colors but among them was a single solid red one she tucked into the front of the nest for a quick splash of contrast on the dark mass of texture. Her great plume of a tail rose up, twitching in delight as she continued tucking bits and baubles into her new bedding. She had made sure none of the plants were dangerous for kittens so hers and Betony's own were not at risk; she was allowed to indulge but they came first of course.

Story Prompt #4: Spring Cleaning. Setting up nest in nursery.
- giving you a ping since you're being mentioned! @betonyfrost

He's tasked with the apprentice chore of cleaning today - of going from den to den and making sure the nests are fresh and comfortable for those who sleep within them.

It's a chore Eeriepaw doesn't seem to mind, a further oddity to the shadow-furred tom. He doesn't mind the effort it takes to collect old moss, to bring in the new. And there's an added bonus in it all - the chance of getting to take a peek at other ShadowClanners' trinkets. An exciting endeavor, the chance of getting to see another's collection. Though none were comparable to Friend, of course. Nothing could ever be.

The void-faced tom appears at the mouth of the thorn-shielded nursery, head poking in to assess his next location to clean. And it's the half-patched coat of Halfshade that he sees, a sight that confuses him. Her presence in this den is news to him. Does that mean...?

The nest she builds looks practically done already, adorned with soft feathers and flowers. Eeriepaw watches her work for a moment, before making his own presence known. "... Need help...?"
He's not certain how he feels about Smogmaw and Halfshade's impending parenthood. Rose doesn't dislike either of them, but he isn't fond enough to overlook their dubious qualities. Halfshade is friendly and rather upbeat, especially compared to ShadowClan (and Smogmaw himself), but it's the sort of sugary affectation he's inclined to distrust on instinct alone, though what guides his intuition, he can't say. Maybe some lost memory that his body remembers the impact of. As for Smogmaw, there are times he's been...temperamental. No one could comfortably handle an onslaught of mosquitoes, but that's what children are like, aren't they? They try your patience, ask endless questions, wake you at odd hours, stick things in their mouths they shouldn't— they're demanding.

It should be interesting to see how they might change with a brood to look after. Maybe they'll be perfect parents.

It's hard to miss Halfshadw's current labor of love, slipping in and out of the nursery with various nesting materials. Rose wants to chastise himself— he should be happy for them rather than doubting their suitability.

He stands not too far off from Eeriepaw, a respectful distance between them as his pale gaze drifts over Halfshade's work. "How many do you think you'll have?" he asks her curiously. "Can we make bets?"


Halfshade was considered a friend in Starlinghearts mind. She was a good warrior, a cat she feels like she could count on in even the gravest times. She had been there for her throughout her entire life. A constant, much like the swamp she was the one thing she could count on to always be around. Starlingheart never thought she could see the half-pelted feline as a mother though. Always an older sister figure but a mother? That is not to say that the she cat didn't think she would be a good one, she would be better than Betonyfrost at least. Of that she was certain. But still, it was weird to picture her looking tenderly down upon small bundles of fur, telling them bedtime stories and gently encouraging from the sidelines as they played. It makes her think of her own mother and for a second she feels the familiar pang of loss. The familiar pang of jealousy.

She quickly shakes it away before making her approach.

She had been watching for a little while now, green eyes following Halfshade's figure as she moves in and out of the nursery. It is only when she gathers enough confidence that she makes her way over to finally say her congratulations.

When she enters the den she sees that she is not the only one. Eeriepaw is offering help, Rosemire is asking her how many she thinks she'll have and from the entrance of the den, Starlingheart pipes up "My guess is- is on three" she says from where she stands, a small smile on her face.

// I rolled a d5 dice in my channel to get what her guess is!

chilledstar's ears twitched with a slight huff. they never understood the idea of having kits... they never had any desires for it. but to each their own. it would be nice to see more kits around... more mouths to feed. more shadowclanners to impress, to watch over, to protect. they only squeezed their eyes closed for a moment, before they forced their face not to reveal the absolute turmoil that dwelled deep in them. none of that was anyone's business but their own. they stood back on their paws, clumps of the softest moss they could find in their jaws. they had it both for betonyfrost and halfshade– the queens could find for themselves how to divide it. they placed it down, before giving eeriepaw a gentle nudge, turning their attention back to the others. making bets on the amount of halfshade kittens... they only bet they wanted to make, was a bet that they would all survive. they did not wish that type of heartache on anyone, but especially the deputy and his mate.

"here. some moss for the two of you."

they speak briefly, before their brought back to their own thoughts. their mother would be good at this... she was more motherly than chilledstar could ever hope to be. how could they be, when all they really wanted to do was perceived in a sense that surface level. if anyone knew that they had all these feelings, and worries, they wouldn't dare respect them. with a gentle snort at their internal monologue arguing back and forth, they let out a gentle laugh.

"three little halfshades... what a pleasant idea."

they meant it. despite how they may have felt about the warrior, now queen, the leader was very happy for her. they begged that starclan would be kind to her through the next moon or so. she deserved that much, especially with all she did for shadowclan.

The warmth Halfshade provides is just about the only thing in this clan that allows him to sleep easier, and the promise of returning to their shared nest after a lengthy day of deputy-ing acts as the anchor that steadies his resolve. To be robbed of her touch, the soothing white noise of her gentle breathing, the murmured 'I love you's with every coming sundown and sunrise; it's simply inconceivable to him. Smogmaw doesn't think himself to be a sentimental tom, and internally, he acknowledges this all sounds a tad dramatic given his mate was only moving to the nursery. All the same, he's losing one of the few constants in his otherwise hectic existence, and surely that's something to be mourned.

The deputy is already nursery-bound when he notes the growing cluster of faces in its midst. Among them, the young medicine cat and the hardy leader themself, leading him to, for the moment, believe something must be amiss. Eyes, narrowed, flicker from clanmate to clanmate, scanning for any signal of the cream and ebony strands he knows so well. It takes a second or three, what with how many swamp cats stood nearby, but his vision eventually homes in on his beloved—and for the most part, she looked to be in safe condition.

He eases then, collects himself, gives his chest a couple of licks for good measure, and joins the fray on long strides. Halfshade had made mention of getting a nest together for her time in the nursery, and it appears the molly may have already gotten a start on it. Some mate he is, not helping her out.

A brief huff parts from Smogmaw's nostrils when he catches the current topic of conversation: theories about the upcoming litter, namely its size. He grinds to a halt not too far away from Chilledstar's flank, and he clears his throat upon his arrival. "Better three of her than three of me," he quips, coaxing his mouth's corners into a smile. His gaze then trails towards Rosemire, who, to his gratitude, was not armed with a wad of mud. "Three's a fair number," the tom says, "any less'd be a shame, with Halfshade going through all the trouble of birthing; any more, and we'll have to start rationing fresh-kill."