camp OMG you guys! = Intro =

where the angels sing ✧°.☀ ———————————— It was kind of crazy just how perfect Catfishpaw really was. Like she has a silky and gorgeous coat, such striking green eyes and of course she was probably like one of the best apprentices. Well, she had only become one the moon before but from what her sister's told her about their apprenticeships she was like probably doing better. She already was kinda good at fish catching and you would not believe how quick she could swim! She also had been really enjoying watching the other apprentices grow as well, like it was so cool to see when one of them could do something they couldn't do before. She loved to see that specific type of smile. She wasn't sure if she ever really had that smile, but she hoped she did.

Anyway, she had an afternoon free of training or chores, the open air was hers for the taking. And as her feathered feet stepped into the center of camp she realized she was pretty useless without other cats around to bounce off of. Like she could go and look for shells, but what's the point if you can't joke with another cat while you do it? What could she do take a nap? Gross, you can't take naps or else you get bedhead and then you spend the rest of the evening making yourself presentable just to go asleep again.

The long-haired molly sat with her tail tucked over her toes. A small sigh escaping her mouth as she scanned the horizon for some cat to accompany her in doing something, anything really.
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———————————— ☀.°✧ we're mixing up milk and honey
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Opposite to Catfishpaw, Clay doesn’t consider himself to be perfect in any way. His pelt is—honestly, it’s kind of a mess. A wreck that can’t be tamed, even by the most thorough drenching in the river. Tufts and cowlicks stick out in odd places, making it look a bit unkempt. And his skills as a warrior are also… well, they’re not bad or anything. But they’re also not great. Not lead warrior material, stars no. His skills in hunting and fighting and whatever else remain squarely within the realm of average warrior.

Unfortunately, being an average warrior means that even in the midst of all that’s happened recently, the chocolate tom still has to go out and catch fish. He’s not the worst at it (average, remember?) but as he trots back into camp he can’t help but think that he should have caught something bigger. He doesn’t stay in that mentality for long, though—he spots the long-haired apprentice scanning her surroundings, seemingly looking for something.

He doesn’t know Catfishpaw super well, but he approaches her anyway, settles into his weird splayed-out sit a couple tail-lengths away. "What’re you looking for?" He asks, ears tilted forward. He hopes she’s looking for something boring, because honestly Clay is getting tired of interesting days. As of late, interesting has been nothing but bad.
where the angels sing ✧°.☀ ———————————— She had begun to think that maybe she should just go nap so she could groom away the bedhead for something to do, until Clayfur came along. Hopefully he would be a good cat to hangout with. Unlike some apprentices Catfishpaw didn't mind bothering warriors as long as they were okay with it. She figured that if she was as personable as she was why not share the company?

Her ears perked at Clayfur's voice and a smile crept over her face, "Clayfur! Good," she exclaimed "Okay so well, I'm like really bored and I don't like doing stuff without another cat! So you are what I was looking for. Is there something we could do? It can be anything." She gave him the lowdown of her plan in a excited voice. She really never did care about what she was doing as long as there was someone doing it with her, honestly if Clayfur wanted her to count sand she would, as long as he sat nearby.
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———————————— ☀.°✧ we're mixing up milk and honey

Catfishpaw was pretty- patchy and silken, fur gossamer, he'd bet she swam a lot with fur that looked like that! Hearing his uncle conversing with his fellow apprentice snagged Fernpaw's fickle attention- and he could not deny, it was always nice getting to hang out with other apprentices. Catfishpaw seemed up to just hang out, and... he'd see if he could join.

Most of his siblings had friends of their own, now- had responsibilities and endeavoured at their training until the sun sank below the horizon. He and his father trained a lot. Trained best they could, but... it could never be for long enough to improve. Eventually they just got tired, ended up heading home. It was... within his interest to find something else to do with his time. Maybe pick up a few rocks or a feather or something on the way home.

"Can I come?" It sounded desperate- his bug-eyes flickered between his uncle and Catfishpaw, and he felt the unfamiliar prickle of self-consciousness buzz beneath the fur on his face. "We could... try fishing, or... cloud gaze, or- well, can't really swim in this sorta cold..." Scuffing an oversized paw across the dust, he let his tone trail away.
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"why don't you all go hunting?" the deputy inserts herself into the conversation, eyeing the three with curiosity. she knows catfishpaw is not the type to enjoy lonesome activities, usually finding the apprentice in a pair of some sorts. her suggestion is a bit more of a demand, the anxieties of food scarcity still haunting the molly. leafbare is waning, but cats are still hungry. "always good to work on your skills." she offers again, trying to make it seem more palatable to the younger cats. it's not always the most fun, but it was necessary. as is life.

where the angels sing ✧°.☀ ———————————— The possibilities of the afternoon are made even wider as Fernpaw and Buckgait offer their ideas, and demands. Although cloudgazing sounded like super fun, Catfishpaw would never turn down a chance to improve. Especially as something as important as hunting was. Sometimes it seemed Catfishpaw didn't even see the chore in some of these activities, it was like her eyes went glossy and there was nothing more fun to be doing.[

She also wasn't going to tell the deputy that she would rather watch grey clouds streak across a grey sky and get a chill from sitting still. It seemed the wrong stand to take.

"So then, is it the four of us going? Or should we find more cats, or less?" she said glancing at all three of the cats, she hadn't quite known if the deputy wanted to join or not, and she wasn't one to presume. Same went for the warrior and apprentice, as much as she wanted to three of them to come she wouldn't want them to feel obligated to satisfy her need for companionship. /color]
[penned by user - [tags☀]]
———————————— ☀.°✧ we're mixing up milk and honey
It seems Catfishpaw isn’t searching for anyone, but rather searching for something to do. He understands the apprentice not wanting to do things on her own—he dislikes being alone even when he’s out hunting or fishing—so the chocolate tom gives the young she-cat a smile. Fernpaw wanders over to join them quickly, offering fishing or cloud gazing as options for them to entertain themselves.

Buckgait is next to approach, suggesting that they all go hunting, and Clay tips his head to the side, contemplating. It feels like all he’s done recently is hunt, and he was hoping to find the smallest break from it after returning to camp. But the deputy is probably right—the clan needs all the god that they can get. "I mean, yeah, I could go hunting again." He looks between Catfishpaw and Fernpaw. "I can take you guys if Buck doesn’t want to go," he says with a flick of his tail.