On my own || Grapejuice and Jasperglare

Nov 7, 2022
Today was the day. He was going to make his choice. One last day with his twoleg, clinging to them for attention as they went about their work in the clinic. Leaving would hurt them. He knows it will devastate them, and it hurts to think about. But he has to do this. Skyclan needs him more than they do. He sits on the counter, watching as patients come and go, some worse off than others. He's used to seeing the sick and injured here. They were getting help, they would be able to go home. Most do, anyways. Sometimes not even his twoleg and their helpers can save some.

Beside him sits Jasperglare, who's been commenting on everyone coming through. Grapejuice also enjoys this pass time, but today he is mostly quiet.

"You've been really quiet today. You didn't even say anything when that tiny dog with the funny sweater came in. Like honestly what WAS that." Jasperglare spoke.

Grapejuice looked at him and was quiet for a moment. "Would you be okay if I left?" He asked.


"I... Need to go. Skyclan needs me. More than anyone here.... There's a horrible sickness going around and...They need my help to take care of the clan." Grapejuice explains quietly.

"Oh." Jasperglare tilts his head. He wasn't expecting things to get heavy. "I mean.....If that's what you gotta do...." He says. "I guess I'll be fine on my own...."

"It's something I have to do." Grapejuice affirms.

"It'll be....Awfully quiet without you." Jasperglare says. He can't believe he feels a pang of sorrow in his chest over this. Grapejuice was an enemy at one point. A Skyclanner. Jasperglare used to be a Windclanner, their mortal enemy. Yet it didn't feel like that while he was in here, or the twoleg den. They were just two cats. Jasperglare can't believe he let himself form an attachment.

"Are you saying you'll miss me? I mean. I'd miss me too. I'm pretty great." Grapejuice smirks as he teases him.


The sound of Grapejuice's cackle filled the otherwise quiet waiting room. This was going to be the last time he saw Jasperglare, wasn't it. Although... "I'll come and visit!" He says.

"You BETTER, because I saw the way the twoleg was holding that tiny dog. You BETTER not leave me and then I get stuck with a tiny, yappy dog." Jasperglare says, shoving Grapejuice lightly.

"You really think they'll take it home??" Grapejuice asked.

"I mean, they picked me off the thunderpath...So probably."

"Yeah but you were dying. Plus, that tiny dog probably belonged to someone."



They've returned home for the night as they always do, riding home in the monster a short distance away and following the twoleg inside the den. His time was almost up, and Grapejuice felt his heart breaking more and more as the minutes went by. He grew up here. This was his home. For a time, it was all he ever knew. His twoleg was his only family, and the thought of leaving them brought him so much pain. But he had made up his mind. Tonight, he was heading back to the pine forest to live in the wild, and his time as a kittypet would come to an end.

His time with Jasperglare was coming to an end. An unlikely friend who he wasn't sure would be okay if he left.

To leave everything he has ever known... He's stronger than he thought he was. Looking around at the den, he sees everything his twoleg has gotten for him. Toys, collars, bowties, nests.... He's leaving it all behind. All the love he's ever known, he's leaving it behind for the forest. He sits solemnly on the couch, waiting for his twoleg to go to sleep.

"So...This is the last time we'll see each other, huh." Jasperglare says, from the top of the couch. Another loss on his already long list. Now, he'd be alone again. Perhaps that's how he's meant to be. It's fine.

"It doesn't have to be the last time... We can still see each other around the twolegplace!" Grapejuice says, trying to sound reassuring.

"I guess. Maybe the twoleg will bring in another cat I can scream at fruit with."

Grapejuice was going to miss that. It was so stupid, but screaming at fruit and insulting it was fun and therapeutic in a funny way. Maybe he'll yell at pine cones from now on. He was really going to miss this place. He almost wanted to reconsider. There was still time. But he can't. He needs to commit. He has to do this. Skyclan needs him.

"Jasperglare...." Grapejuice addresses his friend quietly. He needs his goodbye to be perfect, to let him know how he feels. He looks up at the red tom. "I hope you can heal from everything that's happened to you. I don't know what it's like to lose so much... And I don't know what it's like to be in so much mental turmoil... But I hope you can one day find peace and happiness."

Jasperglare looked at him in shock. He hadn't been expecting such a thing. Words that have never been spoken to him before, spoken to him by someone he's barely known a full cycle of seasons. "You..." He doesn't know what to say. He wants to cry, but he'll be damned if he cries now. "I'll be fine. I'll be totally fine here. You better not get rabies or something, or get beat to death." He responded with a shaky voice.

Grapejuice smiled at him and rose to his paws. It was finally time, then. "S-see you around, Jasperglare..."


After giving his twoleg one last lick on the cheek and a long nuzzle, Grapejuice left the den, leaving everything behind to go racing into the pine forest, tears in his eyes from the feeling of breaking his heart in two. But it was something that needed to be done. He was now a full warrior of Skyclan, ready to serve at any time. He would be sleeping under the stars, in mossy beds and smelling like pine sap instead of kittypet food and twolegs. He was entering a new chapter of his life, and while he was still unsure, he knew it was the right thing to do.​