If there was any insurance that ShadowClan would never be invaded – it was this. Lengths and lengths of marshy ground stretching out before then, sunken in enough mud and stillwater that even the nastiest ShadowClanner ( alright, she'll say it: Smogmaw ) wouldn't want to step foot in this place, hence why Sharpshadow was sent here instead. The ground that would've already been pretty close to unbearable is in no way aided by the excess of slush Leafbare has brought them. What wasn't slush was half - frozen mud, excess water, and the ugliest, dirt brown snow you would ever see.

" We're looking for... the worst of it, I think " Maybe she didn't sound as confident as a patrol leader should sound — but it's better that she says something, rather than nothing, right? What seperated plain old ShadowClan bad from avoid completely bad, especially when they needed all the land they could get, regardless of if it was Leaf - Bare or not. " I guess we'll know where that might be once one of us drowns. "

He's both proud of, and disgusted by how he doesn't quite mind the mud squirming its way between his toes. A RiverClanner would likely call it disgusting — and it was; but only those who had braved it for so long should be able to think in such a way. Cicadastar had left the rest of them behind, after all. " This would all scare RiverClan to death, I think. SkyClan too. " Any of them, really. None of them would last a day in what ShadowClan has spent seasons in. Sharpshadow has hardly lasted that long, himself. " I'm sure the frogs'll love it here too, just to spite us. "

  • ooc: @Halfpaw @LIVIDPAW @JITTERBUG @Willowburn @YELLOWPAW @scalejaw @FLINTPAW
  • 77138241_LGsAhejnM5wt5R0.png
    SHARPSHADOW: he / she , no pref , dislikes gender neutral language ; fine with gendered terms ; 20 moons old as of 2.13.24 ; ages every 8th
    dark smoke feline that stands at an above average height. Easily identifiable by her namesake – an unruly mat of fur, destined to be cluttered by inconsistencies between chimera halves. Burdened with a broken tail, often lying dead behind her in the dirt.
    Anxious, antisocial, paranoid. Sharpshadow has not known peace for a single time in his life, and lives anticipating inevitable dangers to the detriment of herself and others.
    heavy ic opinions! he's irrational and mean </3

Today was one of those days that Halfpaw finds herself wishing that her mentor was still pretending to not know of her existence. Did she really need to be traipsing through the mud with him right now? What was the point? "I think Smogmaw must've been a frog in his previous life" she grumbles as she lifts her foot out of the dense mud with an audible SCHLUCK, and shakes as much mud off it as she can. A futile, effort, really, considering where they were.

What were they even doing here? Trying to find places they should avoid her father had said but Halfpaw thinks that maybe he might have tadpoles swimming around in his brain. How exactly did he expect them to find said places? By getting sucked into the mud and dying themselves? Stupid. If she were him she would have led such a patrol herself, not sent someone else in her stead. Her mentor seems to agree at least with her former statement, one of them was probably going to die here but with her long limbs that she is still growing into she isn't too terrible worried about herself. Some of the others however...

"Can't we just say this is it and go home?" this had to be the worst of it right? She removes another foot from the mud and once again flicks it, this time mud sprays the cat closest to her. If they were to shoot her an angry look she would just shrug and mutter "Sorry" it's not like she did it on purpose after all.

  • 74005637_Mkbfa9PMK58YlSi.png
    A fluffy she cat who's fur is half cream tabby, half blue tabby split by white. Her eyes are two mismatched shades of blue, with one being a light icy blue and the other being darker in color.
    Easy in battle + still learning how to fight
  • Like

This was a filthy task for sure. Even Lividpaw find this chore to be nothing but a unpleasant one, he who usually didn't care what sort of task he would be orded to do. But he knew somebody had to do it and unfortunately he had been one of those who had drawn the short straw this time. Nothing to complain about even if he hated the disgusting sensation underneath his paws, or the mud that was sticking itself to his fur. Lividpaw for sure would need to spend alot of time grooming himself after this not liking to be filthy.

Just when he was about to take another step into the swamp more dirt got splattered at his shoulder by nobody else but Halfpaw. His whiskers twitched as he cast a empty stare over at the other apprentice who muttered a 'sorry' to him. Lividpaw didn't respond to the apology which wasn't even that genuine. Instead he decided to ignore them as he moved himself forward to walk himself away from her to put distance between them. Lividpaw just wanted to get this over with so he could return back home.

Any other duty would have been better than this. Hunting, patrolling the borders, hell, cleaning the dens. But no, he was stuck wading through the murk of the bog that they were forced to accept as their home! A shudder travelled up the length of his spine as he was forced to continue forward despite having mud clagging up his belly fur. "It's going to take me days to groom all of this filth out of my fur." He grumbled mainly to himself, though anyone close enough would surely hear his whining. He was tempted to voice his agreement with Halfpaw's suggestion, though he knew that he shouldn't encourage such behaviour in the apprentices.

//Apprentice tag @YELLOWPAW

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