pafp on the edge of your town [ 𓆣 ] welcoming new warrior

Feb 13, 2023
( 𓆣 )  Termitehum leads the clan's newest warrior into the den with no small amount of hesitance. It's strange, being put in a position of authority like this. An older warrior. They were the oldest apprentice for a few moons, yes, but it certainly wasn't a point of pride. It does mean, though, that this face is more familiar to her than it would be otherwise. "Co- ome in, Moonfff- Mm... Moonfang," she calls, breathy voice picking up to as close to a call as she gets. A chittering chuckle spills from her maw at the name, the change still feeling strange in her mouth no matter how many times she hears it. "Hah, feelssss... ss... ssstrange call- c- cuh- calling yo- ou that." Moonpaw to Moonfang, Termitepaw to Termitehum. She still doesn't quite feel like she's earned her own title.

It's a fitting name, though. Her voice comes in a soft hum. ""S like we were just a- app- apprentices to- gether ye- esterday..." Moonfang's name fits too, from what she remembers of him -- though, she tended to keep her distance from most. He was the ambitious type, fangs bared and ready, not like her. He'll make a good warrior, she thinks.

But now isn't the time for reminiscing; that'd make her a sorry welcoming committee. It corrects the error swiftly. "Oh, mm, yh- you can pick- pick out any ne- e- est you like," Termitehum informs needlessly. It's an obvious observation, but she chatters away quietly regardless. Gestures to her own nest. "'M over here, bu- ut, mm, there's a lot... lot of nests open." Plenty to choose from. A polite invitation with room to decline -- there's probably better nests next to better warriors, anyway.

  • // please wait for @MOONFANG !


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It almost feels surreal to the bluish-gray tom, being a full warrior that is. Seven moons have gone by since he became an apprentice, but it feels like it went by in a blink of an eye. He follows after Termitehum, an older warrior who was an apprentice alongside Moonfang. Termitehum is quite the opposite of him— she is quiet and reserved, but patient and hardworking. He had seen the extra work she put in while he was alongside her as an apprentice, he imagines it must've been tough being quite older than the rest of the apprentices. But that doesn't matter now, does it? He wasn't sure why she was held back, but that doesn't mean she was any less of a warrior than he was. Her warrior name suits her, just like his suits him.

"I know right? I'm still getting used to calling you Termitehum," The young warrior mrrows as he steps into the den after her, with a flick of an ear. Time flies doesn't it? He didn't think the day of their warrior ceremony would come so quickly (well, for him at least). For a brief moment he takes in the warriors den— this is going to be where he slumbers for now on. He was beginning to feel cramped in the apprentice den, so it's a huge relief being in a more spacious den. He felt pride as well, of course. Moonfang has such a nice ring to it— Blazestar picked the perfect name for him. "It feels surreal," He comments as he looks through the available nests, "Finally being a warrior." Eventually, the bluish-gray tom settles on a nest near Termitehum's, accepting their invitation.

  • 73373704_GvVtFDtFrH4zYDv.png

  • Moonfang
    experience: trained
    backstory: mistaken identity
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to nopeita for the pixel <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: bluish-gray
    fur length: short
    parents: persephone and hades (kittypet npcs)
    12 moons

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Acutely, Twitchbolt recalled the feeling of being new to warriorhood. Even though it was moons and moons ago now- that in and of itself was an odd fact, but anyway- the feeling was fresh, an odd lingering ache in his chest for something lost, and a great uncertainty for the future, and... an absolutely sickening nervousness. Though, he was... a little more prone to nerves than most cats, wasn't he? For all his life he hoped Moonfang and Termitehum were not feeling the same sort of nervousness. The sort that made you want to rip out your own stomach, the sort that felt like it might kill you with the speed in which it was bashing your heart, over and over and over...

Kindness graced Twitchbolt's expression, despite the mixed feelings that churned around his memories. His parents had been freshly dead back too, then. Don't ruin their day, he thought.

"You'll get a, a, a better spot the... the longer you're here," he greeted, an assertion. It was some hierarchy thing, the shift of bodies to make more room... his shared nest with Quillstrike was in rather a good spot in the warrior's den by now. The newer warriors often settled for the colder spots, unfortunately. "I... hope you nnn-never lose that enthusiasm." It was a joke, because... of course the mystique would eventually wear off. But... he didn't quite have the charisma to sell it as a joke, instead managing to offer a shaky smile.
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