camp On The First Part Of The Journey (open) I Was Looking At All The Light


Anxiety-Ridden Extrovert
Mar 3, 2023

Impatient pawpads had been beating against the ground for some time now, the kit attached to them even more energetic than usual. Shinekit had been counting down the days, growing more excited with every passing hour. “Just a bit longer…” he muttered, pacing back and forth outside the apprentice den in anticipation for the future. “Just a bit longer until I move in here!”

Yes, it was a little over a week until the shaft of sunlight would celebrate four moons on the surface. A little over a week until he was of age to become an apprentice. A little over a week until he was allowed outside. A little over a week until he would begin training tooth and claw to keep Thunderclan safe and thriving.

Starclan help them.

The scatterbrain was ecstatic at the opportunity to show everyone how useful he could be. Shinekit was already fantasizing about being lauded with praise and companionship, the urge to please others well-lodged in the tiny cat’s tiny mind. Still, even the optimist’s thoughts eventually drifted towards shadow. What would happen if he failed? If he couldn’t properly provide for the clan? What would the point of becoming his friend be if Shinekit couldn’t do anything for others?

Shaking himself free of the small spiral, the flame-tinted tom decided the best way to achieve his goals was to speak them aloud. After all, other people would hold him accountable if he slacked off, right?

“Hey, everyone!” He began, balancing on a small stone to make himself more visible. “Just so you know, when I become an apprentice, you won’t have to work anymore! I’ll catch all the prey and stuff, so you all can just hang out here.” It was a statement borne not of ego, but of responsibility. If Shinekit couldn’t improve the lives of his clanmates, then what use was he? The cat wanted to be everyone’s friend, but he needed something to offer in return for such a selfish wish.​
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sandpaw was awoken by a nap from shinekit's greeting. slowly, golden eyes peeled open to see him standing on a rock, peering into the den. the display set a small grin across her face as she pushed herself up to a sitting position, a wide yawn cracking her jaws. she could remember being that age, thunderclan's blood may not have run through her veins, but there was nothing she wanted more than to defend her found home.

shinekit's promise to carry all of their work made her chest loosen in a soft giggle. it was truly ambitious to believe that all of that work could be done alone, but she didn't want to be the one to ruin his dreams. the kit would learn quickly that it would be a nearly impossible feat, on his own time. plus, she doubted he would even listen with star-filled ears and eyes. that didn't mean she couldn't see how far he was willing to take it though. "even the gross stuff? like cleaning the rotten teeth of elders?"
[ 𖤓 ]



"Heya sunchild," chirps Lichenpaw as the kit pulls himself up onto a little rock. They'd been decidedly not sulking in the apprentice den, and the sight of Shinekit is a welcome one. His smile comes more easy as he listens to the kit's bold declaration, in the soft sound of laughter from Sandpaw.

It's a noble goal, if completely impossible, but Lichenpaw is more than willing to play along. "Even the gross stuff?" asks Sandpaw, and he gives a theatrical sigh, bringing his head to rest forlornly upon a paw. "I'd give you my, uh, my tick duty if I could. Two weeks of just, cleaning all the elders' fur. Being an apprentice isn't all, um, fun work, like y'know. Hunting." There's a mischievous gleam in his eye as he assesses Shinekit. "You sure you're up for all of it? Seems like, um. Like a lot of boring stuff to me."


  • //
  • LICHENPAW named for the lichen on the trees of his home.
    — he/him or they/them. 9 moons.
    — thunderclan apprentice, mentored by sunnyday.
    — bears a near-permanent nervous grin.

    primary character, medium-high activity. penned by saturnid.​
  • Untitled82_20230206025231.png
Stormpaw's owlish blue eyes blinked up from the mass of nests underneath the apprentice den as Shinekit proudly announced his new commitment. Although she was not much older than the kit, she giggled at the silliness. Only a few moons ago she would have said the same exact thing. Yet, here she was, laughing with the older apprentices like she was in on some big secret.

The memory of her failed hunts brought a sharp pain to her heart. Instinctively she looked for Flameseeker, but did not see the orange fur of her mother nearby. Stormpaw cleared her throat and tucked in her paws. She was young, but it was fairly known she was not the best hunter. "They're tricking you, Shinekit." She purred. "You can do my hunting." She whispered scandalously. At least ticks weren't as easy to fail at as birds.


As Shinekit perched on his small pedestal, sky-blue eyes spotted movement in the den situated in front of him. A perpetual smile widened as Sandpaw stepped out, but the bemused look on her face made the boy's heart sink for a moment. Did she think he wasn't serious? Or maybe she didn't think his abilities up to par? The kit peered forwards, wanting to know more than anything what lay behind the apprentice's eyes.

Before he could spiral further, though, a question reached ember ears. At the query, the shaft of sunlight furrowed an invisible brow, momentarily faltering. "That's…a job?" he murmured almost to himself before perking back up. "Of course I will! It's good to help people, isn't it?" Inwardly the kit was grimacing, but he put on a brave face. He needed to do as much as he could for the clan, after all.

Thoughts of rotting teeth and prickly elders were pushed aside as Lichenpaw stepped forwards, though. Shinekit was proud to say he had an apprentice friend, it made him feel mature! The boy beamed at his apparent nickname, but a thought struck him as the other offered his own arduous task for the taking. Shinekit had promised Lichenpaw a gift a while ago, hadn't he? It was payment for indulging the kit's selfish desire for social interaction, an insistence from the shaft of sunlight that Lichenpaw needed something for hanging out with him. This was a perfect opportunity!

"I'll clean ticks for you when I become an apprentice!" He chirped. "I'd offer to do it now, but my mom says I'm not allowed in the elder's den since I kept asking them to play mossball." It was still a punishment that puzzled him. After all, wasn't exercise good for old people? The scatterbrain steadied his focus in time to hear Lichenpaw's question, which also left him perplexed. "well sure it's boring" Shinekit acquiesced, "But if I do all the boring stuff, then everyone else has more time for fun stuff! The clan will be happier as a whole, right? So it's worth it!"

Shinekit's warped logic was tested further as Stormpaw stepped forwards, sky-blue eyes shining with ignorance as she spoke. "If they were tricking me, why would they offer the gross jobs? Wouldn't it be more convincing to say "Hey shinekit, you can have my fox fighting lesson?" 'Cause that sounds cool!" the solar-hued hardhead stuck his tongue out, celebrating a false victory in an apparent battle of wits. "I'll still do your hunting, though! I'm sure I can find the time for everything."