border ON THE GROUND [ tc dusk patrol ]

.i'll be your calm, ———


——— before the storm!.
———————— ————————
Luckily for them, the walk along the Riverclan border had been simple and uneventful- though the rocks had looked awfully inviting as the sun started to warm their surface. Pushing the thought of warmth out of his mind, his chin lifted as they headed to the towering trees of Skyclan's border. Carefully navigating it without ever stepping over it, his cheek brushed against the rise of their own trees. He was questioning his apprentice moments later:

"What do we know about Skyclan? What are their strengths?" He hummed towards Tigerpaw, continuing to keep an eye on the other clan's territory, and their own to be able to mark it. Vision shifted to keep track of the other two cats with them too, the lead warrior making sure everything was in line.

// @Tybalt [Stagstrike] @TOADHOP @tigerpaw.


Twitchbolt wasn't really sure how to navigate his training with Pumpkinpaw. It would learn visually, he hoped, when it came to hunting... and he knew well how powerful your nose could be, even when hearing the scampering of prey was a difficult task. Still, border patrols... that was an entirely different beast.

He kept wide eyes trained almost entirely upon his charge, ensuring that they didn't wander too far from him. Oh, he'd never forgive himself in a million years if they walked away hurt. Eyelids twitching, jittering uncontrollably, he let Pumpkinpaw walk alongside him and find its own way forward- that was, until he caught the scent of the ThunderClan patrol. Would Pumpkinpaw notice the change in the air? He glanced toward them, trying to gauge their reaction.

When the ThunderClan cats began to filter into view, Twitchbolt crouched down to murmur to Pumpkinpaw, in a crackled voice- "What do you think of them?" He made sure they were looking at him as he said it, jerking his head in their direction.

penned by pin ✧
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Several times Pumpkinpaw had already tried to wander off, but after the second attempt, the third stopped before it could even start, the young apprentice got the idea that Twitchbolt wanted it to stick close. Ultimately it obeyed, even if eyes round with wonder continuously searched and paws itched and twitched with the urge to carry it far and wide.

This was a place the two of them hadn't been to before. Outside of the camp, the world was massive, and it wanted nothing more than to see it all as fast as it could carry itself. It would be good, though. It didn't want to be sent back to camp. Even still, energy still clearly quivered beneath its pelt.

Pumpkinpaw's nose seemed to twitch with every breath, mouth parted to frantically take in all the scents around it. The familiar, crisp and cold scent of pine, and... something else.

Up ahead, pine trees began to meld with trees they had never seen before. The earth seemed to crunch under their paws and they recoiled, uncomfortably shaking debris away. Then, with a pause, they lowered themself to the earth and began to sniff and paw at the fallen leaves with interest.

The mismatched paws of Twitchbolt stepped into its peripherals, and Pumpkinpaw looked up with a beaming smile of wonder. If only Springpaw could see this. Maybe she had? She had left camp with another warrior, too.

Its train of thought was interrupted when its mentor crouched before it, multicolor eyes meeting and jaw working. Then he jerked his head, its own gaze wandering and falling upon the patrol of strange cats. Pumpkinpaw sucked in a gasp, round eyes flickering to Twitchbolt, then back to the ThunderClanners.

Who are you? They wondered to themself. Then they met the eyes of one of the strangers and their tail lifted high in greeting, paws already moving to carry them closer. Before they could cross what was unknowingly the ThunderClan scent line, they were swiftly halted by Twitchbolt. Pumpkinpaw looked up at him again, frowning and eyes filled with a silent plea.
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  • // OOC
  • (( pumpkinpaw )) of skyclan, sibling to springpaw ; npc x npc
    ↳ its/they/any pronouns, doesn't care about gendered terms
    ↳ AGAB undefined ; intersex ; gender unlabeled, it does not yet understand the concept
    currently 4 moons old, ages every 1st
    completely deaf. unlikely to understand anything said with words alone.
    ↳ this is a known fact among skyclanners, but unlikely to be known by strangers
    likely to respond to situations based on the expressions of others.

    a scruffy, shorthair chimera kitten that is a distinct and striking combination of glossy black fur and bold red stripes. it has bright, mismatched yellow and copper eyes. for its age, pumpkinpaw is of average height. it smells of dry leaves and springpaw.

She honestly loved being mentored by batwing- he wasn't necessarily her family by blood, because no one in thunderclan was related by blood. but by heart, he was like her... big brother? would he like the sounds of that? she didn't know, she just knew he was family like all of thunderclan.

there was not a care in the world, as head bobbed side to side matching with what paw went forward, green eyes crossing and tongue sticking out as she followed behind the all serious batwing.

tigerpaw would shake her body free of the sillies- and train her eyes to focus on the other side of the border where another patrol was arriving. batwing asked a similar question as usual, asking about skyclans strengths.

she didn't necessarily hate these questions, but she struggled with them. maybe that's why he asked her a lot. "Skyclan... is led by Blazestar and.. they are excellent in climbing trees. Like Stormywing? Or better? But when you go against them in fight, you gotta watch the trees." She responded with an unsure tilt of her head.

tigerpaw was slightly distracted though, a purr hilting her voice as there was yet another apprentice on the other side of the border. a wide grin spread across her face as she edged just a bit closer, her tail held high. "hello, skyclanners! are you guys doing well?" she asked, in hopes to mimic what she's heard probably a million times over.

Not far behind, Dogbite found himself engaged in the task of brushing his bedraggled coat against the sparse trees near the shore. As the unmistakable scent of Riverclan wafted through the air, the scarred tabby completed his scenting duty. Weaving between the trees in a familiar rhythm, he emerged on the opposite side, joining Twitchbolt, Pumpkinpaw, and their own apprentice. Trotting forward to stand beside their subordinate, his tattered ears perked up at the call across the border. In response, they mirrored the friendly greeting from the youth.

A pleasant face was a welcome sight, especially considering the chaotic nature of the recent gatherings. Leaning back, he tucked into himself, tail wrapped neatly, and paws hidden beneath it as he replied. "We've been faring pretty well. Have you all been able to stay warm?" It was a question that had lingered in Dogbite's mind, a curiosity about the challenges faced by the Thunderclan cats during the colder times. While he wasn't certain if the young apprentice had the answer, he anticipated that one of the more experienced cats among them might shed light on the matter.

  • apprentice tag @LITTLEPAW!
  • ———✧———​
    ✧ LH cinnamon tabby w/high white one blue eye
    ✧ child of npc x npc ; sibling to crescent and bear
    ✧ skyclan warrior ; ex-loner ; mentor to littlepaw
    ✧ 31 moons old ; birthday 07/01 ; ages realistically
    ✧ AFAB ; nonbinary ; he/they
    ✧ pansexual ; polyromantic ; single
    "speech", thought, attack, powerplay
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
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.i'll be your calm, ———


——— before the storm!.
———————— ————————
His nose twitched at the scent of Skyclan, so he lifted his head to visually inspect who stood across the border. His head dipped towards Twitchbolt- he didn't know the lead warrior perhaps as well as he should, being from a neighboring clan, but there was nothing wrong with not knowing, he reflected. Vision shifted back to his apprentice as she answered, giving a small smile. "Correct. Hopefully we won't have to fight them at all, and definitely not soon- but yes, they're skilled in tree climbing."

Some part of him was slighted that Tigerpaw didn't know how well Batwing could climb a tree, but he wasn't about to flex and show off. Stormywing could keep the title, for now. "But they can climb a lot of things- not just trees." He nodded gently. The rock wall during the journey had made it clear that much had been truth. He shook off the thought, sucking a breath through his teeth as his paw reminded of the ache. He shifted his paw, keeping the injury hidden as Tigerpaw conversed with Dogbite.

"Yes, we have." Batwing answered. All of the dens were well protected, and the snow wasn't bothering them too much yet. "And issues with snow drifts on your end?" The lead warrior prompted with slight bits of curiosity.


I SEE A SONG OF PAST ROMANCE — It was no broken leg like the lesson Berryheart had given him but the tomcat refused to let his patient wander off on patrol when they were injured even if it may be minor, it could possibly make it worse and the medicine cat apprentice soon finds the patrol with both of his ears pricked forward. His mentor was occupied with Wolfwind so Hailstorm believed it had been for the best if he had gone to hunt down his friend. He had not heard any of their conversation only focused on getting Batwing back into Thunderclan camp, he offers a smile in the direction of the Skyclanners "I hope all is well over in Skyclan." He wonders how Bobbie and the other cats that had departed on the journey with them had been doing, perhaps he would see them the next gathering but he doesn't entertain his thoughts long when his usually warm gaze turns firm and his voice stern as he faces Batwing "Batwing, you are supposed to be resting within the den due to your injuries." He motions to the paw that the lead warrior was trying to hide from his apprentice and the rest of the patrol.

For a moment, he forgets of those across the border only focused on his charge with a small frown on his maw "I'm certain Berryheart would not appreciate you wandering off either." Perhaps one of the other two warriors could continue the patrol with Tigerpaw in tow, after all, it would be the same thing of marking the border and ensuring that nobody trespassed over it.

    ✦✦✦✦✦ FLESH WOUNDS
    ✦✦✦✧✧ INFECTIONS
    ✦✦✧✧✧ ACHES & PAINS
    ✦✦✧✧✧ ILLNESS
    ✧✧✧✧✧ BROKEN BONES
    ✧✧✧✧✧ KITTING
    ✧✧✧✧✧ POISONS
  • dge7u2t-148923d9-4a3f-4c3f-b8e7-4e97c3a4cb2b.png
    longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    51 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    bisexual demiromantic; mates with little wolf
    currently being mentored by berryheart
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    semi-difficult in combat; relies on strength, his large size, and wits
    peaceful powerplay allowed
it's not my fault i have my father's eyes .
“Fine.” He answered curtly, staring at Batwing and Hailstorm, expression neutral despite the crinkled confusion and slight amusement. Did something happen? Of course. His mind supplied, stomach-churning in annoyance. “Just cold.” He answered, tone deadpan, watching the ThunderClanners. His chest felt tight, holding back a cough that made his eyes water, swallowing with a wince at the uncomfortable feeling, having swallowed wrong, Littlepaw remained at a reasonable distance from his mentor, rubbing his cheek against one of the pine trees.
thought speech