ON THE LOOSE — hunting patrol

With only a little bit of difficulty, Cosmosbloom is soon able to gather his patrol.

Though one of the biggest aspects of his nerves towards having to lead this patrol, getting his group together - having to do his best to remember just who was meant to be going with him - only diminished the anxious feeling in the pit of his stomach slightly. There was still more to leading a patrol than getting it formed.

What's next, then?

Tasked with leading a hunting patrol with the mission of catching birds, the young warrior starts heading towards where he thinks there will be plenty. A more dense part of the forest, with plenty of branches for avian prey to nest in. Certainly, they could catch something there, right? When they finally near where he'd had in mind, the ginger-eared tom stops, turning to look at the rest of the patrol. Now what?

"Should we split up, then?" he asks, uncertainty heavy in his voice. Stars, he hopes he's doing this right.

Orangeblossom's mind whirls as Cosmosbloom leads the group through the forest. Not with possibility in the way it usually does, her fighting distraction back with metaphorical claw and tooth; no, this time she's much more interested in how the young warrior handles this responsibility. So far, he's doing well- he'd remembered who she had assigned to the group, and led them to a denser part of the forest. It's not a bad choice - this is often where some of the first nests of newleaf would be set up by unsuspecting birds. He's a bit too young to have seen it for himself, but once they got back and the deputy had compiled her mental review she'd mention it to him.

"We can." She agrees with a nod. Her attention flits to her apprentice, to Perchpaw, to Hailstone and back to Cosmosbloom; before she reminds herself she isn't the patrol leader this time. "How do you want to split the group?"

  • orangeblossom.png
    orangeblossom. tags.
    — she/her, skyclan deputy.
    — mentor to eveningpaw.
    — attack in #e08550. uses trees as an integral part of her fighting style.
    — mean enough to note that her thoughts don't reflect my opinions as a writer haha.
    — penned by mercibun; @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots. :]
    — art by merc!<3


"You'll Never Be Unloved By Me"

A hunting patrol, and he was rather excited about the notion. Things had gotten warmer and there was more hope that things could now be found in the brush. Whether it be prey or herbs was up to what the forest provided. The large blue mix stood beside the orange and white deputy as she looked to Cosmosbloom about where to split up for the patrol. Ashenclaws' gaze softened at the newer warrior as it wsa probably intimidating to be on a patrol with the deputy and be the lead instead of her. The large warrior gave a nod of encouragement towards Cosmosbloom in hoped of helping along the process of leading a patrol. They had this, he knew it.


✦ ★ ✦

eveningpaw followed along the group, a slight bounce in her step. hunting patrols were kind of boring. she couldn't talk, cause that would scare the prey away. so what was she supposed to even do? hunt, maybe, but she wasn't all that good at it yet. she couldn't be super quiet like her sister. perhaps she could learn, although eve wasn't sure how exciting that would be. probably about the same level as watching grass grow. if she had to watch grass grow to learn to hunt, blazestar would just have to retire her to the elders den early. imagine the years that would take off her life!

cosmosbloom's voice eventually says they should split up, breaking up her long winded thoughts. the tortie would sit, patiently, waiting to be grouped.