private On the other side ‡ Harvest


A light in the dark
Oct 17, 2023
*+:。.。 Ebonylight had needs. Cravings, a hunger, an insatiable torrent of energy that, without an outlet, would result in someone getting hurt. Over and over again, they'd been forced to stand on the sidelines as the rest of the world got to dance in their own little plays. Ebby was always the audience member, never the star, and while that meant they didn't end up with a tomato to the face for any potential failings, it did mean that they's paws - restless and itching - were forced into stillness, shackled by the promise to be polite and subservient. They were tired of it all. Tired of restraining themselves when their mate pissed them off, their leader lay useless upon their Queen's gravestone, and their clan whined and moaned about the past rather than make plans to conquer their future.
Ebonylight needed an outlet, or someone was going to get hurt.

Or perhaps some getting hurt was the perfect outlet.

Farm cat blood tasted like hay dust and mouse guts.
Fat and stupid, neither a house cat in their impenetrable dens nor a clan cat with a knowledge of how to properly defend themselves in the wild, farm cats had nothing to their name besides an endless supply of food to slow them down. It had been far too easy catching this woman off guard. Easier still pouncing upon her with slavering jaws and a raging appetite, paws clawing for some was to expunge that awful itch of boredom. Cat blood was such a relief for burning nails, Ebby made a mental note to inform the medicine cats later - and they snicker.

Scratching at a couple of new claw marks tracing over their shoulders and chest, Ebby would look down upon the dead farm cat with dwindling interest. Too quick, but marvelously satisfying. If starclan were truly real, then they must be smiling upon Ebonylight to have bestowed upon her a prey so deliciously quick to dispatch. Or perhaps they just hated whoever this sad scrap of nothing was that her fate was sealed no matter who slammed their paws down on that pretty skull of hers.

Ah well, that's one stage to drop it's curtains - onto the next one.

But then, all too suddenly, a spotlight shines upon the dead stage.

A distant mewl to perk Ebonylight ears...

@HARVEST //apologies this took so long!!!

    DFAB— He/They/She — Pansexual
    18 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Duskclan (Rogue)
    Mates with Nightingalecry, father to Frightkit, Deathkit and Witherkit

    Physically hard | mentally hard
    Attack in bold black

    injuries: None currently

࿔*:・゚༄ Hurt was never something that Harvest had to accustom herself to. For all her short life, blood has been a thing to be shed by prey alone. Mice caught between her mother's deft jaws. It is a distant thing, a thing meant for strangers' stories and tiny, thoughtless creatures. Danger, to her, is fires burning beyond the walls of her home. The barn has always been safe.

"Ma?" calls the kit, voice laced with the timidity of sheltering. A safety borne of coddling, of a fear of what lie beyond.

She does not yet know enough to fear the smell of copper.

Her paws draw closer foolishly, blinking moonlight-silver eyes against the dim of the barn. There's another cat with her ma, and she begins to get the feeling that something is not right here. "...Ma?" Harvest repeats, softer now. She continues to approach. She does not at first process what she is seeing. Her mother's pelt is red. Red red red, far too red, slick and shiny. Blood. Blood like a prey animal, like her own mother is little more than a mouse, caught by some terrible hunter. Harvest stills. Scarecrow is stiller. The cat beside her - draped in the same crimson shades - is not. He turns, he looks at her. At Harvest, small and just beginning to shake.

And all of a sudden, she is pinned. The gaze of the stranger rests upon her, and she feels like a mouse beneath their paws. Her mouth opens, but no words come out. She is captured, frozen, beneath this stranger's gaze, two bicolored spotlights trained upon a kit who suddenly wants very much to disappear, to not have to witness or be seen by this bloodstained cat.

She is scared. She wants her mother to protect her.

Her mother's cold body does not move.

  • REF TBA!

  • HARVEST   she / her, loner, three moons.
    a large, thick-furred molly draped in russet tones and bearing silvery eyes.
    cautious, people-pleasing, and cowardly. easily impressionable.
    npc x npc; daughter to a horseplace mouser.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
*+:。.。 Once upon a time, Ebonylight had been a mother.
Curled around the mewling vermin that dug at her sensitive, vulnerable stomach like leeches, crying out for her as though they thought their itty bitty fragile bodies deserved sympathy. Ah, how she missed that time, so short and sweet. She missed hearing their pathetic sing song for love and attention; their useless bodies rolling about like fat worms led astray by the rain. Charcoal ears snap towards the heavens as Starclan - Sootstar herself - blesses her with a whole new gift, right after the last. what a lovely song.

Ebonylight turns to face the bird that tweets so helplessly, cast so inelegantly from its nest. It's a tiny thing, but more notably it's brilliant in its shade of red. Ebonylight almost has to blink, wondering if it was born out of the blood that seeped from its former ma's wounds. Had Ebonylight somehow freed this child himself? Assisted in its birth, as any good father should?

It's a frenzied feeling, much the same as the hunger that came before it. Warm as the fires that tore away at Windclan's stolen brilliance, more choking than the soot that blocked the sky in grey death. He feels nothing but adoration when he looks upon the hungry kit, starved for a mother's love - a father's protection. Luckily for it, Ebonylight can be both!

"Aw Baby..." Her voice drips with sweet ichor stolen from crushed nightshade berries, "I'm so sorry, I tried to save her" she shifts her sad smile upon the limp nothing that lies at her paws, bowing her head to press her muzzle into the corpse's too-cold scruff, subtly wiping off the blood on her mouth while also justifying it's existence there as if the child had just caught Ebonylight mourning.

"I'm sorry...there was no stopping the blood" not that Ebonylight hadn't tried just lapping at it. Copper was such a refreshing tang. Curling their tail around their paws, Ebonylight would smile gently at the kit, soft and friendly, as sympathetic as the moon's distant silver glow is warm. "c'mere...come say good-bye" she rumbles a comforting purr, patting the spot beside her, becking the child close.

Eager to see if she'll cave to her selfish curiosity, or fall apart with her weak-hearted fear.
So easy to manipulate.

    DFAB— He/They/She — Pansexual
    18 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Duskclan (Rogue)
    Mates with Nightingalecry, father to Frightkit, Deathkit and Witherkit

    Physically hard | mentally hard
    Attack in bold black

    injuries: None currently