private On the policy of truth ☾ Sharpshadow


The Danse Macabre
Apr 28, 2024


Confrontation was an art, knowing the right setting was important. You had to know the other party's mood, had to know if one was entering a confrontation to be met with openness or aggression. Sharpshadow’s mood seems tumultuous recently, after their patrol to WindClan had devolved into a show of might at Sharpshadow’s lead. Well, truly he couldn’t find it in him to blame her for it, as vexed as he may be Haretooth could blame none other than that windclanner who couldn’t keep his maw shut. This being said, he had no inclination what Sharpshadow he will be met with during this confrontation.

Despite the fact that the lead warrior had attacked a windclanner, she held no ire from him for her actions. If anything the events of the WindClan patrol remained something he wished to pick his brain over, desiring to know the intent of such an impulsive decision. While he himself found joy in violence there had to be a place for it and he desired to know what his reason was. ShadowClan had been pushed around for too long by their neighbours and by the stars in kind, he would be all for this type of ruthlessness in the future if he was just simply made aware of it. Perhaps this was an inequitable standard to uphold, it was still one that he sought to hold all the same.

He had constructed his questioning over the passing sunrises since that patrol, once he felt satisfied in thinking over all of his options he decided to seek him out. This was an artform that he aspired to finely tune into a weapon, this time it was blunted. Merely coming from a place of natural curiosity rather than aggression. Neatly groomed pale fur reflects the morning light as he glides across the marshlands, the two of them walking through the marsh. Not an official hunting patrol by any means more so they had ran into each other and it was always better to rely on safety in numbers. “Sharpshadow, regarding the WindClan patrol we were on together.” He begins, tone neutral and ensuring he spoke with formalities. Icey blue eyes sought out to hold eye contact, wherever he was successful in that goal remains to be seen. How he should navigate this from here was still undecided even with all of his planning. “You lunged for that windclanner without a second thought. I am not criticising you for it, let it be known I think conniving prey stealing fools like them deserve worse than what was given.” That was the truth, as blunt and clear cut as one could give their opinion.

“However, I would love to inquire as to why you acted in such a manner. As much as I welcome the course of action taken.” He shrugs, bringing a paw down to sweep across the earth, haphazardly batting at a passing bug. Ears kept alert for the sound of prey but that was to appear busy rather than to actually commit to the task that he had sent himself out here to do to begin with.


NOTE: mobile post!

Oh, great. If those words weren't... premium conversation starters. Immediately, Sharpshadow angles a disgruntled gaze to Haretooth, furrowed brows and a deep frown. Anyone would probably get a similar reaction. Plus, last time she talked to this guy, he called her stupid. But sure! They were clanmates, patrolmates... Sharpshadow didn't owe him anything for coming across the Thunderpath, though. He could've stayed right there and tattled on him to Chilledstar, for all he cares. Sharpshadow does not reply. A slow, weary blink meets Haretooth's gaze.

He uses a bunch of words to basically say that WindClan deserves to have the hell beat out of them, which agrees on, obviously. So then... what was this conversation even about? Another blink. Brows pinched together, he just says, " Okay. "

However, I would love to inquire as to why you acted in such a manner. Why does this guy talk like this? Not even Smogmaw matches this percise, annoying tone. Sharpshadow's ear flicks like he's under harassment by a mosquito. As much as I welcome the course of action taken. ...So, he's lying. Why would he ask this, otherwise.

Fine, whatever. He'll answer. " Um, weren't you there? " he squints his eyes, as if making sure Haretooth wasn't some figment of his imagination. " He was an asshole. " end of discussion, really.