private ON THE RIGHT BEACHES | howlfire

Mar 3, 2024
Lionpaw strays away from the cluster of apprentices, if only briefly. They're all gossiping about something insignificant which offers a perfect opportunity to slip away and steal a moment of peace. However, when blue eyes land upon the familiar form of his chocolate torbie sister, Lionpaw feels the urge to talk to her. He hasn't in a long time.

The apprentice approaches her, kin-reserved warmth seeping onto the tom's features as he purrs softly, "Sis," Lionpaw's relationship with his older half-sister is a stark parallel from the mentor and apprentice dynamic he maintains with Crowsight, something more akin to professionalism and not much more. It's nice to be able to sit and talk with her as a sibling. "How's being a lead warrior?" Lionpaw inquires with a genuine curiosity. Maybe he ought to ask his own mother, but she was preoccupied at the moment. Besides, it would be nice to catch up with Howlfire who had also undoubtedly been busy serving on Orangestar's council. "Is it that much different from being a normal warrior?"

  • @Howlfire
  • 85571185_8otsqgPDsiUJAF0.png
  • 85571681_SLofIqs1ogOtlez.png
    — lionpaw / 11 moons / he/they pronouns
    — skyclan apprentice / mentored by crowsight
    doeblaze x blazestar† / hover for immediate kin
    — lh chocolate torbie point w/ blue eyes, diagonal scar across face
    click for full tags

After playing an impromptu game of mossball in the warrior's den, Howlfire had rejuvenated enough to venture outside properly and mingle with her clanmates. She isn't outside long, when she hears another approach, turning to see her younger half-brother approach. He calls out to her, and Howlfire returns his warm expression with one of her own, gesturing for him to come closer. With how cool it still was outside, they might as well stand close together and stay warm.

"Well, it certainly keeps me busy," Howlfire responded with a light laugh when he asked how it was being a lead warrior. "Somedays, it feels like I'm an apprentice again, having to do several additional tasks around camp." She takes a little longer to ponder his following question. In truth, there wasn't much difference between the roles, from her point of view. "To be honest, there isn't much difference between the two," She admitted. "You still hunt, lead patrols, help around camp...I suppose the biggest change is the responsibility you feel." Of course, she didn't hold any formal responsibilities like Twitchbolt or Orangestar did, but being a lead warrior made her feel more responsible and respected in a way. It meant Orangestar trusted her and knew her to be reliable and responsible - even if Howlfire sometimes felt her quick tongue sometimes got her into more trouble than she liked. "After I became a lead warrior, it made me think of Blazestar a lot actually," She confessed, staring warily at Lionpaw for a moment. Howlfire isn't sure whether to continue, unsure whether Lionpaw would like to speak of their father or not, but pushes ahead. "On one paw, it made me wonder about whether he would be proud of me or not. Is he looking down proud at how far I've come?" How far I might one day go? "It also makes me reflect on the stresses of responsibility he must have had. How is must have weighed upon him from time to time..."