she couldn’t believe it. still in a state of shock, the tortoiseshell ducks to push through the gorse tunnel ; her eyes excitedly flicking back to watch cougarpaw’s expression when the world uncovers itself to her. she laments the snow, it’s pallid white and frost that eats away at what once had been rich and green. the ferns outside camp are soggy and black, the ground a mix of mush and dead grass where layers of snow had been kicked up by warriors exiting the tunnel prior. it’s colder out here, too — no longer shielded by the sloping clan walls. the ravine was a blessed sanctuary for their most vulnerable ( for all of them, she thinks, her nose already rubbing raw in the whipping winds ), leaving it was like face - first into a tree made of ice, a blast of chill that fluffs out the thick of her cheek fluff. she really hopes cougarpaw is still excited despite it all.

freckleflame may be more excited, herself. she flourishes her tail at the leafbare - ivoried forest, beams a grin even brighter than the weak sunlight filtering in through snow - laden canopies overhead. she is caught again by how much she looks like leopardtongue when she glanced back at the youth, ” were gonna go towards sunningrocks, mice like to hide in cracks in th’ stone to get away from the wind — and they have the right idea, i’d say. “ she shivers dramatically for emphasis, then casts her sea glass gaze back out towards the snowy landscape. crystal flakes fall dazedly to the ground and briefly, she thinks of red. she thinks of the fox, of cold and snow, thinks of wolfwind covered in petals and polutices while she experiences her first hunting trip with an apprentice. a faraway look overtakes her for only a moment.. before her cranium shakes hard, bright eyes flitting back towards cougarpaw as if she hadn’t paused a beat in utter, wintery silence. she starts down the familiar path, expecting the child to follow, ” stick close t’ me, and keep your ears open on the way. there could be somethin’ foraging in th’ bushes somewhere.. “

  • i. @Cougarkit

  • Untitled262_20231202152333.png

    f. she / her, daughter of sunfreckle and rabbitnose. large, fluffy cream - ribboned tortoiseshell with seaglass eyes. larger than life! every part of her is broad ; wide in everything from her face to shoulders to her feathered tail, something reminiscent of her father’s kittypet heritage in the square of her chin and hulk of her figure. she appears illusionarily fluff - ridden at first, thickly pelted in shades of fire and soot, long & tangled, knotted with undergrowth — seeming soft and pudgy, and she is.. that figure curving into hard, hidden bulk along heavyset flanks and well - muscled limbs. a characteristic lack of personal space leads her to a slouching, touchy posture, often inclined to lean or bump against her peers.
    prone to bouts of explosive emotion. all opinions are solely in - character and during these times, often untrue or said only in anger.


Everything was going so incredibly fast, and that was exactly how Cougarpaw liked it. There wasn't any space for thinking about things, there was just the going and doing. No time to think about nervousness and fear when there was excitement in her veins and a world to explore. She hadn't stopped grinning since she had received her new name, Cougarpaw. It just felt right on the tongue, the only way to make it better was if it were a cool warrior name like Cougarfang or something. Or what if she got a matching suffix with her mentor, Cougarflame had a great ring to it! Her thoughts were clearly miles away as they raced through the gorse tunnel.

It was only when Freckleflame started speaking again did the young cat get her head out of the clouds and actually pay attention. "Oh wow it's really cold out here," she muttered, though her eyes were focused on the tortoiseshell leading her. Right, I need to actually pay attention, I need to do better than Foxpaw! The large paws of the apprentice pounded against the earth as she made haste to fall into rhythm with her mentor, trotting along at her side while her ears swiveled this way and that.

"It's like, super quiet. There's no way I couldn't here a noisy little nutcracker. They won't be able to hide from me." There was a smirk on her muzzle, but the thing she didn't realize was there were more sounds than just prey about. The sound of water droplets plummeting into the snow below, birds hopping about on higher branches causing things to shift and snap on occasion. There were so many things to actually pay attention to, she almost wasn't even sure what a mouse would sound like. In fact, all the mice she had seen were dead and yummy. "Wait a second, do mice even make sounds?" She squinted her eyes at Freckleflame as if she momentarily questioned their advice.

  • ooc : "Speaking" | Thinking | Attack

  • A long-furred chocolate rosetted tabby with green eyes.
    Thunderclan Apprentice
    04 months | Cis Female | She/Her
    Batwing x Leopardtongue G2