camp on to find a purpose | short post thread

[takes place a couple days after Blazestar returns her home so there has been time for RiverClanners to hear about what happened]

Robinpaw's irresponsibility and unfounded assumptions had landed her in the elder's den with a portion of mouse bile soaked into moss to apply to the stubborn ticks clinging to the old and wizened RiverClanners. Cicadastar had put her on tick duty for the foreseeable future and Robinpaw was trying hard to show him (and RiverClan) that she would obey and make up for her mistakes. The apprentice sighs softly, an almost defeated sound, as she uses a paw to press the moss to a rather stubborn tick for a few seconds. "Not too hard," the elder warns and Robinpaw is quick to say, "Oh sorry," and lift her paw from the ball of bile soaked moss. It clings to the elder's fur and Robinpaw carefully plucks it away and places the moss on the ground before gingerly pulling the loosened tick from them and crushing it between her teeth. She spits and sputters at the taste fouling her maw and mutters another apology to the elders for her reaction. The prodigal apprentice composes herself semi-quickly and picks up the bile soaked moss to move on to the next elder awaiting tick removal.
Saltsting had been fortune enough to escape this duty earlier than most. His skill brought him a warrior name and freedom. In a way, however, he...misses it. The simplicity of his time with the elders; the pleasant fact that even the grouchiest of them could not find fault with his care. It was his way to show deference. Even if these clanmates were not the strongest, or even the wisest despite their moons of living, they had survived what he could not imagine. He takes care of them even still. A fish for the eldest, and a small vole he had caught for another. They accept without thanks, but the warrior does not need them. Instead, he settles off to the edge of the elders' den but does not leave. Dark eyes fall to Robinpaw. It is....strange, that he hardly knows of her. With all that has happened, he now doubts any of them will ever forget. "You will have plenty of time to practice," he offers, and means nothing cruel by it.

  • ooc:
    ——  a black smoke with low white and dark brown eyes. his purebred father lent him much of his structure, with the oriental shorthair's characteristic angular features and large ears alongside a tall, lean frame, yet it is his mother's genes that rounded him out, adding strength to his shoulders and toughness to his paws. a kittypet and a colony cat, and saltsting is something entirely new.
    ✦ IMPORTANT NOTE. saltsting is touch averse and very vocal about it. icly, riverclanners should be aware of this. repeatedly touching him without the necessary comfort level will leave him with a poor opinion of any character.
  • "speech"
Perhaps she swings by the elders den because she feels like it is her duty after Cicadastar had trusted her to bring Robinpaw back, or perhaps it is just to drop off a fish for the eldest of their Clan. Upon seeing Saltsting had it covered, she hands her fish off to a queen just passing by, adhering to the new rule given to them this past moon. She's glad to find herself a warrior when she had come with Cicada from the marsh, not assigned a 'paw' like some of their cats. She would have loathed the duties. She looks to Saltsting with a hidden glint in her eyes- of course she would have time, she broke the rules. She does not speak, no, only stares to see what Robinpaws next words would be. Shame, maybe, even if Saltsting did not mean bad? She squints.

  • dg5qxk9-f1e272c6-c705-4449-95a5-6dfb1b0a3b3c-removebg-preview.png
    -> salmon ,, salmonshade
    -> cis female ,, she/her ,, 30 months
    -> warrior of riverclan ,, former marsh grouper
    -> fluffy & dainty chocolate tortie smoke with low white and blue eyes
    -> “speech, ff91a4” ,, thoughts
    -> lesbian ,, single
    -> smells like warm flowers & freshly cut grass
    -> image by @wrendoings [ disc ]
₊· ͟͟͞͞➳˚ Perhaps she would know this type of punishment or maybe she wouldn't, Beekit didn't necessarily see herself ever getting into actual trouble but who knows. The smoke molly flicking her ears as she slinks away from the kittens that she had been playing with and see if she could potentially get a story from one of the elders about history that was unknown to her aside from the few stories that her father told them before they laid to sleep. Beekit notices that Salmonshade passes off prey to a queen, the kitten can't help but follow into the elders den and perks her ears forward to see everyone present. She notices that Robinpaw is applying mouse bile to an elder and can't help but feel her nose wrinkle in slight disgust, Beekit chooses to be quiet this once and offers the apprentice a quick smile.
Robinpaw is aware of Saltsting's presence but startles ever so slightly at his words. "Yes, I suppose I will," the young tortoiseshell replies with a solemn nod, unsure whether or not she should be hurt by his words. Decidedly the words spoken are truthful, as Cicadastar himself had bestowed upon her tick duty as punishment for her disobedience. It would be rather unfair of her to find fault or flaw in what others had to say. "Perhaps I will even get more proficient at tick removal? I am sure the elders would appreciate that," Robinpaw adds in a somewhat hopeful manner as she glances at Saltsting before looking over to Salmonshade and Beekit. The apprentice notices the way they watch her, the way they await a response or reaction, and she merely smiles and dips her head in greeting to them. The warrior who Cicadastar entrusted to bring Robinpaw back to camp and Cicadastar's own kit. Two clanmates she feels she must leave a good impression with (not that she would want to leave a bad impression with Saltsting - she admittedly knows little about him just as he knew little about her). "Prey seems plentiful today, yes?" She murmurs as she presses the bile soaked moss to the elder beside her, unsure of how to act with so many eyes on her but entirely willing to hold a conversation if they were wanting to stay and observe her duties.