private Once in a lifetime (Moonstone visit)

This was not how he wanted to be spending his morning: rising with the sun to a WindClan without Tigerfrost, to go on a long journey to select rocks for his grave - all the while unable to stop thinking of the fallen warrior's torn-open throat? No, thanks. He'd much rather take out a regular ol' dawn patrol, or rouse @SNAKEPAW for a training session. Anything but this...errand of sorrow. Besides, the Moonstone and its rocks were already a sensitive subject for him, as the mere mention or thought of the sacred cave immediately brought his thoughts to Curlewnose. Badgermoon's heart therefore ached for more reasons than one as he rounded up the cats who had been assigned to join him, his yellow eyes uncharacteristically dull as they swept over the assembled group. Grief seemed to have temporarily snuffed out the playful spark that typically animated the broad tomcat, creasing his face into solemnity and making his scarred chest and powerful shoulders seem almost foreboding. "Is everyone ready?" he inquired in a low voice, trying not to wake the rest of the Clan.

[ @Mintshade @Azaleapaw @Firefang @HARRIERPAW @Bluepool @Periwinklebreeze. <3 ]
periwinklepaw | 10 months | demi-boy | he/they | physically easy (pacifist) | mentally easy | attack in bold #ccccff
Death, grief, loss - it's such a strange thing. It's not an unfamiliar emotion, no not at all - he has lost so many loved ones they have grown hard to count, and some he never even got the closure of burying. Not that that has stopped him from mourning them - of leaving markers for dazzlepaw and moonshadow despite the feelin of not-knowing, of hoping that they are wrong and they are alive somewhere. That they'll simply stroll back into camp someday, far fetched as it may be. Tigerfrost is an odd one - a cat who periwinklepaw had liked as much as he had disliked. Snailstride was fond of the tom, and the boy does have a few fond memories of the lead warrior, but there are certainly many more bad. He will mourn him like the rest of the clan, but he will not miss him, he thinks. None of his twisting thoughts show on his face however, only a solemn look as he nods in silent answer to the question posed to him by the deputy. And to think that his moonstone visit would occur under such circumstances - well, isn't it only fitting?

"Ready enough. Right Azaleapaw?" It was a little early to be dragging her apprentice to the Moonstone, she had another moon or so to train her and honestly as much as she'd like the bragging rights of having molded an ex-kittypet into proper shape she was worried she was being too pushy about it all; she was worried she had to swallow her pride and accept that the blue apprentice might need another moon and it was entirely due to her negligence in training at the beginning of her assignment. Mintshade had not taken this seriously at all, until recently. She hadn't wanted an apprentice and it showed, but now she was understand the important and now she found herself frowning at the idea of the other being named before she was ready. Holding off her assessment would only go so far, she might need to double down on the basics again. The black cat gave a quiet sigh, crooked tail lashing as she wandered forward to the front of the assembled party alongside Badgermoon. Well, whatever happened they were doing this for Tigerfrost first and foremost and her apprentice just conveniently got to visit too to spar them a later trip. Make it worth it.
Couldn't let Perwinklepaw see the stone before her own apprentice, both were problems in their own way but Azaleapaw only had kitty pet blood to sully her, it could be washed out, worked with. Traitor blood was harder to scrub clean.
"Let's move this along so we can get back quicker!"

"I'm ready." Azaleapaw nodded. She was no stranger to waking up early, though usually it was for something not nearly as somber as this. Tigerfrost was gone, and it was all because of some rogues. She wondered if they would ever get the chance to avenge him, if those rogues would try their luck again on their territory. She knew no one was immortal, but Tigerfrost always seemed invincible. To no longer see him around was jarring.

She stood beside her mentor and looked at those gathered. This would count as her trip to the moonstone, and it made her nervous. Would Starclan shun her? Would they make a spectacle of it so everyone sees? She dreaded the thought of being chased away because some rocks said so.

She found herself agreeing with Mintshade, The quicker they get this done, the quicker they can get back.
❪ TAGS ❫ — Truthfully, Snakepaw welcomes this opportunity to visit the Moonstone. It wasn't under normal circumstances, of course, given Tigerfrost's passing. However, he does not awaken with a heavy and aching feeling in his chest as many other clanmates do. The lead warrior's death had been sudden and unexpected but he had not been close to the scarred brown cat in the least. Snakepaw had been preparing for this day for a long time and now it was finally here. Leaders resurrecting after losing their lives was one thing. Omens and signs being communicated to medicine cats were another. However, actually experiencing StarClan's presence for himself would be a whole other level. Snakepaw would not be allowed to commune with his ancestors upon arrival to the Moonstone, but his thoughts swim with possibilities and dreams... what would he say to them, if he could?

"Ready." Snakepaw responds to Badgermoon as he stands among the departing party. Not even the presence of Firefang or Azaleapaw could dampen his mood. I am ready to witness your power, StarClan...

Harrierpaw could hardly contain his excitement as he pads to join the rest of the patrol. Usually at this hour he was slumbering soundly in his nest, not nearly ready to be woken for training, but last night he had hardly slept. All he could think about was getting to witness the Moonstone and StarClan’s power. He’d return a different cat, one more wise and closer to his ancestors. Plus, he was the first out of all his litter-mates to get to go to mother mouth, he couldn’t wait to boast, and he’d finally be able to hold something over Adderpaw’s head.

He’s padding close to Snakepaw out of admiration, a desire to be viewed as acceptable by the older apprentice burning within him. ”Are we going to get to see the moonstone today?” Sootstar had made it sound like they’d only get to travel to the entrance of mothermouth, but surely while they were so close they’d be allowed to peak?


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )
· HARRIERPAW, male — he / him
╰ ‣ 5 moons . pisces. ages on the 14th
╰ ‣ windclan apprentice . believes in starclan

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells of the earth and dry grass , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue and brown chimera . average sized WindClanner . yellow eyes

· ESTJ-A ❝ EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Slytherin, Chaotic neutral
╰ ‣ self-reliant, loyal, disciplined, direct, impatient, unsympathetic, judge mental
╰ ‣ finds moderate difficulty in relating to others . can be cruel

· WEASELCLAW x SOOTSTAR, brother to Cloudedsky, Moorpaw, Adderpaw, Bluepaw & Cottonpaw
╰ ‣ nephew to Mintshade & Bluepool
╰ ‣ sexuality unknown
╰ ‣ apprentice to Firefang
╰ ‣ okay fighter . okay hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.