camp Once upon a dream {Intro}


Soft words and Gentle paws
Jun 14, 2022
( ) She had never been a social butterfly like her sister was. No, Minnowpaw had always been the silver shadow to Garpaws' golden sunshine. Where the red-pelted apprentice was bold and confident and brave, Minnow was quiet, docile, and painfully shy. It was a wonder how she managed to have friends or was even doing well with warrior training, though she supposed that was more Dogteeths' doing than anything she had really done.

Today was no different in the she-cats copper eyes, she had woken up to her sister already out of the den, no doubt out there in the world making her mark. A soft smile of contentment would grace the young molly's features as she shook her head and went to work grooming herself because if she had nothing else, at least cats' could say she was well-kept. Making her way out into the camp clearing she would look around for a moment to see if she could spot any of her friends or her sister or even her mentor, before sighing softly and making her way toward the elders' den, maybe she could take prey requests before going out hunting later.

@GARPAW @DogTeeth

Just tagging for mentions, feel free to post before them.


Run, run, Lost Boy
Seated outside of the medicine den, a young white figure sat there idly harassing a lady bug. The one of the last bugs probably for winter was coming any day now and everything would go away like it did every year. Raccoonpaw gave a small sigh and shook their head for a moment before letting the bug go. Watching it scurry away from them and then orange eyes looked out into the clearing, wondering if Ashpaw was wanting to do something or maybe even another apprentice their age. They were at an awkward age amongst their fellow apprentices, but nonetheless they wanted some kind of friendship with another cat. Then their gaze landed on Minnowpaw, and a bright grin crossed their lips.

Black paws rose from their seated position, and moved towards the young molly with a happy wave of their tail- though there was a slight limp in their gait, "Minnow! Whatcha doin?" They called out happily. Finally someone to talk to!
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Crappiepaw has been settled just inside the medicine den, intently watching Raccoonpaw harass some poor beetle. It’s entertaining, really, despite the irritation that Crappiepaw feels about being mostly confined to the den again. But when the black-pointed feline stands to greet a fellow apprentice, Crappiepaw follows. It’s not weird that they’re following Raccoonpaw. It’s just a coincidence. They’re bored.

They aren’t too familiar with Minnowpaw, so they’re uncertain about how they should approach. What if she gets upset that they’re looking at her? How long should they look at her for? Do they make eye contact? The tortoiseshell huffs out a sigh. "Hi," they greet the other apprentice with a curt flick of their tail, trudging over to stand nearby the others. They’re not being particularly friendly, but not as prickly as they could be. They like Garpaw, even if she made fun of them a couple times, so they’re sure they can handle whatever Minnowpaw throws at them.


sunpaw was bored out of his mind. the chimera apprentice laid sprawled out near the apprentices den, quietly watching the clan's happenings. he'd already hunted and even helped an elder with some fleas but he'd grown tired of rambling stories quickly. his gaze drifted over to the growing group of other apprentices, three of them now. maybe that would be more interesting than lying around like a carcass.
he heaved himself up and shook the dust from his pelt before trotting over to them "what's happening over here? are we gossiping?" he questioned with a playful tone, partially joking; he couldn't help but like drama. he looked at each of them for a moment before deciding to pick on minnowpaw a little, maybe he could get the she-cat out of her shell "what about you minnowpaw? got anything interesting going on in your noggin today? have any wild dreams lately?" he cocked his head a little, tail flicking curiously.
☼ ☀ ☼
( ) Minnowpaw would jump a little at the cheery voice of Raccoonpaw, but she would attempt to shake off the startle as she turned to face them. The smile on her face was a shy one, nothing unusual for the molly, and she meowed softly, "o-oh, I was to the elder's den see if any of them had special requests...for...prey..." Her voice would taper off, her confidence waning as more cats joined them.

Her paw would tap the ground, an outward sign of her anxiety as she looked at each face, remembering their names. Crappiepaw....right? And blush would touch her cheeks as Sunpaw trotted towards them, the chimera's playful teasing causing her blush to worsen as her stammering increased, "M-Me? W-Wild dreams? Oh no, I mean, Garpaw is usually the one who, ya know, I mean..."

This was going as well as expected and Minnowpaw struggled to keep her composure as she kneaded her paws into the ground, "N-No gossip here.." That would be the statement she settled on, and she silently cursed herself and her useless babbling. She had to get her anxieties and shyness under control if she was ever going to make Riverclan proud of her.

Taking a deep breath, she calmed her nerves a bit before giving them all a sheepish smile, "W..What about all of you? Any, um, any special plans for today?"


There is no question as to why Dogteeth would be assigned such a shy and sheepish apprentice such as Minnowpaw. Someone who needed soft encouragement and overflowing patience, the blonde had these attributes and more. While he wasn’t shy socially, he had a bashful side when it came to mistakes but- if there was anything that can be taught it’s to learn from mistakes and just move forward with only love in your heart. Forgiveness for yourself.

If there was anything he’s learned from his apprentice thus far, it’s that she reveres her sister in a way that casts a net over herself. A net knit with doubts and false comfort.

Dogteeth had emerged from the warrior’s den with sleep blurred blues and drooped ears. The man was really not good at waking up speedily, not with the colder air neither. It stung in his chest and made his nose ache. He gives it a little rub with his wrist and spots the silvery coat of his apprentice with a group of other apprentices. His eyes widen and glitter with adoration of the scene. ’ she’s making a group friends!’

He pads across camp toward them, A kind squinty-eyed smile on his own maw. " hey loves!… Minnow, ugh!- your fur looks so well groomed today … " he compliments softly but turns to the others. " Don’t mean to interrupt … but uh- if you uh… wanna spend the day with these apprentices you can … I’ll take over your chores " Dogteeth offers with a flick of his sights to the elder’s den. " you guys could… go do something fun for a little. It’s important to … y’know… enjoy life" he nods along with his words.

  • — Dogteeth | twenty-five moons | cis-male
    — warrior of Riverclan
    — gay | crushing on n/a
    — small curly-furred blonde and tan tom with dazzling blue eyes.
    — very gentle soul / easily upset and sensitive
    — deals a nasty bite | physically medium / mentally easy
    BIOGRAPHY——— ✧
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