Jun 7, 2022
❝  His shoulder's grown past its aching, an' that's all Hound could hope for as the weather begins to change. Leaves change and tumble from their perches, a better chill stings the earth when the sun's far from the horizon. All that'd been beautiful about this place is slowly being lost, it'd seem. The peacefulness of green grass on the banks, bundles of flowers and gleaming shells. It'd been a slow drag down, and somehow he'd survived the fall. But this pit was not one they'd climb out of, not even together. They'd wait it out, curl up on the coldest of nights– be a clan, he'd hope. A family. It's what they'd meant to be, maybe. Things'd shattered after the battle. Those he'd thought of as friends lived separate lives now, and he could hardly imagine doing it again. Wakin' up one day to find those he'd cared for gone. Watching them grow up from a distance. Stars, he'd hate it.

It feels like all he'd been doing, though. Stuck in the corners, expecting the worse an' not being able to do a damned thing about it. The world'd suffer, and he couldn't fix it like he'd want. A nightmare to always haunt him.

Leaving camp's like waking up. Much as he may mourn leaf-bare's impending march, there's somethin' about the crisp air of leaf-fall that soothes him. Even without the greenery, there's life in the air. Creatures gathering up their strength just as RiverClan does. Twoleg kits are out and about less, and come bundled and clumsy when they do. He remembers the moons he'd spent before coming to the pines. Little more than a kit himself, hiding from them beneath a dormant monster as those hands crept closer. The collar'd been thrown from his throat, but the memories of it linger. The way the others had looked at him with that prison wrapped around him. It never quite left him. Seems he's still stuck trying to prove himself. Do better; be better.

In this, at least, he feels more certain of himself.

In the moons that have passed, Hound's known nothing more steady than his work with Lakepaw. All he can hope is that he'd not taught her his worst habits alongside his best. Maybe that's all this's for. Checking in. Making sure. The time's growing ever closer that she'd find her way through the world without another's guidance. What more could he share? It's a walk. He'd made up a bit'f nonsense about assessing her hunting, though he's certain the molly knew he was full of it. They're some way out of camp now, the bustle of patrols and chatter fading to the distance. He doesn't say anything for now, but gently nudges his uninjured shoulder to hers in companionable silence.

  • hound_doodle_tpe.png
  • ──── houndsnarl. trans male, he/him pronouns.
    ──── approximately 30 moons old, or 2.5 years.
    ──── bisexual with firm male preference; single.

    ──── a chocolate tabby with ( stylized ) low white and intense lime eyes. lean and lanky,  with whiplike musculature and a long, quick stride. hound's notable features include his impressive height, the long scar across the left side of his face from nose to jaw, his very deep, dense fur, and the confident manner with which he conducts himself.
  • "speech"

✵ ღ ☾ IT TOOK ME BY SURPRISE - She cannot recall a time her world hasn’t revolved around someone - being something to someone.
She was Tempestmoon and Lily Pads loving daughter, but one mother is gone to the forest and the other to the stars.
Howling Winds proud granddaughter, Wolfpaws competitive sister, Berryhearts lunch-buddy.
They were all gone, so what had she become? Houndsnarl’s apprentice, a title she prided herself on, even back in the Marshlands before the training system had been established, he had been a big brother first- even when Lakepaw drove the tom up a damn wall.
Soon, however she’s just going to be… well, her. Baring her own unique name and everything, what was she going to be then? Houndsnarl wouldn’t be obligated to spend time with her anymore, she wasn’t a child and she wouldn’t be his apprentice.
The daunting thoughts spark in the back of her mind now as she walks alongside him, the comfortable silence offering her some ease for the time being.
As a shoulder bumps against hers, she lifts her chin to his, giving him a small side-smirk.
The silence has become overwhelming now. ❝ What do you think my warrior name will be? ❞ She softly mused as she turned her head back forwards, tail swishing subtly behind her. Lakepaw never thought warriorhood could ever shake her so much, but that was perhaps more of the thought of truly being on her own, nonetheless the anxiety had to be disguised somehow so her mentor wouldn’t catch on, what better than idle chit-chat?
❝ Speech. ❞