pafp ONE DAY I'LL BUILD A HOME [ ✦ ] pregnancy reveal

Dec 12, 2022

There had been a day where Fantastream had noticed a change in the routine. Hon' had not gone off to wherever she went during the day. Instead, she had stayed home with her. At first, Fantastream was excited. She trilled at Hon' happily, rubbed against her legs, got plenty of treats and gentle strokes, but when she had gone to try and leave she was disappointed to find that the cat door had been closed. She meowed and meowed but Hon' had not seemed to hear her, or if she did she did a pretty good job at ignoring her. Then the carrier came out. Next thing she knew, she was being whisked away to the medicine two-leg.

When she got back to her house, Hon' let her out then finally, mercifully, she opened the cat door, her intention to allow Fantastream to relax in the garden like she thought she did every day. The second the door opened, she made a beeline and then, when she is certain Hon was not looking she jumped over the fence and made her way into SkyClan's territory.

Her journey to camp that day felt different. Seemingly overnight a change had come about her. She was hungry all the time, she was bringing extra blankets to her bed and Hon and Dear had been acting strangely, bringing home extra toys, more blankets, and extra food and water bowls. It is not until her belly takes on a certain roundness that she puts the pieces together though.

The second she makes it to the camp, she scans for a familiar face. "Figfeather!" she calls out when she spots her, moving quickly forward to touch her nose to her mates cheek and purring loudly. "I'm sorry I'm late today but I have some wonderful news!" and she beckons with her tail for the orange tabby to follow her somewhere a little more.. secluded.

Once they are away from the small group of cats she finally spills. "Im pregnant Figfeather, we're going to parents!" she says, her voice hushed but excited and her eyes shining with tears of joy. She had never in a million years expected herself to be a mother, but now that she knew it was happening she was thrilled. She and Figfeather were both going to be mothers, their kits would grow up knowing love and safety and joy. They would ensure it.

// please wait for @FIGFEATHER


Figfeather tried not to think much of it when Fantastream was late. Things happened, maybe she slept in or her twolegs were being slow to let her out. Ever since the situation with the rogues, Fantastream’s twolegs had grown more and more fretful over her. Though she tries to push past it she worries there will be a day where her mate is never allowed out from the confines of her nest again. That’s why a look of pure relief and joy washes over her as Fantastream springs to her side at last as the sun rises above the trees.

’I have wonderful news!’ The red tabby blins in surprise, really? What could it possibly be? Her mind races to come up with an idea for what the torbie was about to say- but never could Figfeather have predicted the words that were about to tumble from her mate’s lips.

’I’m pregnant Figfeather.’

If she bore no fur on her face her flesh would’ve visibly gone pale, she feels as if she’s been flung out from her body as she takes a stunned step back. ’We’re going to be parents!’

It seemed unreal to the warrior, parents? Kits? Already? Now? Figfeather did not realize these things happened so fast, that they would happen now of all times! ”Are- are you sure? How do you know this? Maybe… maybe we talk to Dawnglare first before we jump to conclusions.” Figfeather offers with a nervous smile, glancing down not-so-indiscreetly at Fantastream’s belly hoping to not find any proof of her statement.
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Mate to Fantastream
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and aid to her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
STATUES AND EMPIRES✧°.☀ ————————————
Falconpaw did not know the joys of family. Not for long, and not truly. His father had left him at the border as a kit, moons ago. His mother was far out of the picture before he could even remember, and Falconpaw's sisters seemed either busy or avoiding him, these days. A breath left him moments later as he finishing patching the wall, again, he swore it was like the same bird was pecking the same hole-

His ears twitched, prickled, swiveled towards the conversation. He had been too close to an excited whisper, and shame burned him briefly about eavesdropping. And while one half seemed very excited, overjoyed almost, the other wasn't. His ears were surely red beneath the fur as he gingerly lifted gorse into place, eyes fixed on the wall. Who knows why he was putting gorse on the wall at sunrise- maybe he couldn't sleep, and this was just something to keep him busy.

Bleary eyes blinked at the sun, and he turned towards the couple- no longer able to deny the fact he had been listening, even if it had been accidental. "Do you... want me to fetch Dawnglare for you?" Falconpaw asked softly. Dawnglare probably wouldn't like being interrupted, but hey. It was all he could do for the two of them.

[penned by dallas - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ ALL AT YOUR PAWS
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    orangeblossom | tags
    — she/her ; deputy of skyclan, mentoring eveningpaw.
    — scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes.
    "speech" ; thoughts
    — chibi by waluigipinball
    — penned by mercibun. @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots.
Suddenly everything makes sense. Fantastream's nausea, the way that she'd carried herself slightly differently, the fact that she'd gone missing for a few days. Symptoms so different from her own, yet so similar in hindsight it was a wonder that Orangeblossom hadn't caught on in the first place. The deputy approaches with a considering expression on her maw, though it's marked by a peculiar softness; something similar to how she'd regarded Howlfire and Coyotecrest's announcement. Once again, a cat she'd seen grow from kithood was becoming a parent in their own right. It's less strange this time around, the shock of the next generation coming forward having worn off somewhat.

"Congratulations, Fantastream. Figfeather." She meows, very aware of Figfeather's uncharacteristic nervousness but choosing to focus solely on her pregnant mate. She nods to Falconpaw, suggesting he do as he'd suggested and go find @DAWNGLARE or @Fireflypaw to check the daylight warrior over, but then turns serious brown eyes back towards Fantastream.

What worries Orangeblossom herself, she realises, is that leafbare has arrived quickly and harsher than last year, early snow heavy and cold. Fantastream was a daylight warrior, and might be kept in by her twolegs around the time of her delivery, with no way of them knowing they were safe; but, at the same time, that might spare them from the bitterness of leafbare.

"Are you well? No problems so far?"


"Aye, congratulations!" added Johnnyflame as the tom padded over alongside Orangeblossom, offering the pair a grin despite noticing Figfeathers apparent hesitance. He couldn't help but wonder if it was just first time jitters, or if the more recent issues with the rogues and Windclan played any part in it. Children were a difficult topic at the moment, and Johnnyflame could understand either perspective despite his own fondness for kits. On the bright side. Fantastream would have the benefit of her twolegs to help her along in the early weeks if she chose to have them there, an advantage the other clans wouldn't have in the cold season. "How many are you hoping for?"

anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
It didn’t take long to figure out what happened, hearing words of congratulations and pregnancies brought out fonder memories of when he’d been on the cusp of a first-time parent, huddled away in a hole-in-the-wall backyard owned by an elderly couple some lengths away from a place that Duskpool admittedly wished he could forest. Ignoring the bitter taste in his mouth, Duskpool offered a slow dip of his helm toward the soon-to-be parents, notin’ Figfeather’s hesitance with a reassuring look with a visible amber hue.

He understood the hesitance, especially as a first-time parent. He had the same look when his mate ( gone as she was, Duskpool still thought of happier times that hadn’t been shadowed in unspeakable grief ) announced she was pregnant. The environment had been one thing, to have kits in leafbare was a death sentence within its right with a lack of prey to sustain anything more than the mouths they’d have to feed now. It wouldn’t be long before some poor soul got sick from the bitter cold that did well to remind him of the aches and pains within his bones from old injuries, now with his busted shoulder that buzzed.

The smokey warrior grunted, tossing a look toward Fanatastream. “Congratulations, kid. Are ya thinkin’ about havin’ them at yer upwalker nest?” He inquired, not before turnin’ to Figfeather with a twitch of a mangled ear. “I was hesitant with my litter when I was a youngster, nothin’ but nerves bein’ a first-time parent, but you’ll do fine, kiddo.” He spoke, tone deadpan as ever.
thought speech

" What's happening? " Greeneyes asks as he moves to step toward Falconpaw, a wary gaze looking to his apprentice. " Why are we getting Dawnglare? "

It doesn't seem to be dire, whatever it is, though concern still gnaws at his mind as he looks at his still-recovering apprentice, as he realize who he's asking after the healer for. Malachite eyes shift to Figfeather, to Fantastream beside her. He expects looks of sorrow, of equal concern to his, but sees otherwise. His sister's smile wavers, but her friend's ... er, mate's — he remembers hearing the news from a different clanmate — smiles brighter. Worry simmers into confusion — why would they be smiling, if Dawnglare is needed? Why would they...?

It isn't until congratulations are shared that the young lead pieces it together.

" Oh, " Greeneyes says, blinking at the realization. He's going to be an uncle to more — Figfeather and Fantastream are going to be parents. " Oh! Congratulations! "

His littermate is going to be a parent, but the young lead's reaction is nowhere near his reaction towards Butterflytuft's impending litter.

He's excited, he knows, though a bittersweet feeling bubbles in his chest. Uncertainty, perhaps. Leaf-bare is upon them, a difficult season for kits to thrive in — would that still be a problem, if one of their parents is a daylight warrior, if twoleg-shelters were bound to keep them warm? And, being an uncle to Butterflytuft's kits is fun already, so being an uncle to Figfeather's kits will be fun too, right?

" Should've known it'd be you two next, yeah? " he teases the duo with a small smile on his face. Though Greeneyes didn't need the stars' guidance to know that; to know he wouldn’t have been the next out of his siblings to forge a family of his own. ​
  • 74596946_rY2pLJ2YZGmQ0CI.png
    ── Lead Warrior of SkyClan

    ── Daisyflight x Raven Ramble
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A red tabby and white tom with bright green eyes.
    ── Mentored by Sheepcurl; Currently mentoring Falconpaw
    ── "Speech"; Attack
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Blazestar remembers Fantastream sickening on patrol as well, and a dawning of understanding creases his features as the she-cat, in hushed tones, confides in Figfeather: I’m pregnant! The Ragdoll comes to sit beside his deputy and the warriors who gather to congratulate the pair. He can see a hesitant fear glaze Figfeather’s golden eyes, though Fantastream seems delighted. He draws his tail across his paws as he listens to the other warriors, though his ears flick toward Duskpool as he asks Fantastream if she’s planning on having the kits at her “upwalker’s” nest.

It’s something to think about,” he says, a note of caution tightening his voice. The SkyClan leader thinks of kits born under layers of snow, as frigid winds invade their camp and tighten around newborn bodies. “They’ll be safer, with your housefolk, at least until it’s warmer. Will you be staying with them as well?” He remembers that had been Sootspritespark’s wish, and her kits were dutiful, diligent apprentices now.

, ”

Twitchbolt was rather happy the way things were, thank-you-very-much. Not that any of it was relevant to him at all, but... he could not deny there was a tiny scrap of him that wasn't eager for anything else to change. Seeing Butterflytuft and Dandelionwish become parents was a wake-up call enough; another one of Daisyflight's litter becoming a parent wasn't even on his radar. As her apprentice, he'd known her children fairly well... and he could not deny that he felt an odd sort of link to them, a strange, unspoken bond. Once upon a time he'd been envious of them. Now he figured he could call his feelings friendship.

The faces around uttered wiser things- Twitchbolt could only really stand by and look, a little taken aback. It... really hadn't been long that the two of them had been mates, had it? And- a leafbare litter, born at the apex, it was... nervewracking. Blazestar's suggestion coaxed an idle nod of the head from Twitchbolt, a vague look sheening his eyes. "Wow. Yeah... congrats," he eventually managed to choke out, his tone soaked in apprehensiveness and sincerity. It was exciting, it really was! But- for once, he wasn't the only one who was afraid, was he?
penned by pin ✧
" Huh? What? " Dawnglare comes when he is called— as he always had. He has never let his mood get in the way of such things. So goes his calling; the holy word... Fur - beast from its dwelling as a red velvet face breaks into the early sun. The gathering is not the somber sort, though... it's full of buzzings, a crumb of happiness to offset the ever - presence of sickness and dog... Falconpaw's face is one he is familiar with, but when he is summoned, he is appalled to find himself agreeing with the notions of the green - eyed beast. Why were they getting him? " Yes, why? " His tail curls behind him, his eyes dredge the crowd.

Congratulations... Oh. Yes, kits. That was... a thing that happened, sometimes. His eyes carry over to Fantastream, evidently the one. Then, to Figfeather, perhaps the only one amongst them (besides himself) that did not seem too - enthused. Were they hers? Or did she not want them to be?

Well, such a thing is not his business really. His eyes narrow to the sun - branded she - cat he had spent moons with, all that time ago, but he would not pry... He did not care enough to do so. Was Fantastream pregnant? Somehow, it had become his job to discern as such...

" The conclusion is not so far a leap, " he eventually says. Essentially meaning: probably. Sure. Looks like it, anyhow. A slow blink is given to them both. And then, in agreement, he nods with Blazestar. " ...They will be much happier, with your housefolk. " Though certainty, Fantastream already knew...

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  • ( I'M AS ALIVE AS HER BEARD IS LONG ) DAWNGLARE Medicine Cat of SkyClan. Mentoring Fireflypaw
    𓆩♡𓆪 He / him , deeply confused by the use of other pronouns
    𓆩♡𓆪 Currently 60 moons old as of 12.05.23. Mated to Mallowlark

    Unsettling and strange, Dawnglare bears a unique perception to the world and stars above on top of a generally unpleasant disposition. Holds others to uniquely impossible standards and himself undeniably above the rest.
    Mood is decided by dice - rolls per thread, with the exception of some important threads