one house, two house || siltpaw


die young or get old trying
Oct 4, 2022
Sometimes, there is a tickle in the back of Loampaw's brain. A feather caught in his skull persistent enough to make the smallness of it irrelevant — Loampaw notices and he cannot help but to think: What does it mean? Observation for Loampaw is a passive thing, a countless collection of happenings that his mind notes without his input, until suddenly those notes nag at him. Then at once it's become active — Loampaw finds a feather to focus on, and learns he is looking at half of a thing without knowing the shape of what is missing.

That brings Loampaw to Siltpaw. She's different in an undefinable way, her own feather. Since — Loampaw's days are scattered stones, he doesn't know the order — Siltpaw has been —? Missing details, both gaps in his knowledge and overripe thoughts that unfastened from Loampaw's mind. His half of a thing crumbles into a fourth of a thing, and he still doesn't know the shape of it.

But Siltpaw knows.

It isn't until Loampaw is approaching Siltpaw that he wonders if this is an issue he should be picking at. Wouldn't Siltpaw tell him if it was a problem? But then he feels that feather again and knows it will not leave him alone until he's at least picked at the issue a little. She looks the same, a pelt the same color as the inner peel of a birch tree and dappled white at her fringes.

"Siltpaw," Loampaw sidles to her side and speaks with a tone far too casual to be anything but, "You aren't l-luh-like, busy right now uh-ah-are you?"

tags ∘ shadowclan apprentice ∘ solid black with hazel eyes ∘ curled front foot ∘ 10 moons
siltpaw | 11 months | female | she/her | physically medium | mentally medium | attack in bold #ddadaf
Change seems to have shadowclan gripped within it's claws these days - everything from the plants to the animals to siltpaw herself has been changing - growing. In a turn of events that had startled even herself, she'd done what she'd once thought impossible - she'd taken a stand, made a decision, taken the lead, even put on a show for the whole of her clanmates. Pride and irritation and worry war within her chest, leaving her feeling rather strange. If asked, siltpaw could not tell you why she'd done that - why it's been so easy, when much simpler things like her next meal or what to do each day were such a struggle on her own, but she had. And she'd do it again - for granitepaw, or for any of her friends.

One such feline is loampaw, a companion she's often content to simply sit beside as they watch, idle gossip and observations slipping past their lips as they mock their clanmates. Though they've been a bit distant lately - no fault but her own. She'd felt so guilty about what she'd done to nettlepaw that she'd neglected her other connections. She's been making an attempt to fix things - to close that gap - and so when the boy strides over, she gives him a flicker of a smile, dull green gaze brightening slightly.

This, perhaps, is the most obvious change. She's more expressive, more genuine - and her quick flickers of eye contact have grown longer and more frequent. She's coming into herself - but is it truly because of what had happened? Or is it just that she's getting older, growing up - soon to become a warrior any day now. "... no, not really," she says, her voice quiet and monotone. "Want to talk for a minute?" she guesses, and though she does know loam well it is truly only a guess - one she is not so confident in.
Loampaw gives a small nod to Siltpaw as a response. Yes, yes, he wants to talk. He's never initiated a talk like this before — he's far more likely to be the sort to approach and simply start on whichever topic his mind holds that day. Asking permission makes it feel different somehow, gives it an importance that Loampaw feels but hadn't wanted to impart.

"Your mentor mm-muh-must have given you a good peh-p-peh-pep t-tuh-talk," Loampaw starts uncertain, his eyes fixed on Siltpaw. He doesn't believe it — says it only to be corrected, "You've been s-sss-so-so—" And then back to this. Loampaw doesn't have the words for how Siltpaw has changed. It isn't like the greening of brown plants, it isn't anything so mundane. He makes a vague gesture with his uncurled paw in place of words and hopes that Siltpaw understands what he means.

"I-eee-uh like it," Loampaw finishes, and finds that these words are true. Whatever has changed about Siltpaw, it suits her. ​
tags ∘ shadowclan apprentice ∘ solid black with hazel eyes ∘ curled front foot ∘ 11 moons