camp One little step at a time || o. Training Exercises

Dec 5, 2023

I don't mind if the world spins faster

Despite her excitement over getting an apprentice, Nightwhisper was quick to settle into the role, wanting to do her best for the little one entrusted to her but... first they wanted to start off small, allow the apprentice to get comfortable in their newly assigned role and so, today to start of their lesson. Nightwhisper went with stretches. "Okay little one, watch as we'll be doing this before each and every training session so you're not going back to your nest sore and tired" they softly spoke to Bonepaw, her feathery tail flicking slightly before she reached one paw out in a sort of stretched motion.

"First your front legs, and then your hind legs. Hold a few and then shake it out" she spoke warmly, holding her paw out for a few making sure her apprentice was able to copy it, she knew it wouldn't be perfect the first time he does it. Sure, this seemed silly, maybe even boring but she wished not to overwhelm the kid for the first few moons of his entrapment of the camp and wished to fully deepdive once he was able to leave camp. She could explain and say it could help him in his hunting skills and come to use later down the line, but for now she just wanted to take things at a nice easy pace, for the two of them. Especially since she was still anxious over training one of Shadowclan's future warriors...perhaps she might ask her mother for tips or even Bonerattle since he had gained an apprentice before her, surely they'd know what to do.

No need to wait for @Bonekit. Anyone can join in))
🕊️ Needledrift felt a pang of jealousy shake her heart as she surveyed her son and his mentor. Oh, how she wished she could take Lividpaw out into the forest and train with him now. Sure, will the new rules, she could (in theory) boss him around from some sprawled out position, correcting his posture and taking notes of what he excelled at, but the gray she-cat itched for more. She hated being so useless now that she was all fat and aching all over. A warrior should ache from training and hard work, not from just sitting too long in one spot.

But still... rules were rules, and there was no getting past her mate.... or her siblingls-by-marriage in the case of Skunktail and Lilacfur.... or her leader... anytime soon - not even a whisker was unguarded! So Needledrift was left to watch her son and his mentor stretch and get ready for their next lesson. A bit wearily, the little she-cat moved to join them, reaching out with one delicate paw at a time. She could feel her joints popping subtly - click, click, click rippling down her spine. The kittens inside her kicked in apparent dismay as they were shifted around in their peaceful prison. Ow, ow, ow! Maybe she needed to get back to basics! speech is in #B9D0F5
*+:。.。 Bonepaw was by no means already experienced with what apprenticeship entailed, but he did know a surprising amount already - enough to find this stretching lesson a bit tedious.
Being stuck in camp until his sixth moon meant limited amounts of activities and lessons he could do with his mentor, so he didn't mind that she lacked creativity, especially when her excitement was so palpable. Unfortunately for Nightwhisper, she was saddled with an apprentice who observed the habits of his clanmates for three moons straight and had long since committed to memory the way Nightwhisper stretched after her patrols and spars. He even knew that she had different methods of stretching depending on what activities she had done - spars were deeper stretches for a shorter amount of time, while patrol stretches were aimed mostly to loosen the muscles along her back and more stretches to account for her ankles and sore paw pads. He could probably recite her moveset to her verbatim at this point.

But obediently, he did as she instructed. Sticking out his paw while keeping his placid gaze upon her, he watched her expressions more than her movements. Her smile was soft, and warm, it reminded him of Needledrift. He didn't know Nightwhisper very well, but he understood already that he was quite lucky to have been assigned to her. Her idea to stretch was a thoughtful one, and if he had been apprenticed to a warrior who didn't appreciate taking the time to loosen tight muscles and ligaments, he probably would have approached the woman on his own to practice with her.

He quite liked the woman already as she handled him with an excited nervousness that he found endearing if not almost contagious, though Bonepaw rarely got worked up enough to be described as 'excited'. But he saw in their future many fond moments of peaceful training, certain that he'd learn plenty from her despite her careful pacing. So he was happy not to allude to the fact that he had her routine already memorized and instead prioritized following her every command with silent, unexpressed enjoyment.

All that said, his calm demeanor immediately snapped out of place when Needledrift joined them.
Now all he could focus on was his endless concern for his pregnant mother as he glanced back and forth from Nightwhisper to Needledrift. He visibly winced in time with all of Needledrift's, sympathy making his little brows furrow. Though he knew his mamma wouldn't appreciate him fretting over her, his dull green eyes pooled with unspoken concerns. "C-careful" he couldn't help but whisper, grimacing again when another popping sound came from her growing body.
  • //lmk if I'm powerplaying too much heehee

    Shadowclan — apprentice
    DMAB— He/Him — Unsure
    4 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Son to Ferndance x Needledrift
    Brother to Bloodpaw, Shadepaw, Snowypaw
    Apprenticed to Nightwhisper

    Physically easy | mentally hard
    Attack in bold #738171
    injuries: None currently

"Do you wanna join in with your brother, Shadepaw?" Lilacfur mewed to her camp-bound apprentice in a half-whisper. It was quite a balancing act trying to maintain Caterpillarpaw's training outside of camp and making sure she still had time with her new addition. Much of it unfortunately concluded to the calico being left with chores so she could put some focus on Shadepaw. She wasn't trying to make her new apprentice's strong skill in finding moss and ticks.

Lilacfur mimicked a few of the stretches herself to encourage Shadepaw to jump in before coming closer to Nightwhisper. "Mind if we join? Maybe we can have Bonepaw and Shadepaw do a little competition!" She suggested to her denmate with a small tilt toward the younger molly. She wondered what might be an worthy prize to these kits. Maybe Skunktail had some interesting twoleg items from carrionplace he would be willing to part with.

[ i need the clouds to cover me ]
Although Shadepaw was disappointed that they wouldn't be able to leave camp for months, despite being an apprentice, he was trying to put his faith into Lilacfur. Even if he didn't get to run around the marsh, he still at least had a mentor devoted to training him, and that had to count for something, right? He wasn't just a kit anymore. As if to prove such, in the face of their faux-apprentice status, he chirped out, "Yeah!" even before Lilacfur had finished her question. She was no Bonepaw; she had not memorized the stretches of warriors, but she watched the Lead Warrior demonstrate with eager eyes. She extended one white-tipped paw, stretching it out as far as she could, and then did the same with the other. She was like a real ShadowClan warrior, stretching out after a successful hunting patrol... she would be totally prepared for when she actually got to go on one.

Her ears were pricked up as Lilacfur drew closer to Nightwhisper, asking about a competition. Bonepaw, beside her, was characteristically stoic and nervous over Needledrift. From as far back as Shadepaw could remember, the silvery tabby had an undercurrent of worry for his family running through him. Although Shadepaw had heard the soft popping of Needledrift's joints as well, she wasn't nearly as concerned; her mother had gone up into the mountains, a place that Shadepaw could barely even imagine. Surely having kits was just another challenge she would get through, right? She brushed off any anxiety inherited from the look in Bonepaw's eyes and his tense tone, balancing it out with a flash of a smile toward Needledrift. Her gaze shifted to Bonepaw, and that bright smile shifted into a lopsided, mischievous one. She abandoned her stretching, dramatically dropping into her best imitation of a hunter's crouch and wiggled her haunches, as if calibrating her jump. If they happened to have a pouncing competition, she was sure she would win, with Bonepaw as her prey of choice.​