pafp one man's trash ☆ spider bones

"Frostbite, I have a gift for you." He is carrying into camp with him some abomination of a creature, another monstrosity picked up from carrionplace and a hilariously ridiculous one at that. Skunktail dips his head to drop the item and it clatters noisily with a hollow thump to the ground - stone-like in texture but empty like a rotted log in feel. It was a strange material, he only ever found it near the twoleg dump and even then it was a rarity as he mostly picked about for food and gave the trash little attention. At least most of the time, sometimes he did get curious and nose about the odd bits and baubles strewn around the place. It's how he found this horrible thing.
What lay at Skunktail's paws was in the shape of a spider, but much bigger than a normal one (almost bordering terrifying given it was the size of a moon old kitten) but it lacked the usual fuzzy outside a spider normally had. Nor any covering. It was all, what appeared to be, bone. Which was odd as he didn't think spiders had bones or if they did they were much frailer and smaller and thus could be squished easier.
"Isn't it awful?"
Truly the most romantic of gestures, he would have the newly named lead warrior drooling at his paws in no time. Just needed more awful gifts like this, maybe he could find a squirrel with fangs or a bird that had multiple legs. Apparently such oddities existed if this thing was anything to go by...
  • PAFP- @Frostbite
    PROMPT: The are always odd things found in carrionplace, but lately some unique bones have been discovered in the shape of...a tree? A spider? A snail? Do snails have bones usually? What is going on and why do they feel more like two-leg trash than actual bones?

  • 62602478_UrpK9NsUJpgnTSw.png
    —⊰⋅ Warrior of ShadowClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ SH Black & white tom w/spearmint green eyes

Skunktail was an interesting tom. He had a care free attitude that Frostbite could never hope to achieve and he always spoke his mind. He found that to be a positive trait. He was one of the more.... Non brooding cats in this clan, and he deeply appreciated that. There were too many grumpy cats here. He would tell them to lighten up, but this IS Shadowclan.

Skunktail was also interesting in the fact that he had a habit of bringing him strange objects. Like today.

He looks to him when he hears his name and immediately sees the abomination in his mouth. Was that a SPIDER? Why does it LOOK LIKE THAT? Why is it so BIG? WHATS WRONG WITH IT.

"What in the world is that...." He says, furrowing his brows and looking at the thing that was just placed in front of him.

He's not sure how to feel about this.... Bone spider? He pokes it with a paw.... It doesn't feel like bones.... But at least it isnt moving! Thats the important thing, here. He never even considered the POSSIBILITY of spiders having bones. Is THAT why they crunch when you squish them???

"It's terrible... Yet I can't look away." He says. He's glad this thing isn't a real spider. Can you imagine how horrible it would be if they got this big?

"You've brought me yet another strange object from the carrionplace... I love it and hate it at the same time, but its strangeness is growing on me." He says. He has the evil urge to put it in someones nest or some other prank. Its perfect for that. Look at it. Honorary Shadowclanner right here. But he is a lead warrior now... He has to fight these evil urges. For now, he will simply appreciate this fucked up little guy.​
*+:。.。 Singekit hates creepy crawlies. Spiders beetles...centipedes, they all make his skin prickle with unease and his heart stutter in his chest - he can't stand them! One day, he'd vowed long ago, while sniffling into his paws after walking into a horrible trap of arachnid silk, that he'll grow big and strong and defeat every single bug in Shadowclan! Kill 'em all dead!
But that promise banked on the idea that he'll one day grow bigger than the many-legged scourges the swampland had to offer.
But the - as Frostbite perfectly put it - abomination in Skunktail's mouth was far bigger than he'd anticipated.

Tears immediately spring into Singekit's eyes as he stares in complete horror. Spiders were awful as they were already- the way their legs twitched and clawed having enough fuel to bleach the hairs white on even the bravest of cats (like Singekit!) But to see even more grotesque features that should've stayed lost in their diminutive size - AH! Those fangs! That...spine! An entire rib cage - Singekit could barely breathe! And it was massive! Almost as big as he was now! Did spiders like that exist outside camp!? What was stopping them from entering the nursery?!
Trembling like a leaf but holding bravely onto the resolve to never back away from the things that scare him, Singekit crept closer. It did help his psyche to see that even an older warrior like Frostbite was left baffled by this alien carcass, making the idea that if he could just be a little braver than him, then he'd win the 'im better than a warrior!' award! But that goalpost quickly slipped his grasp when Frostbite began to talk almost endearingly about the thing.

"Y-you should f-feed it to the m-monsters!" Singekit squeaked, crouching low to the ground, the only thing stopping him from burying himself under Frostbite's belly being that he barely knew the man and that'd be embarrassing for a strong brave boy like Singekit to do! But the temptation to throw his dignity to the curve in favor of a hiding place grew the more he stared at the awful thing. He scooted reluctantly closer to the tom, glancing back and forth between the warriors and their prize and finding himself unsure if the older toms were braver than Singekit or more foolish for liking this awful creature! "N-Not that I'm sa-a-scared!" he swallowed, very much frightened, "'s f-friends won't c-come to ave-enge it...w-will they?" He imagined an army of spiders, living black fuzz covering those sickly stiff bones with cursed life and glowing red eyes probably filled with nothing short of pure evil swarming in behind Skunktail.

Facade broken, Singekit lunged to hide in Frostbite's fluffy tail, teeth chattering with shot nerves.

    Cismale — He/him — Questioning sexuality
    1 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    NPCx NPC (brother to Swallowkit)
    Shadowclan — Kit

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold ruddy
    Can be power played just ask
    injuries: None currently

Deerpaw tips their head forward quizzically, though they linger close by Singekit, a patch-furred shadow rather than pressing forward towards their father and his friend. This twoleg rubbish was much like the sparkly refuse that Sweetpaw had found, enough to set pearly teeth on edge with its eerie wrongness, the bones of something that, to their knowledge, had none. Twolegs had fluff for brains, and this proved it further; had none of them played with bugs as kits? Bugs didn't have bones!

Singekit's questions distract them from the adults' conversation and their own simmering fury at the anatomy of Skunktail's present. Grateful for the sidetrack, coral eyes slide towards the kitten with a brief flicker of amusement, and they nudge his shoulder with their own.

"If you find your dreams full of spider bones, then you'll know what vengeful soul it came from. But you're brave, aren't you, Singekit?" A lilting challenge just passive enough to shy away from, not a placation. Did spiders have souls? An equivalent of StarClan? They suppose Singekit, or at least Skunktail for finding this horrible thing, would be finding out soon enough.

Eeriepaw has never seen such an oddity; one that combines both his loves in a means he didn't know existed until Skunktail brought the - rather large - spider skeleton back to camp in the form of a gift for Frostbite. Eeriepaw doesn't know why the black and white warrior thinks the lead warrior would be the proper choice for such a gift, when in actuality it would be perfect in his own nest, set alongside Friend.

The spiders around here were much smaller than the remains Skunktail brings, bones probably too small to be aware of their web-building skeletons, and shadow-laced paws slink forward to inspect it. "Where?" he inquires from its discoverer, wishing to see the spiders such bones come from. When he's a warrior, finally - when he can make the trek on his own.

And, Frostbite doesn't sound too fond of the gift, at first - a wavering hatred and love for the gift Eeriepaw wished to have. "Do you not want it?" he asks with a blink, wondering if he should ask to take it off his paws if he cannot find one of his own. ​

swallowkit 01 moons polygender any pronouns shadowclan kit

When swallowkit arrives, it is with fur puffed up and a sharp growl in their throat - ready to smack whoever has made Singekit cry this time. She expects yellowkit actually - not whatever in the stars that is. " Why does it look like that? " she yelps, " I didn't know they could get that big - do you think it used to be some sort of monster spider before it died? " she wonders, head thunking down upon singekit's to give him a comforting lick - " Maybe - but it's not like we killed it, so you don't have to worry. I think... maybe, " actually, the girl doesn't sound so confident herself, but she's pretty sure vengeance is supposed to be something you do when someone wrongs you. And they hadn't wronged the dead-bug-thing - right?

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'


TO BE NORMAL IN A WAY I COULDN'T BE — Nightswarm approaches next only to blink a few times at what his brother had just brought into camp with both ears angled forward and it takes a moment before he takes a few steps towards his brother and the small group that had formed. "Oh, this is absolutely dreadful. Foul even..." He begins to say until a rare grin forms on his maw locking his amber gaze to the acidic green of Skunktail's, "You need to help me find one." He hardly ever finds himself on the Carrionplace due to occupying himself with his apprentice but considering the find that his littermate had found, well, one visit wouldn't hurt. He could see if Nettlepaw would get snatched for simple chores at camp and he tilts his head to the side slightly only to turn to blink his fiery optics at Swallowkit and Singekit.

If he found something as awful as the skeletal arachnid it would prove as a type of kitten repellent, the thought is enough to make their rare grin stay and simply listens to the trembling voices of the small kittens. He unsheathed a single claw to pick at his fangs momentarily humming nonchalantly "It's favorite meal must've been little kittens."

  • your_word.png
    longhaired black feline with fiery amber eyes
    afab; goes by he/they pronouns
    34 moons old; ages the 1st every month
    asexual demiromantic ; not interested in anyone
    child of briarstar and amber
    sibling to to chittertongue, pitchstar, skunktail, lilacfur, and starlingheart
    currently mentoring nettlepaw
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed