For perhaps the hundredth time, the dividing line between moor and woodland comes into view. There is solace to be found in the mundane; border patrols can vary in intensity and danger, but there is a certain degree of normalcy to be found in such a repeating task. Arguably boring sometimes... something Dimmingsun can make a big deal out of, but if he's forced to choose, he'd rather go with that. It's just easier to complain every now and then.

He almost feels guilty for feeling something of a thrill when he says: "Y'all already know of the increased Twoleg activity over here, so let's be extra careful." There is no hope of getting into trouble with the naked moles by any means, but at least there will be something to look at other than the same line of trees and maybe a rotation of ThunderClan warriors.

There's an inclination of his head towards Slateheart, gone in a flash and too easy to miss — the last time the two of them went on a patrol, it ended in disaster. Bone-chilling deepness of the Gorge is not present here, and Dimmingsun is eternally grateful for the even and stable footing the ground here gives him, but the mind does not forget. At least Cottonsprig had decided to worm her way into the rank of moor runners. It is an entirely selfish thing to be grateful for another's ability to mend the broken, but he finds relief in her presence nevertheless.

"Wait-" The cease to his walk is abrupt. Lengthy tail swishes behind him like a breeze over heat-ridden grass, ears rotating forward to catch what he think he hears. "Do you hear that? Let's get closer, slowly."

Dimmingsun creeps over the last bit of WindClan land to peek over the bushes that separate them from their neighbors. His gasp is audible; the previously reported Twoleg debris has taken shape. The normally serene forest clearing is filled with bright orange things, their white-striped form reminding him of too-angular ears. There's an entire- no, two lines of them.

His eyes graze over the scene before him with furrowed brows. What in StarClan's name is all this? He doubts ThunderClan had a say in all this, and they must be furious about the Twolegs' meddling. All nearby prey must be long gone by now... pity almost stings him at the idea.

It feels like the entire forest shakes when a group of Twolegs run by, inbetween the line of the weird objects. Dimmingsun has to double-check they're not at the Thunderpath... it appears these creatures are as loud as the monsters they dare to step into. More of them come then, except they appear to take a leisurely stroll through the forest, the fling of conversation between them impossible to decipher.

Perhaps he is having a fever dream. Twolegs are so much easier to understand — or at least try to understand — when they're doing their usual business...

"Look!" The hiss escapes his maw, surprise apparent in all of his features. Apparently the WindClan patrol is not the only one sightseeing. There is a whole lot of yelling from the two-legged creatures, limbs flailing as they take chase; ThunderClan cats jump out of their hiding spot, pelts fluffed up to twice their usual size as they flee in panic.


Patrol members: @GRAVELSNAP @slateheart @cottonsprig @Paleface. Once the ThunderClanners have posted, the WindClanners will be able to speculate between themselves. :)
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Reactions: PALEFIRE and ixora

Thundergleam had never liked Twolegs. When Father had educated her about all five of the Clans, SkyClan had certainly never appealed to her from the get-go due to their proximity. Every time she had encountered them they had been squealling, grabbing things... she remembered when she had been an apprentice, one had lunged for her with cooing tilted through its voice- Father had called for her to run, and it had given up quickly. Now a Thunderclanner- tried, true, blessed beneath Howlingstar's anointment- she did not forsee ever encountering them again.

Though she supposed StarClan had never spoken otherwise. The powers that be were not wrong nor right, for regarding Twolegs they had said nothing at all ... and now she faced them once again, terror in pinkened eyes. Thundergleam's lips trembled, her grimace wobbled with fury and fear, as one bowed down in an attempt to lay hands on her.

For oh, they had only been marking the border! When she had scented something so foreign, something that hungered for control as fervently as a Twoleg did, she had called in a low mew to the rest of the patrol "Take cover," the best advice she could hope to give ... and yet, the stark-whiteness of her fur had perhaps given her away, or ... had one of the other patrollers stepped on a twig, murmured too in-earshot?

No matter the reason- she leapt now, tail bottle-brushing, terror glazing the mallow-petal of her eyes. "Run for cover!" She corrected herself, managing not to lose all of her grace in this adrenaline but wobbling a little, certainly. She had dealt with these chasing things before... she only hoped everyone else would follow suit.
penned by pin ☾
Palefire had never actually encountered twolegs in the flesh. She had been lucky enough to be born and raised in the forest, far away from their clammy grasp, and she went out of her way to keep it that way. The closest she'd ever gotten to their influence was the occasional border patrol along the Thunderpath, or the few kittypets they met from time to time. She couldn't say that even any of those encounters had been particularly pleasant, so it was easy for her to tamp down any curiosity she might have regarding the hairless creatures.

She was of similar mind to Thundergleam on the subject, and wondered often how Skyclan put up with the proximity of the Twoleg place. They must have endless problems stemming from that closeness, and she thanked the Stars that Thunderclan was far enough out of the way that they didn't have the same worries. Or at least, they never had before. Today, it seemed, would be the unlucky day in which that would change.

Their little patrol had not been out for long, but already she was wishing for a reprieve. Thundergleam's company she usually enjoyed, but Mousenose was incessant in her bragging as always, and Wrathpaw, young as he was, always seemed to be in a poor mood. She longed for her nest, and a bit of solitude. But karma was ever her persistent friend, and it seemed determined to make her regret her internal complaints about their previously calm excursion. She'd barely even scented the fowl up-walkers from where they sat in the brush before suddenly a large, grotesque appendage was reaching down to grab Thundergleam.

Eyes wide with panic and the smallest glimmer of disbelief, and for just a moment, she froze. This was the closest she'd ever been to the pale-faced twolegs, and she was shocked at how ugly they really were in person. But Thundergleam's cry shook her out of her fear, and Palefire hissed viciously at the one that was trying to snatch the white molly, fur bristling as she reached out a claw to swipe at their exposed, furless skin. She supposed her hit must've landed its mark, for the towering beast let out an ear-piercing shout, but she was already heeding her companion's words and running, as fast as her legs could carry her.

She managed to catch up to Thundergleam, sparing a glance backwards to check that Mousenouse and Wrathpaw were still with them as they made a beeline for the forest. "What do we do?!" She ground out harshly through gritted teeth, her words muddled by the rapid panting of her breaths. "How do we lose them?" She was ashamed to admit that she genuinely didn't know what to do now. If they headed back towards camp, couldn't the twolegs follow them? Wouldn't they just be leading the danger right back to their clanmates? She was happy to rely on Thundergleam's judgement this time.

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  • 79175764_ro4GJWUVwEZd0z0.png
    PALEFIRE she / her, warrior of thunderclan, 17 moons
    lh lilac lynx point w/ low white and blue eyes.
    currently emotionally withdrawn, all opinions are strictly ic.
    single, padding after skyclaw / npc x npc / sister to bluestride.
    mentor to meadowpaw and Ivorypaw / formerly mentored by nightbird.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted.
    underline and tag when attacking.
    penned by limerence@limericks. on discord, dm for plots.