ONE NIGHT AND ONE MORE TIME ♡ rogues, prompt

Palepaw had never met her father. She never knew what kind of cat he was, never knew how good a father he would be. She'd never even heard his voice. He was taken from them before she was even born, killed during a border skirmish with a group of rogues. Her clanmates had never tried to hide that truth from her growing up, and over the ten moons of her short life, she'd developed a bitter resentment for any cat living outside the clans. It wasn't a trait she felt particularly good about, but it was hard not to be angry about having someone so important to her ripped away in such a brutal manner. It was part of what drove her so hard to become a great warrior; she wanted to make sure she was able to defend her clan someday and prevent any other young kit from becoming an orphan like she had.

The lilac-furred apprentice strolled cheerfully down the border the ran along the Thunderpath, refusing to allow the cold weather to dampen her mood. She'd been chattering like a songbird throughout the entire patrol, no doubt annoying the life out of her mentor and the rest of the clanmates that had joined them. She'd already almost caught a mouse earlier today, so she was feeling pretty good about herself. The young she-cat was in the middle of telling the group all about her early-morning hunt when she suddenly paused mid-sentence, one paw raised half-way through her stride as her whole body tensed up.

Her hackles rose hostilely as a scent she always dreaded drifted across her nose. "Nightbird," she hissed softly back at the ebony lead warrior, her gaze still locked on the horizon across the Thunderpath. "Do you smell that?" An involuntary shiver ran down her spine and she risked a quick glance back at the rest of the patrol "Rogues, right? Don't we have to make sure they aren't trespassing?" Palepaw couldn't stomach the idea of those treacherous fox-hearts leisurely wandering through Thunderclan's territory. She'd be happy to show them what happened when you crossed clan cats.

[ mentor tag @nightbird ]

⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ almost too focused on finding a trace of prey, nightbird missed the fainter one of rogues. it would have sailed over her head on the wind if her name didn't ring in her own ears. the lead warrior had mostly tuned out palepaw's babbling, but there was something serious about the apprentice's voice as she hissed her mentor's name.

ears twitching to a more alert position, her jaws parted to bring in the filthy scent. it smelled almost like camp when she had returned from the journey, did all rogue's smell the same? or have the ones she only heard of in story come back for round two. she nodded to palepaw, maybe she would have even taken the time to merit her observance in the moment if it weren't so tense.

"nobody wander off," she addressed the rest of the patrol, a flick of her tail motioning everyone towards the thunderpath. "just make sure they haven't crossed past the border, we don't want a fight right now." it was difficult to swallow, if there were rogues lingering it made sense to drive them out, but it was leafbare. herbs and prey dwindled, they needed able bodies more than anything.

  • IMG_0032.png
  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, twenty-nine moons.
    a small black smoke molly with a single white paw and pale silver eyes.
    mate to raccoonstripe / / mentor to palepaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Several seasons had passed since she had been a loner, living in a forest far from here. She didn't think about those days often, but even now there were still traits from her before life that clung to her still today. Even now, she found large crowds still made her uneasy sometimes, but unlike her previous self, she trusted everyone in the camp. She couldn't imagine living on her own again, not after finding Thunderclan.

Like Nightbird, she had been away while the rouges took over the clans. The thought of it made her skin crawl, and she wished she could have been here to help drive them out. Simply thinking of other cats trying to steal her home made her prickle. Even though she hadn't been born here, she would protect their home no matter what.

She followed behind Nightbird, taking advantage of the ebony molly leading the patrol to do some training with Acornpaw. Her apprentice was nearing her warrior ceremony, so any time she had to spare, she spent it with her. She had been asking Acornpaw what methods were best used while hunting in the snow, when Palepaw's voice interrupted her. Rouge scent? Her paws parted, nodding in agreement. Sure enough, someone had dared cross their border markers. Nightbird instructed everyone to make sure the scent trail crossed the border, and even though her claws begged to drive whoever it was out, the ebony she-cat's instructions made sense. Maybe they were already gone anyways...and with leafbare in full swing, the clan needed to minimize injuries.

"Stay close." she ordered to Acornpaw, flicking her tail for her apprentice to come closer.
  • IMG_1727.png
    LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
    — Lead Warrior of Thunderclan ; currently mentoring Acornpaw
    — she/her ; mated with Flycatcher
    — mother to Stormfeather & Falconheart
    — 28 moons ; ages on the 20th
    — Smells like dirt, old leaves, tree sap, faint hint of flowers
    — will start a fight, will finish fights, will kill (case depending)
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — penned by Icey ! ; link to tags
    — link to toyhouse


One of her very first patrols out with her apprentice and things did not seem promising. A sigh escaped her jaws as she looked over her shoulder to Vixenpaw, realizing that she couldn't hide the truth of the world from her forever. Even though she wasn't her mother, she was still responsible for her well-being. The fur on her neck rises as she too catches the scent, and offers a nod of approval to Palepaw, and acknowledgment of Nightbird's words.

"Stay behind me. If we have to fight them off you run and hide do you understand me?" Coyotebite turns to her apprentice, searching her eyes for any sign that she understands how serious the situation could become. Without even starting any battle training with her yet there was no way that Vixenpaw could hold her own in a fight. Mentally, she makes a note to begin battle training the following morning, or even that afternoon if they return soon enough.

// apprentice tag: @vixenpaw.

she vaguely remembered the rogues that drove them from camp, her father's call to keep moving. look forward, the screams that filled the air. she didn't understand the injuries her father subsided, nor the bodies that fell to the ground and what had happened. she was too young to understand what was happening, but even now she got chills down her spine as blue eyes suddenly became alert from behind coyotebite.

"I understand," she murmured softly, the monochrome apprentice furrowing her brows across the border.