camp ONE OF THE COOL GUYS [annoying questions]

t-rex kaboom

Dec 2, 2023

Time management was difficult. Especially difficult when trying to adjust to a new schedule. One that involved waking up early to leave his comftorble bed at home to be out in the middle of the woods. Was fun though! Eh, he was late. Sliding as sneakily as he possibly could into camp - not at all - Rex had shown up for the day. Quite late. He grimaced, wringing his paws as he looked up to the sun. It was like… the uh, middle-to-late-ish afternoon of the day.

"Sneakin', sneakin', stealthy, sneakin'" he mumbled quietly as a cat with a megaphone for a mouth could muster. And he was being sorta kinda sneaky as someone who had absolutely no formal training could be, till he accidentally nearly bumped into someone that he didn't quite know the name of. "My bad, my bad." He stumbled away, looking for someone specific. Someone he knew was smart.

Putting on his serious face, he squinted his eyes and scanned the camp. There! Trotting forth, ignoring any and all reason why the warrior he was zoned in on might be in camp unless it was for something important, he stopped before the one and only Gumba- Twitchbolt. Twitchbolt.

"Hey, hey, bro," he didn't waste a second to greet the lead warrior, sitting and waving with his paws. "Hey why are your eyes so cool? OH! I gotta get a name don' I? Whaddya think my name will be? I hope it's somethin' cool like yours! Somethin' like Kaboombackflip or Lionexplosion." A dam breaking and the water bursting forth came his stupid and pointless questions seemingly not a second wasted to breath. "I saw some apprentice do a really cool trick, it was like- like, uh, I don' know, but it was cool so do you think you could teach me to do it sometime?"

"I heard there were other clans, so how many are there? What does hubris mean? Is it like, rough 'n stuff to climb trees? What's a… stoat?"

  • i couldn't remember where the npc list was unless that was a fever dream or something but he just bumped into some npc
    @TWITCHBOLT pls wait for them to post :)
    i hope u can tell im cANT think when i wrote this
  • picture of a fish goes here
  • TYRANNOSAURUS REX KABOOM he/him/his, daylight warrior of skyclan, 37 moons / ages on the 1st.
    large dark red-orange tabby with low-mid white markings. big empty-headed blue eyes. wears an american flag bandanna. talkative, annoying and straight up stupid as hell but he means well.
    frequently uses words wrong in posts, correct word will be included in ooc section
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ will avoid battles for the time being
    penned by reaver ↛ @reavurse on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Bro. "Hey, uh, dude..." Twitchbolt murmured without really thinking about it, blinking in bewilderment at the sunset-red tom who'd just blinked right into his eyeline. Disbelief shone in his eyes at being specifically approached ... even after all this time it was a largely unfathomable thing. He could not help but glance over his shoulder- but then, Tyrannosaurus Rex Kaboom (what a name) was talking. And he was talking and talking and talking and not bothering to stop for a moment. Each word barrelled over the next like a fleeing enemy, like a bird flapping out of the canopy, like a startled mouse. Twitchbolt couldn't wipe the shocked uncertainty from his face.

Jittering, he tried to remember each question - he stood profoundly wide-eyed, trying desperately to latch onto any one of the questions. He'd have sworn in disbelief if not for the danger of prying, nearby ears. "Stars, I..." Had that been swearing? Not quite. His jaw still hung ajar, as if he'd been struck across the face, pupils drowned in green expanse. "Uh- five Clans. Nnnn-name wise..." He twitched to the side, a shuddering movement... "You'll have to ask Blazestar. Uh, um... climbing's easy, once you...once you get the hang of it... uh, mm-my eyes.. ask my parents, I... I'm, huh, running outta breath..."
penned by pin ✧
  • Haha
Reactions: DAWNGLARE

⭒✧ The questions volleyed at Twitchbolt were a sporadic sort, dropped like a stack of twoleg textbooks, one after the other. Chalk blinked in mute amusement, tracking the growing panic on the lead warrior's face. T-Rex Kaboom seemed undeterred though, and his pursuit for answers was something he understood well. There had to be a pace to it though- and bombastic questionnaires levied to unsuspecting teachers fell towards inefficacy.

Approaching the pair, the daylight warrior's ears tipped to catch Twitchbolt's breathless response. "Four of eight questions answered, pretty good." The praise was doled out flatly, but genuine. He sat, stone-steady, beside them. A short glance shot to Twitchbolt, perhaps to gauge whether he'd manage to get ownership of his lungs again, preceded an answer of his own.

"Stoats are predators, small but smart from my understanding" Filing through T-Rex's other questions, Chalk's curiosity snagged on one. What sort of trick had the apprentices been doing? What made it really cool? The temptation to ask boiled high, but the impromptu lesson was already so saturated with topics that he decided to put it aside.
⭒ ———————————— ✧⭒
  • Haha
Reactions: waluigipinball
All newbies were irksome by default. Some were more independent than others, actually taking their learning into their own paws and applying themselves to assimilate into clan life as smoothly as possible. Some, however, did not possess the ability to be self-reliant and instead came babbling like a curious kit about anything and everything.

Slate's mangled ears flatten to his head, watching with dulled eyes as Twitchbolt is the target of one of SkyClan's newer additions and his incessant questions. If he overheard the orange tom's name before, he surely didn't remember it now. It was something ridiculous and outlandish, typical of a kittypet.

Twitchbolt was obviously struggling to process the barrage of inquiries, and while Chalk was attempting to offer his input, Slate figured that this newcomer needed to be set straight sooner rather than later. "You know, all of your questions would be answered if you stopped yappin' and started listenin'." In other words, learning by experience. This house pet probably didn't have the brain to retain all of the answers that were being given to him anyway. Was there even anything rattling around in that skull of his? Slate began to highly doubt it. Even the way he spoke was starting to numb Slate's head.

    —— he/him; lead warrior of skyclan; former rogue
    —— bisexual; single; not looking
    —— hulking, scarred charcoal-black colored maine coon with amber eyes
    —— "speech", thoughts, attack
    —— link to full tags; @ on discord for plots.
    —— penned by beatles

"You don't have to accommodate him, Twitchbolt. He's being a mouse brain." Silversmoke tried to assure his co-worker as he fumbled his way through T-Rex's questions, moving closer to protect the other from another inquisitive assault. It wasn't his first experience with the other, but it was the first time he felt his bristling fur and unsheathed claws change the way he spoke about the other. The bad smell, and the poor choice in allegiances, it was mostly tolerable (in Silversmoke's definition of the word), but wasting the time of three Lead Warriors was not. Black-tipped ears settled on the back of his skull, his raccoon-like tail swishing madly behind him. "Hubris is love of oneself without the humility to know you are flawed," A singular green eye flickered to Slate as he spoke, perhaps meaning nothing, perhaps meaning everything. Then, almost robotically, both eyes settled upon T-Rex Kaboom, narrowed. "If you don't realise how inefficient your way of asking is, then I would say you are full of hubris. One question at a time, let your clanmates breathe between answers." A flat-toned warning to carry more social decorum than even the Lead Warrior could offer.


So many questions spew from the fresh face, one Greeneyes has only seen in passing thus far. It's a variety of inquiries, an array of sorts — from clan ways to new names to Twitchbolt's appearance to word meanings.

The red tom tries to keep up with the fellow ginger's questions, but Greeneyes gets lost all too quickly as he tries to find their end. He's surprised Twitchbolt — or any of them, really — are able to untangle them.

" Those are interesting name ideas! " Greeneyes says to T-Rex Kaboom as he settles among his fellow council members. " I've never heard anything like them! " Kaboombackflip, Lionexplosion — Greeneyes isn't sure if those are names Blazestar would choose, but, at least the daylight warrior has a creative bone in him, yeah?

What else... What else? Greeneyes thinks back to the rambled query, crooked tail idly tapping against the ground.

" Oh! Uh, I don't know what trick you saw but... I hung upside down from a tree once! " he offers the daylight warrior, hoping that was an adequate enough answer, " I can show you how, I bet! " Though he... hasn't really attempted the trick since his own apprenticeship. Surely, he could still do it, though! If not, maybe T-Rex Kaboom will forget, lose the offer somewhere between all the answers he receives.​
  • 74596946_rY2pLJ2YZGmQ0CI.png
    ── Lead Warrior of SkyClan

    ── Daisyflight x Raven Ramble
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A red tabby and white tom with bright green eyes.
    ── Mentored by Sheepcurl; Currently mentoring Falconpaw
    ── "Speech"; Attack

Eyes glittered as he stared almost expectantly down at the lead warrior who was doing his best to answer Rex's bombardment of questions. It didn't cross Rex's mind that he'd asked too much at once. Twitchbolt's behavior didn't seem to indicate it at all, still jittering and looking around it didn't occur to him that he was once again the cause for it this time. Seeming to pop into existence with a whole assault of questions.

"There's five!?" Blue eyes bugged out of his skull, grin seeming to grow that much wider at the information. "What are they all called?" That surely meant so much more space to explore. More rocks to stick his nose under, creeks and streams and rivers to paddle his way through. His paws were bouncing in place just thinking about it. He couldn't begin to think about why he wouldn't be allowed to cross the border and frolic around another clan's territory.

Chalk showed up. He'd never seen them before and that was enough to have Rex in front of them like a whirlwind of blinding orange fur. "Woah! You got cool eyes too!" Reminded him of some of the electric blue drinks that his owner would be sipping on from a glass throughout the day. The liquid always smelled pretty poorly though. A fruity chemical mixture like prescribed medicine that supposedly tasted like oranges. "I ain't seen you before, what's your name?" He'd glazed over Chalk's explanation of a stoat, too enamored by their pretty eyes.

Slate had gone unnoticed in spite of him being the biggest cat Rex would likely ever see. Wasn't the daylight warrior's fault that Slate was also a big shadow or that he wasn't used to using his peripheral vision to spot things. Upon noticing the other lead warrior though, Rex would greet him with his plastered on ear-wide smile and a chirpy "hello". Slate's words not coming as an insult to the dull-witted Rex, he just laughed loudly in response. "Would ya believe me if I said I wasn't a real good list'ner?" And then another voice. Turning once more he cocked his head with another question forming on his tongue that he bit down on.

Sun-bright gaze dulled like cloud cover and sharp grin softening into something weaker at the corners as he listened to Silversmoke. The growing embarrassment and shame felt all encompassing as he took absent note of the way the third lead warrior's tail ticked back and forth in an angry metronomic pattern. He still didn't know what hubris meant. Silversmoke used big words. He didn't think he wanted to know now though. Didn't know what a mouse-brain was neither, but he could figure that one out on his own. Mice weren't smart. He knew that.

"Oh, my bad. I'll slow down." Was all he could offer, quirking his smile back up. Silversmoke felt like talking to a thorn bush.

Interesting and cool were basically the same word in Rex's eyes, so he began to glow once again at Greeneyes' words. Now facing Greeneyes, he spoke quieter, slower now taking Silversmoke's knife-edged words into account. "Ya think so?" Unaware that the names he'd offered up didn't fit into the clan cutout in any way. With a name like those he'd surely stick out like a sore thumb. More than he already did.

Ears perked forward, eyes getting real big again completely forgetting he was trying to adhere to Silversmoke's seeming command. "You'd teach me that?! That'd be badass! What else can ya do?" Suddenly he wanted to get out of here and start practicing climbing trees right now.

  • "SPEECH"
  • picture of a fish goes here
  • TYRANNOSAURUS REX KABOOM he/him/his, daylight warrior of skyclan, 37 moons / ages on the 1st.
    large dark red-orange tabby with low-mid white markings. big empty-headed blue eyes. wears an american flag bandanna. talkative, annoying and straight up stupid as hell but he means well.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ will avoid battles for the time being
    penned by reaver ↛ @reavurse on discord, feel free to dm for plots.