// Strange wooly animals are seen along the river, the horseplace looks like it lost track of some of its sheep.

Patched paws sunk into the grimy sand of the shallows, coat damp from her brief swim in the chilly waters. Her gaze settled upon her paws in thought, trailing off into her own mind. How many fish had to be caught to feed the clan.. How many were attending patrols.. How many sickly were there to attend to. Her purpose was to serve her clan.. think of her clan. Each breath she breathed was for her clan, to help it along history.

A horrid noise had interrupted her thoughts. For others, it could classify startling, even.

Petalnose's head jolted up to track the source, lids constricting to focus upon the sight ahead of her. Fluffy white beings with darkened faces, their coats curled and stretched as if they could be clouds. Surely, she could have seen the beings in her youth. Although, she was far too young then to remember. She only clung to indeterminate familiarity and "what in stars name is that", brows pressing forward in a puzzled expression. Was this a threat? An attack? There wasn't just one, but a flock. Some picked at the grass while the front of the group stared her down with cautious flares of the nostrils.

The lead warrior found herself struggling to form a decision on the matter, looking over her shoulder to the hunting patrol and then slowly approaching the flock with a growl. The front flock backed up while the distracted members lifted their heads to investigate the potential threat. Right. These were prey animals. The skittish animals, such as deer, scared of something as little as a grasshopper.

"Let's get them out of here. They'll scare the prey away with those sounds.." Petalnose decided to curious clanmates, dipping her head in the odd group's direction.

Are we going to catch enough for everyone? The silver tom is lost in his thoughts before movement catches his eye. Petalnose was startled and naturally he found himself alarmed. What is it?! His head doesn't jolt towards the source, but to Petalnose watching her very movements. Claws unsheathe, wary of an incoming attack as if he was strong enough to hold back any threats. However, no attack comes. Ears flick at such a peculiar sound and he finally lands on what seems to be the matter. It is no rogue thankfully or even a fox. It's a strange animal for one. A walking cloud? Whatever they are, don't seem to be interested in them. Wary yes, but he's thankful the flock of walking clouds haven't decided that they are prime targets to trample to death.

Claws sheathe once more when he notices the flock back up as Petalnose approaches. It becomes clear that these creatures are no threat. She tells them to get them out of here and while he's all here for it, he still isn't sure if just going for it is the smartest idea. They're not causing any massive harm by being here, but she is right that the sounds they make would cause the patrol to struggle more than they already were. "S-sure! Let's try not to get hurt though while we're at it," he manages to speak up as he looks towards the other patrol members warily. I really don't want to die by a cloud. You never know with out luck.
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ꕀꕀ The day is normal for Sandpaw, going about his usual tasks without complaint. He has one use in RiverClan, and that is to help the warriors hunt for the many kits who now fill the nursery. The clan isn’t in danger of going hungry, as far as he can tell—but he can’t help but to worry. He was practically created to worry over his clanmates, he thinks. The kits, they’re precious little things. They don’t deserve to go hungry; they don’t deserve anything but to be doted on. And if he can help ensure that they are kept safe and happy, then he will do whatever it takes.

Unfortunately, keeping the clan safe also tends to include putting himself into markedly unsafe situations. The walking cloud-creatures make strange noises, disrupting the wildlife of the river with their wailing sounds. Petalnose steps toward them, and their reaction is one of fear—they won’t be hard to scare off, so long as they don’t strike out at any of the patrol members. "Do you think they’ll fight back?" He asks, yellow eyes shifting to the tabby-striped tom. They’ve just lost their medicine cat—they shouldn’t risk getting hurt, but they also can’t risk allowing these things to scare off their prey and possibly eat the herbs growing in the territory.

Petalnose flicked her ear quietly towards Pikesplash's suggestion, focusing on the fluffy forms as she stalked forward. "Don't fret. That isn't my plan." She reassured simply, focusing on the lead creature standing it's ground while the others reared back in formation. There was always a brave member of a group, ready to stand hold against a threat. Petalnose guessed they were walking in each other's pawsteps. Should she test her? Which one would stand down first? This would be interesting.

Sandpaws question made her hum, eyeing the brave leader of the group and then towards the patrol. "I think one of them will. It's standing it's ground while the other are skittish. It may be the leader." Petalnose pointed, directing her tail towards one of the cloud creatures. "Hm, I think there is a kit with it.. we should group together to scare them off. But I can challenge them first in a false charge to see where the bravery stands."

Suddenly Petalnose bolted forward at her word, charging the flock. Flaring of nostrils told many of the members to bounce away while the mother charged forward with head low at the test. The lead warrior dodged the attack and retreated to her patrol, huffing at the embarrassment. "Seems we'll go for the other plan, yes?"


Petalnose's plan sounded solid enough. That is until they watched the lead execute said plan. Sablemist watched with wide blue eyes as the fluffy creature had the gall to charge back with unwavering bravado. Thankfully, Petalnose was unharmed but the encounter was far too close for comfort in her eyes. It seemed running head first was beyond acceptable. Craning her neck she looked around, noticing the cowering sheep in the back. "What if we all rush forward at once?" Sablemist offered, returning her gaze to the patrol. "Perhaps that once was only comfortable challenging you because you went alone." It was only a thought. But it would be much harder for the mother to target all of them. "Maybe then it will focus on getting its little one to safety instead of fighting." Either way, they had to be rid of these bleating nuisances. Their loud baleful cries were frightening all of the dry-paw's prey.
≖≖ riverclan warrior / eighteen moons old / she/her ≖≖