border ONE STEP CLOSER // thunderclan patrol

// patrol members @FALCONHEART @honeydapple
apprentice tag @antlerpaw!
you can post before they reply!

It feels odd to walk this border with the knowledge Blazestar is no longer on the other side. The tom had been leader of the pine clan since the beginning of StarClan themselves, and as she gazes into the other forest she finds herself mourning her friend once again. Her white paws traipse carefully through the undergrowth as dusk shadows the land in a gloomy light. It will be dark soon, she realizes, and she begins to pick up the pace, knowing they still have to mark RiverClan's border after this.

As she walks, she looks to her new apprentice and smiles gently. "Antlerpaw, this is our border with SkyClan. Remember when we went over the four other clans in camp? They are the clan known for their incredible climbing abilities. Do you remember anything else about them?" She tests, tilting her head towards the little former rogue. Silently, she's grateful to have a new charge training under her. It helps her to forget a lot of the horrible things that have happened as of late. Instead, she can focus on her apprentice; she can focus on hope for the future.
𓆝 . ° ✦ Many warriors reacted diffrently to the news. Some are loud, some quite. Some flee and some fight. Circe was always more of a coward.
Her paw pads were raw red, each step was more of a challange then she'd ever admit. Some rocks had made their way inbetween her paw pads, but she hardly felt them. Blazestar. The camp wasn't all that diffrent without him, and yet it was. Maybe she wasn't paying enough attention to notice, or maybe she just wasn't close enough to her clanmates to really see.
The forest floor was cold. Was his body cold, too?
With a start, she raised her head. Voices. Unfamilar voices.
Her brow creased with worry. Were they hurt? Were they rogues? Hot fear shot through the molly, but a quick taste of the chilly air brought comfort. Thunder Clan.
Had she wandered that far?
Uncertain of what to do, she approached. It was a small patrol, with a cat she'd seen once during a gathering. A pretty brown tabby.
"Hello, I'm Circe of Sky Clan." She mewed, a bit more timid then a true Sky Clan warrior would be, but friendly nonetheless. She blinked at the smaller cat, an apprentice. Her chest siezed, tightening. So small... still so young. She spared a glance around, to aware of what killed Blazestar. Of what had plagued Sky Clan for so long.
"We're also good at taking care of rogues. If you ever feel scared, we can help." The words came out as a whisper, caught in a place between her lips and chest. On one paw, she wanted to reassure the young clanner. Surely they had heard of the troubles plaguing the clan, on the other, she wasn't sure if it was her place to speak.

ooc// LMAO she just wants to be friendly, feel free to let it backfire she's a little guy
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  • Untitled5_20231116211051.png
    Once a rather pretty brown smoked molly, Circe is unnaturally lithe and is missing large chunks of her fur. She has an oddly muscular and feminie build and small paws. — physically easy && mentally easy — Attempting to learn Sky Clan's ways — NPC x NPC : Sibling to Duskpool, Shadowfire and Smokefang
"Howlingstar. ThunderClan." Orangestar greets the other leader and her patrols with a close-to-friendly wave of her tail, weaving through the trees to join Circe at the border. She's not privy to what the younger she-cat had said, her attention instead sweeping over the ThunderClanners gathering at the edge of the scrubbery with a small note of interest. No Flamewhisker, but her son is present, as is another unfamiliar warrior. Howlingstar seems to be awaiting an answer from the apprentice at her side, making Orangestar think of Springpaw once more, before her attention turns towards the least familiar of the ThunderClan warriors present.

"How is prey running?" She asks Honeydapple.

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    ORANGESTAR ✧ she/her, leader of skyclan | nine lives
    " a scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes."

    — single ; mentoring springpaw
    — speech is in #E3B2A9
    — art by deja for meme week!
𓍊𓋼 Falconheart has only been on a few patrols with Howlingstar, but the SkyClan border is familiar to him. He’d once hated this type of patrol, but in more recent months he’s grown to enjoy visiting the pine forest’s border—and now, he gets to enjoy it alongside his clan’s leader. He isn’t as close to Honeydapple or Antlerpaw, though they’re still comfortable clanmates to be around. And at least SkyClan seems pleasant enough, as they’re greeted at the border by Orangestar and a warrior he doesn’t recognize.

Howlingstar explains the neighboring clan to her apprentice—the cream tabby can only wish that someday he’ll be assigned an apprentice of his own. Maybe he’ll get to train one of his own younger siblings, or even one of Burnstorm’s kits! But for now, he’s content to just watch as the leader asks her apprentice what else she knows of the other clan. It isn’t much, he’s sure, but one of the SkyClanners speaks up before Antlerpaw gets the chance to respond. Rogues? Are there more of them? It seems like every clan has been having trouble with them lately—Falconheart still has the occasional nightmare about the last time he’d faced rogues in battle, and he hadn’t even fought them. His ear flicks, but he tries not to think about that. Instead, he smiles shakily at the leader across the border; she had looked intimidating as SkyClan’s deputy, but knowing that she has nine lives now, she’s even more scary. "Prey is… prey, uh. It’s prey." He looks to Howlingstar, ears shifting back against his head. Is he allowed to talk about anything? Or does she want the deer kept secret for now?
Howlingstar's attention shifts from her apprentice to a cat who approaches from SkyClan's side of the border. Her ears prick - she thinks she's seen this she-cat before at Gatherings, but doesn't know her name. The introduction is much needed, and she smiles back in a friendly, polite manner. "Hello, Circe." Another of the clan's strange names. "I am Howlingstar. This is my apprentice, Antlerpaw." She nods her head towards the young she-cat at her side before her gentle gaze flicks to Orangestar. She hadn't expected to see the new SkyClan leader here today.

"Hello, Orangestar. I hope everything's been going well in the pine forest?" She offers diplomatically, genuine in her words. She can only imagine how hard it's been to adjust to a clan without Blazestar - she remembers how uprooted ThunderClan had felt following Emberstar's death. It's a heavy weight to carry, to step into the role of the leader before you. She knows that all too well.

She glances to Falconheart, a small smile on her lips as he hesitantly answers the other leader before looking at her questioningly. She wouldn't admit it outright, but she's grown comfortable enough with their neighboring clan to tell them news. Besides, Orangestar trusted her enough to tell her about Blazestar's death first...the tabby doesn't exactly feel right keeping information from them, too. Besides, there's nothing too harmful about a bit of deer. "And it's been a little larger than we're used to," She adds on with a hint of amusement, looking back to Orangestar. "Newleaf brings funny things, I suppose. A herd of deer is taking refuge in our forest, so they may be headed for you, soon," The she-cat trills.
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𓆝 . ° ✦ The flesh under Circe's face flushes as her name dances in the other molly's maw. She didn't.. she was not aware that it could sound so nice. The ground became very interesting then, in all its cold, hard unchanging-ness. She pawed at it, to afraid to look at Orangestar.
She glanced up again at a new word. "Deer,"
Brow furrowed in poorly hidden confusion, the molly glanced at her leader over her shoulder. Was that good? Bad? It didn't have the same ring as rogues, so hopefully it wouldn't take one of her leader's lives. Her eyes flew to the area behind the Thunder Clanners, senses out stretched and ready to alert all of them if she heard anything.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
  • Untitled5_20231116211051.png
    Once a rather pretty brown smoked molly, Circe is unnaturally lithe and is missing large chunks of her fur. She has an oddly muscular and feminie build and small paws. — physically easy && mentally easy — Attempting to learn Sky Clan's ways — NPC x NPC : Sibling to Duskpool, Shadowfire and Smokefang
"SkyClan is well, thank you. Is ThunderClan doing alright?" Orangestar meows, inclining her head at Howlingstar's pleasantries. It's not the unfamiliar point who answers her, but Falconheart mumbles something about prey being prey. That non-answer would be maddening if not for the cautious look he passes to his own leader; one that Howlingstar soothes with an amused glance and an explanation for their neighbours.

"A herd of deer ..." Orangestar echoes. She makes a considering noise, straightening up somewhat in interest. A herd of deer approaching with the change of season might be a good omen, if they didn't chase all the prey away with their bulk. It's been many moons since she'd seen one ... She might have been a Colony cat, all the way back then. If that's a good sign, she would take it.

To Circe she explains, "Large, hooved creatures. Won't hurt a cat unless you startle them, mostly. If we're lucky, we might glimpse them at some point, but they won't head far into the pines. Not enough for them to eat in our territory."

  • Untitled_Artwork-3.png

    ORANGESTAR ✧ she/her, leader of skyclan | nine lives
    " a scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes."

    — single ; mentoring springpaw
    — speech is in #E3B2A9
    — art by deja for meme week!
Honeydapple followed the lead of Howlingstar and her denmate, wearing a faint smile as they approached the border. Patrols were a welcome break from the routine of camp life, offering a chance to connect with the land and her clanmates. Although she rarely strayed far from camp lately, her concern for her partner's health and Gentlestorm's busy schedule kept her tethered close to home. However, duty always took priority, and being in the presence of her leader brought a sense of reassurance and positivity. That and it was always a plus to have fresh faces along to show the ropes.

As they reached the scent markers, Honeydapple couldn't help but notice the swift arrival of the opposing patrol. Politely, she nodded in acknowledgment, choosing to remain silent for the time being. Her attention shifted briefly to Falconheart, illiciting a bemused expression to her face. Despite any apprehension he might have expressed, Honeydapple admired his genuine remark, recognizing the intent behind it.

Turning her gaze back to the Skyclan cats, Honeydapple felt a twinge of sympathy for them as they adjusted to their new leader Orangestar. Blazestar had been a respected figure in the clans, and his absence would undoubtedly be felt. While she wasn't as familiar with the former deputy, Honeydapple hoped the best for Skyclan, wishing them strength and unity during this transition.

The mention of deer caused a subtle rise in Honeydapple's fur, a reminder of Freckleflame's recent encounter with a similar creature. The memory lingered in her mind, serving as a cautionary reminder of the dangers that lurked beyond. She too had met many odd beings through her travels but they still never failed to frighten her. Despite such reservations, she remained attentive, eager to hear more about the details of the patrol and any potential challenges they might face.

With a curious mind, Honeydapple awaited her leader's guidance, interested to see what else might be unveiled.
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